State Farm CEO Gets 82% Pay Raise

March 7, 2007

  • March 7, 2007 at 1:15 am
    Courtney says:
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    Well, there you have it….there\’s your Katrina Settlement money. Enjoy!

  • March 7, 2007 at 1:30 am
    Fred says:
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    This is just another example of corporate greed. Goldman Sacs, insurance companies, sports figures, actors.
    It is more in there pocket at the little guys expense. With the cost of tickets, parking and food for 4 at at NFL game you can easily spend $500. Thats about 25% of my annual State Farm Premium.
    His Salary and bonus seems about right.

  • March 7, 2007 at 1:33 am
    Dan says:
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    Excellent ammunition for Independent Agents!

  • March 7, 2007 at 1:33 am
    Johnny Cockrun says:
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    I hope the Florida politicians read this one.

  • March 7, 2007 at 1:43 am
    Larry says:
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    No wonder the insurance industry has such a bad reputation with consumers…

  • March 7, 2007 at 2:11 am
    Marlene says:
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    This is obscene – people losing their homes from Tornados, inclement weather, Katrina still hanging about, people starving and he has the gall to even contemplate a raise let along accepting this. Policyholders: sit up and take notice!!

  • March 7, 2007 at 2:16 am
    bob says:
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    State Farm is a mutual company. Every policy holder has a vote as to the selection of the board, no matter what premium he pays. Show up for the annual meeting and give your opinion.
    And don\’t forget, in a free market, capitist society: if you don\’t like it, then buy your insurance someplace else. The are several thousand insurance companies out there competing with SF.

  • March 7, 2007 at 2:20 am
    Ralph Balamabama says:
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    This problem does not just exist in insurance. It is out of control in every industry. Why the hell does anybody need $11 million dollars a year in pay? They start out new claims adjusters with college degrees at about $35,000 a year. You could hire 333 new adjusters for the CEOs salary. I\’m sorry, but no one person is worth 333 college-educated people. They are paying themselves and overworking the people who actually work for a living at the expense of worse service to their customers. I worked in claims for four different large insurance carriers over an 8 year period and one prevailing theme at all four big name companies was over worked adjusters. They pay a salary ranging from 35k to 50k in the Midwest where I live and then expect 50-70 hours of work out of you. These CEO\’s and professional athletes making 10 to 25 million a year are so far out of touch with the real world. I am a conservative but this is ridiculous. You can live a very nice lifestyle for say $150,000 a year where I live. Why on earth does a CEO in IL need that kind of money? I am an independent agent now. We could use this as ammunition but the problem is the CEO\’s of the companies we represent are just as bad.

  • March 7, 2007 at 2:28 am
    Ralph B says:
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    My wife works for a large insurance carrier. She has a college degree and started out at about $31,000 last year. She got a wopping 2% raise this year and was told she was in the top 20% on performance. Does not seem right that a CEO gets 82%. Hell the president only makes around $300,000 a year which is pretty damn good if you ask me. $12 million? HOlY **** that is ****ing out of control. Where are their mutual owners? I would vote if I were you!!!!

  • March 7, 2007 at 2:29 am
    Jack J Maniscalco says:
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    I guess we are all capitalists until someone else makes an obscene amount of money. Do I think State Farm should have paid any one person that much? No. However, the Board of Directors gave him a performance based package that allows for it.

    There is no way that A-Rod is worth what the NY Yankees are paying him this year. But, he has a contract and as long as he meets the terms and conditions, he makes his bucks.

    Our entire industry thrives on the greed of our clients. Why shouldn\’t one of the CEOs be just as greedy?

    Maybe all of the corporate CEOs should give up there bonuses and performance based compensation. We can all sit around and smell the flowers and sing Kum-By-Yah!

  • March 7, 2007 at 2:35 am
    Fred says:
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    This is absolutely rediculous. The shame (and I do mean shame)is that this has become the norm. I am a conservative as well and a SF policy holder. Nobody deserves that kind of salary and bonus in any industry. I would voice my opinion, but I also live in Florida and do not wish to see my coverage cancelled.

  • March 7, 2007 at 2:44 am
    Mary Lynn Proctor says:
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    We live in a capitalist society folks and if you don\’t like what SF has done, then don\’t buy their products and don\’t invest your money in their stocks.

    Some of you sound like socialists.

