Doctors Suspect Insurers’ Rankings Measure Cost, Not Quality

By | February 9, 2007

  • February 9, 2007 at 2:21 am
    Scott says:
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    It seems to me that if one wants to create a network of \”high-ranked\” health professionals, one should start by utilizing an independent firm to conduct the research financed by independent sources. The independent group performing the study could then sell validated lists of rated HPs to the insurance carriers. Such a firm could become the JD Powers or Consumer Reports of the medical world.

    At no point in the survey should medical fees and costs be considered. The carriers need untainted data, which they could then use to compare highly rated HPs with their direct claims experience. Carriers need good data to service the industry well and maintain profitability. While consumers need good data to select an HP that they feel confident in.

  • February 9, 2007 at 4:33 am
    HMO Profits says:
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    It\’s a Good think that South Dakota, Department of Revenue & Regulation has their address right for Young, David R.

    as follows: 511-34-8240.


    Santa Clara Department of Revenue any follow up on Bay Area Credit fraud yet?

    Would it cause great distress if an Audit of the Comptroller of the Currency, VP Administrator\’s, Calabasas CA. got a follow up too?

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