  • March 7, 2007 at 2:56 am
    Greg says:
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    82% pay increase is nice. I can not remember the last time I got an 82% pay raise. How about the State Farm adjusters and Customer Service Reps? They are the ones who watch the nickels and dimes on a daily basis. Why not give them an 82% pay increase. The CEO gets a pay raise because there was no Catastrophe. That has nothing to do with his performance, that is Mother Nature. Give all the State Farm employees 82% pay raise. If they got the money it would stimulate the economy better than one individual.

    I don\’t think however the money should be spent on Katrina. The policy wording should be the deciding factor for that. Just because State Farm has money does not mean they owe money. That is the problem with so many lawsuits today. They think the carriers have money so they should pay. They do not care who is right or wrong or what contract wording says.

    Last point, if I were the CEO, I would take the money too.

  • March 7, 2007 at 3:01 am
    kevin says:
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    and insurance companies continue to whine about lawsuits and trial lawyers…give me a brake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • March 7, 2007 at 3:16 am
    Joanna says:
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    I could care less about his pay raise as long as they pay their claims. State Farm makes me sick. I hope they lose every policy holder they have to the competition. We need Federal Regulation over the insurance industry and consumers need to wise up.

  • March 7, 2007 at 3:34 am
    Dale says:
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    State Farm ranks #22 on the Fortune 500, yet their CEO is not even in the top ten of insurance executives compensation, much less those above or 50 places below State Farm on the Fortune 500. So why lash out over his compensation? I guess all that are angry would turn down $11 million because it would not be right to accept it, huh. Please!!!! And Joanna, government regulation is not the answer, sounds like you have a personal ax to grind with State Farm.

  • March 7, 2007 at 3:51 am
    Dale says:
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    Excellent post Ms. Proctor. Perhaps we should take all the executive salaries from every company and redistribute them to all that feel they deserve it. And another note, perhaps those of you insured with State Farm should return the dividend checks that are about to send out, to the tune of $1.25 billion. That would show them your outrage. Get a grip people.

  • March 7, 2007 at 4:37 am
    Rocket Man says:
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    Don\’t try this, Rust has put out the goods,
    He deserves what he is paid. No Apologies.
    Welcome to the free market system, not the Free Ride system. If you want socialism, move to another country, get your commie butt the #### our of here !

    • March 16, 2014 at 1:24 am
      C Ross says:
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      I’ve been in the auto body industry for 23 years. State Farm is the leader in coming up with ways to control the Auto Body Industry, NO FREE MARKET SYSTEM there. State Farm has held down the labor rate, reduced mark up on sublet services provided by auto body shops and rolled out a program on controlling who auto body shops buy their parts from. This program is called Parts Trader. With this new addition, State Farm is taking away from the mark up on parts. By controlling where auto body shops buy parts they are also not allowing auto body shops to buy locally in order to support their local economy. A lot of times the parts located by Parts Trader are not in the condition promised and cost auto body shops time and money to send back. This causes loss in production, which looks bad for the auto body shop’s reputation, costs more for rental cars and inconveniences the customer. Do your homework and take a CLOSE look at what they are doing to the Auto Body Industry. Once again State Farm is being sued, one of the first law suit was their implementation of aftermarket parts, they lost and could not use aftermarket parts for a number of years. There is another lawsuit in process that is holding them accountable for their destruction of the Auto Body Industry. My industry works very hard to repair vehicles to pre-loss condition with these restrictions on realizing profit we can no longer afford to do business. We finally had a labor rate increase of $4.00 an hour after 8 years. All of the costs of doing business have gone up while our profit is being whittled away. My shop was in business foor 30 years with the best reputation in the county. State Farm and many other big insurers black balled us because we charged what was resonable and fair to repair a vehicle to pre-loss condition. Our customers were lied to and told that we would charge them more(false), our warranty isn’t as good as their “select service” shops (false), the repair would take longer (this may be true because their appraisers dragged their feet to reinspect vehicles they under wrote the estimate on hoping the average Joe would take the money and not get their vehicle repaired which saves State Farm money) along with many other things. If there is any justice the judge will side with The Auto Body Industry and release it from the greedy paws of all insurance companies. You will never see a rich auto body owner or employee, only people who give their all to repair vehicles properly and struggle to get by.

  • March 7, 2007 at 4:44 am
    Rocket Man says:
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    Ha Ha Ha, you spoiled Brat !

    Not only does State Farm OWN the P & C market, the are on the upswing of Growing even more dominant. Why ? Good Service, Great Products & an agency force second to NONE. No company compares. None at all !

    Hope that swallows well Joaanna, do you have any cheese with that whine ?

  • March 7, 2007 at 4:50 am
    denni says:
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    Hey Bob, Evidently you do not know how proxies work? Most policyholders have given the proxy bd (pres & CEO) to vote for them! A vote against this would not have a snowball chance in He double hockey stick@!

  • March 7, 2007 at 5:01 am
    RAL says:
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    No surprise, that is why premiums are up some cases, as high as 300%.

  • March 8, 2007 at 7:49 am
    Haywood Jeblowme says:
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    This guy deserves every penny. State Farm made great profits and he was instrumental in keeping the devastating hurricanes away from the US this year. Way to go! If you don\’t like it, move!

    • March 14, 2012 at 5:02 pm
      ackack says:
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      your Right and thats just what I am going to do. Already have two insurance quotes that are below State Farms. I have been with them 15 years time to change

  • March 8, 2007 at 7:55 am
    Anon says:
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    Wait a minute here… this isn\’t an 82% pay raise. His base salary ($1.77m) is only reported for 2006. He got a bonus of $9.89m in that same year. His overall income increased 82% over the previous year but that\’s not a raise anymore than an agent\’s commission is a salary. This year he made a large bonus, next year (God fobrid) a couple hurricanes rip through something and he\’s back down to $6m/annum.

  • March 8, 2007 at 9:33 am
    DDT says:
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    The real problem that most people have when looking at an 82% pay increase is that they are upset it is not them getting that raise.

    Who knows, maybe he worked harder than the rest of us!

  • March 8, 2007 at 9:35 am
    Melanie says:
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    I agree that he should have to pay towards the victims of Hurricane Katrina. This makes the entire industry look bad.

  • March 8, 2007 at 9:47 am
    Lars says:
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    That money is the rate payer\’s money.We should have a special rebate to lower our premiums. How about the Florida people who got hit with a 150% increase in their homeowners premiums in 2006. ( NO HURRICANES IN FLORIDA IN 2006 ) DO THE RIGHT THING A GIVE THE MONEY BACK. JUST ANOTHER BLACK EYE FOR STATE FARM.

  • March 8, 2007 at 9:52 am
    Jack J Maniscalco says:
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    Yeah, let\’s forget all about that basic American capitalism stuff. It gets too cumbersome.

    Oh to be a fellow traveler!

  • March 8, 2007 at 10:02 am
    Greg says:
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    Going to Geico is going to Warren Buffett. Same thing as State Farm. The CEO\’s make tons of money and we just don\’t like it because it is not us making the money.

  • March 8, 2007 at 10:32 am
    Liz says:
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    I have been a loyal State Farm customer for years. This pay raise is very upsetting in light of Katrina lawsuits, etc. The money should go to rate relief for customers. State Farm is a not for profit corp. The government should look at this and so should the IRS.

  • March 8, 2007 at 10:48 am
    Beth says:
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    Compared to other Fortune 500 CEO\’s his salary is significantly smaller than those CEO\’s, so why aren\’t we asking all Fortune 500 companies to give their salaries back?! I think all CEO\’s in all major companies are paid WAY too much money in comparison to all the \”lesser people\” who do all the work.

    • May 25, 2011 at 4:04 pm
      Anthony says:
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      when you were born you had a change to work your way up through a company and be a millionaire. its nobodys fault but your own that you didn’t. you would gladly accept that money as your salary but no company thinks you are worth that money

  • March 8, 2007 at 11:07 am
    Nancy says:
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    He got a Bonus because he was lucky. He had nothing to do with the Hurricanes hitting or not in 2006. Yes he had a good contract and probably deserved a bonus, but how about sharing more with the insured\’s who paid the increased premiums to get the St Farm profits up. Who know\’s what will happen next year? Does it work both ways?

  • March 8, 2007 at 11:29 am
    Dale says:
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    Liz in most jurisdictions, State Farm has taken substantial rate reductions and despite what you here in the media, only 2% of Katrina claims have not been settled and closed. State Farm\’s response in the wake of that disaster was unrivaled in the industry. Everyone get your facts straight before you claim rates are going up. In most areas, that is simply not true. And with all due respect, State Farm is not a non-profit organization.

  • March 8, 2007 at 11:36 am
    media mogul says:
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    Once again the readers of Ins Journ show ignorance of a central fact–Rust is the son of the former chairman of State Farm. Think of it–of all the people in the entire universe, only Daddy\’s son had what it takes to become the next chairman. Daddy cooked this all up with him–it is Daddy\’s board of directors, with some additions by sonny boy. They\’d approve anything. The company is so big, even the worst possible management (now ongoing there) can\’t kill it. (Gee, why does this remind me of the Bush family and the current state of our United States? Oh well, just another coincidence). At least some COBs and CEOs of the Fortune 100 earned their postion. Free market? Wake up chumps! A self-prepetuating hierachy accountable to no one.

  • March 8, 2007 at 12:27 pm
    Jack J Maniscalco says:
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    Personally, I place very little creedence in the opinions of posters who haven\’t the confidence of their opinons and themselves to use their real names on an insurance professionals comment page.

  • March 8, 2007 at 1:06 am
    Rocketman says:
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    When will you people STFU about Katrina ?
    State Farm has settled 98 % of the claims.

    Their Financial performance allows the big chiefs to get a MODEST pay (by comparison to other CEO\’s of like sized orgs)

    No, Capitalism is the AMERICAN WAY, not socialism. Profit motivated companies are not responsible for keeping anything else other than their contractuals and their corp goals in good footing. State Farm should not be the punching bag. State Farm should be PRAISED for doing a great service to their customers as well as the industry as a whole.

    So, who gives a rat\’s AZZ about Rust\’s family ? Come on folks, if you were the head of a major company, wouldn\’t you want to see the company run by your heir\’s ? GET REAL you WHIMPS ! Stop showing your weak side/whining. Start giving credit where credit is due.

  • March 8, 2007 at 1:44 am
    Jack Mehoffer says:
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    Not only are the majority of the posts not up on what capitalism is, many are jumping to the conclusion that he will keep all the money. Give the guy a chance to react; perhaps he will donate a chunk to the Katrina victims or others less fortunate.

  • March 8, 2007 at 1:58 am
    curious george says:
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    State Farm may not be a not for profit but it is a mutual company.

  • March 8, 2007 at 2:22 am
    Dale says:
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    And your point is????

  • March 8, 2007 at 3:19 am
    curious george says:
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    mutual benefit not single benefit

  • March 8, 2007 at 3:23 am
    Dale says:
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    Exactly. Thus a $1.25 billion dividend payout to State Farm policyholders this year. What other insurance company is doing that?

  • March 8, 2007 at 3:26 am
    curious george says:
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    is the 5.2 million included in the dividend payout?

  • March 8, 2007 at 3:34 am
    Dale says:
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  • March 8, 2007 at 3:44 am
    Denni says:
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    Just for those that don\’t understand a dividend. In the insurance industry it is a return of excess premium paid to a mutual insuance company to the policyholder After the insurance company expenses are paid. Rust\’s and other highly compensated individuals are all compensated before any dividend is declared because this is an expense for state farm.

  • March 8, 2007 at 4:13 am
    JungleJim says:
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    AAA also pays a dividend to its policyholders for its excess. but cmon now, 5 Billion profit? Um, their rates are a little excessive to quantify that, as I am sure their reserves are also padded for these supposed catastrophes

  • March 8, 2007 at 4:17 am
    Jungle Jim says:
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    I saw a documentary on TV stating the lawsuits State Farm is facing with regards to denying claims for Hurricane Katrina. I understand the logic, their policies don\’t cover floods, but when the person being interviewed said that State Farm said the flood put their couch in the trees, and denied their claim, a little hard to believe that it was a flood vs winds that put it there. Anyhow, that person eventually won their claim, and people are winning Million Dollar lawsuits, so I guess the 5 billion profit isn\’t realized yet. But still with lawsuits, profits will be at like a minimum 4 billion

  • March 8, 2007 at 6:11 am
    William says:
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    Dividend..thats a joke….in general it will be about 35 dollars for each automobile policy. Homeowneres isnt effected, AND can you guess which two states are not getting a dividend….Louisiana and Mississippi. My dividend from USAA this past year was over 300 bucks. 35 dollars…pffttttttttt

  • March 8, 2007 at 6:50 am
    Angry says:
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    This is sick. State Farm is rasing rates across the board because of increased risk, however, even when they paid all the hurricane claims they still made 3 BILLION DOLLARS.


  • March 9, 2007 at 2:34 am
    curious george says:
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  • March 9, 2007 at 3:02 am
    Rachel Rai says:
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    That is so ridiculous!! I work for an insurance company where I only got a 4% increase because the top is 5% and nobody deserves a 5% because nobody is that good. It’s sad that companies like State Farm and AAA that charges the policyholders such a high premium because they provide \”a better service than the rest” pay their employees like the rest. They don\’t practice what they preach when it comes to their own employees. Not to mention they are the most penny pinchers companies.

  • March 9, 2007 at 4:06 am
    Gill Fin says:
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    Those nasty penny pinchers always get the
    top rating for customer service and claims. Doesnt that just chap your hide?

    • March 16, 2014 at 2:02 am
      C Ross says:
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      The ratings must be a farce, they probably provide the company that does the rating system. I see terrible customer service provided by State Farm daily in the Auto Body Industry. They use cheap parts, control the labor rate ( it was $42.00 an hour for 9 years they just went to $46.00 per labor hour in 2013) and adjusters rarely answer calls. The commercial where you can talk to Jake from State Farm in the middle of the night is a joke. Try getting a adjuster on your auto insurance claim during business hours, hah! They total vehicles that are repairable because they make a profit off of the parts sold to used parts distributors. That often leaves policy holders upside down on loans, or stuck with a car payment when they didn’t have one before. There are many tricks up State Farm’s sleeve, hopefully you will check out some auto body forums on line and get an education. Mechanical shops charge $85.00-$125.00 per labor hour for changing parts. Auto body techs have to reconstruct demolished vehicles safely along with buying new tools to use on all the computerized systems in vehicles and get paid about $17.00 per hour, shop owners are barely surviving. The tide is about to turn though, let’s see how they make up their profits when they get sued for unfair trade practices and tortuous intereference in The Auto Body Industry. I’m sure the policy holders, cliamants and share holders will suffer while the CEO’s bank account gets fatter. Shame on them all.

  • March 9, 2007 at 4:27 am
    Jeff says:
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    You think that top rated service comes from the CEO??? Her point was that the people that give that excellent service get a 3 or 4% raise, when top guy gets an 82% raise. I don\’t think anyone expects to make what a CEO makes in a year, but these salaries are getting out of control.

  • March 10, 2007 at 11:58 am
    curious george says:
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    Thought I read somewhere that State Farm had a rule that the CEO cannot make more than the top earning agent in the company?

  • March 12, 2007 at 8:44 am
    matt says:
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    This was Not a \”pay raise\” as some have already pointed out but rather a bonus. But, it does chap me a bit as an insurance professional, as it seems common for even key, top-performing employees to receive meager inflation-only raises during record profit years, only to read stories about how the CEOs are receiving multi million dollar bonuses and lord knows how much more via stock options. I am not expecting to make millions of dollars, but if key employees contributed to terrific growth/profit they should be compensated as such. It\’s fine and dandy for a CEO to receive a healthy bonus, but treat your employees similarly! (Or, they may just leave for a company who will!)

  • March 12, 2007 at 10:59 am
    Steve says:
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    No they are not Socialist\’s, They are American Workers Trying to earn a living in the US. With the cost of everything rising, Housing and Insurance being the top of the list. My grandmother who has reided in Fl since before I was born has had to sell her house, not because the taxes rose, she homesteaded and only pays 860.00 for those, Not because a developer wants to build highrises on the land. But because she can no longer afford Insurance on her home only 2 miles from the beach. She is looking at premiums that are more than her social security can afford. We figued everything out and she would have only $265.00 to live on a month. Guess who the insurance company was? State Farm, Do you think that perhaps rather than investing the money in a pay raise for the overpaid CEO, they could have done a rate decrease for it\’s customers that have been with them for almost 30 years and have NEVER made a claim against them. Where the hell is ROBIN HOOD when you need him. Only in America. Oh and I had state farm for my boat, cars and Motorcylces, I just Cancelled them today. Why Because I live in America, and that is my Choice not a socialist choice.

  • March 12, 2007 at 11:35 am
    13%\'er says:
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    Gee Rachel, you only got a 4% raise? I am a claim rep for State Farm, and got a 13% raise a couple of years ago!!!

    And if I screw up, it won\’t affect the entire company (unlike Ed Rust\’s descisions).

    Maybe you work for the wrong company…

    • March 16, 2014 at 2:04 am
      C Ross says:
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      He’s making decisions that squeeze the life out of The Auto Body Industry and I hope he pays with jail time.

  • March 12, 2007 at 11:57 am
    Linda says:
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    William you have hit the nail on the head. I am all for capitalism but when you get hit with a $700 increase on your homeowners insurance and get a $33.00 dividend back on your auto that is a JOKE! The employees that keep the company running on a daily basis should be entitled to some bonus money too. Do the CEO\’s even know how to adjust a claim or write a policy?

  • March 12, 2007 at 12:19 pm
    mhutch says:
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    This CEO earned his bonus by putting up with whining employees like you. Does he know how to adjust a claim or issue a policy? I assure you he probably had parts in designing numerous systems that put him in the CEO seat. I am a CEO and can do any job in my company. I hire people because they can do it better than me. That leaves me to do the CEO duties. IF I find someone to do them better, and make me more money, I would resign and give them the job. Risk and reward. Any risk bearing entity is entitled to profit for their risk. Next year or beyond, when State Farm loses $5 billion, like 2002, no one will contribute more premium to help the company? No one ever cares how much companies lose, just how much they make. Liberals should all go to Russia or China where your life is designed for you and your income is limited in every way. Liberals, can live with them, can not kill them!

  • March 12, 2007 at 12:24 pm
    curious george says:
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    your \”liberals\” comment — does that mean \”CEO\” stands for \”chief executioner?\”
    no one is arguing that insurance companies have to have adequate reserves and guidance- yet one guy is only worth so much — insurance or other company – take that raise and put another $100 in each employee\’s pocket or something

    as a CEO you must know this is a current issue in corporate america — and has been commented on by Warren Buffet

  • March 12, 2007 at 12:34 pm
    Shorty says:
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    The real problem is State Farm makes alot of its own rules where ever it wants to. It will deny a claim one place, then with a identical situation somewhere else it will cover it. They have their own \”version\” of the xactimate price list. Which of course is less than the one every one else uses. I know how he got that bonus. On the hard work of other people. As well as on the high premiums. I\’m stupid enough to work for State Farm and be insured by them too.

  • March 12, 2007 at 12:40 pm
    Linda says:
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    And as the CEO of your own company, on average what is the percentage you give a good, hardworking employee of yours each year as a raise? And what about an annual bonus…what\’s that percentage? I bet my *** its not 82%.

  • March 12, 2007 at 1:28 am
    Mark says:
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    Hey Linda,

    First, State Farm\’s auto and homeowners business is divided into separate companies, so your comparison of the auto dividend to the homeowners increase is apples to oranges.

    Second, if your so jealous of the raise Rust got, why don\’t you go run the largest insurance company in the country? If you can, then you might be worth $11.6 million. If not, quit your whining!

    Ed Rust making less money will not help you one bit. Nor will an extra $100 a year in the pockets of the employees.

  • March 12, 2007 at 1:45 am
    Linda says:
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    I sure am glad I don\’t work for you. First off, I am not jealous of Rust. I am just for the giving back to the little people that help make it one of the biggest insurance companies out there. I know people that have worked for State Farm and were not happy nor treated well. Secondly, if I were running that show all claims that are covered under the contract will be paid. Those that are not won\’t. I would not tolerate the \”hanky panky\” claims handling that has so tarnished their good neighbor name.

    As to your apples to oranges comparison, the checks were still made payable to State Farm. It all went to them in one form or another. Anyway it does not matter I dropped them for another company.

  • March 12, 2007 at 2:01 am
    Gill Fin says:
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    Here\’s hoping those of you who dropped State Farm don\’t research the top management salaries of the insurance companies you have now taken up with. Wouldnt it be heartbreaking to discover those CEO\’s got a big salary with a bonus too? I worked at Boeing and darn it, Alan Mullaly got a big salary and bonus and still left to rescue Ford Motor company. What is it with these CEO\’s, more talented, more capable, probably better looking than those of us posting here? China had a solution for the most
    talented, best educated, more capable members of their society – reeducation camps. Lets put Ed Rust out on the farm to feed the pigs, and let the idiots run the insurance industry. Kind of like Florida and Loseriana are doing.

  • March 12, 2007 at 2:07 am
    curious george says:
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    It\’s still America and I can have insurance whereever I want. Just bound in 2 cars away from State Farm; they\’re upset with the way the Katrina victims were treated. I don\’t know the whole story – only one of the reasons why they switched.

    I also have no problem with someone making a large sum as a salary – but would State Farm, Allstate or Farmers go on without their highly paid/overpaid CEO\’s? I think so….they would be replaced as quickly as the water is rreplaced when you pull your finger out of a bucket of water.

  • March 12, 2007 at 2:40 am
    Mary B. says:
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    then Liz why are you trying to make a profit from this? Same with Melanie, please pull your heads out of the sand and try to really comprehend what this artilce is about.

  • March 12, 2007 at 2:47 am
    Friar Tuck says:
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    What you fail to realize Steve is that Robin Hood was a criminal and a crook regardless of his alleged \”altruistic\” behaviours.

  • March 12, 2007 at 3:02 am
    Gill Fin says:
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    I\’m surprised they switched for reasons other than lower cost. Really, isn\’t that why most people switch. Did you let them know that State Farm settled 295,000 claims and that there are only a few hundred left not settled, a closure rate of over 99%? That State Farms overall response was unparalled in the history of the industry in terms of policyholders served and dollars spent? Funny they would change with that information. I hope you advised them to get their auto insurance dividend before changing – that would be in their best interest. Lucky they have you.

  • March 12, 2007 at 3:13 am
    Steve says:
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    Ah yes, But arent the CEO\’s Nowadays, the difference is that robin hood gave back to the poor, the CEO\’s Pocket it.

  • March 12, 2007 at 4:05 am
    curious george says:
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    As MArie ANtoniette (sp) said \”let the peasants eat cake\”

  • March 12, 2007 at 4:54 am
    Rocketman says:
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    Boy, oh\’ boy. Where do I start first !

    Steve, Can did you get the info on the Billions of dollars of State Farm Dividends given back ? Nah, a don\’t let a little thing like that strike ya.

    Look at Ed Rust\’s Income over the last ten years, then compare the average with the CEO\’s of the 10 Largest Financial firms and watch where he land\’s up. Dead Last ! You people Suck !

    Hey, Gil Fin – Great Post one of the few that actually reasoned out.

    Too all of the green with envy saps – If you ran a company like State Farm, had the success of State Farm and lastly had the customer satisfaction of State Farm, maybe, you too could make some coin like ol\’ Ed, but until then, just keep bitchn and showing your back sides… is easy to see who are the azzholes when you crybabies all complain at the same time !

  • March 12, 2007 at 4:57 am
    curious george says:
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    Rocketman you made me Laugh out loud! thanks – it\’s been an insurance monday

  • March 13, 2007 at 8:08 am
    Jewel says:
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    Good points. I\’ve read a lot of complaining about overcompensation of CEO\’s. Why don\’t the companies give back? Blah, blah, blah. I don\’t own a business, but if I did I would be in business to make myself a lot of money. I would like to think I would give back to my employees, so I agree with the points other people have made about State Farm\’s employees. They essentially help run the business; they help to make it a success. I think they should be rewarded.

    I also think it\’s really a shame that CEO\’s of large companies make more in 1 year than most teachers will make in more than their lifetime. I think they have one of the most important jobs (not that a CEO doesn\’t). But, complaining about it doesn\’t do anything, so while I don\’t agree with it, I say \”more power to him (or her)\” and if he (or she) ever wants to retire, he (or she) can call me up. I think those who complain are jealous and not willing to admit it. I\’m not; I\’m jealous! :)

  • March 13, 2007 at 8:22 am
    Steve says:
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    You know I am not interested in Ed Rust and the millions of dollars he has gotten paid. It is not his leadership skills I am talking about. I am Talking about the little people and the end rung of the ladder that are finally getting fed up with the pile of shiet that keeps falling down from that ladder and piling up at their feet. I truly hope that the legislation goes through that would allow the stock holders to say yes or no to the raises and bonuses of the people that run their companies. I have never disputed the \”claims\” of money given back in the form of dividends. What I do dispute is the gross overpayment of individuals. This is poor mgmt on the board’s part. Why could they not reinvest that money into other programs to strengthen their positions in the market place. No instead they give it to one individual, create a firestorm of controversy such as it is here, and cause good customers to seek insurance elsewhere. Congrats to Ed Rust and his Bonus, no ill will for him what so ever, just remember the Money has to come from somewhere, and it isn’t coming from me anymore.

  • March 13, 2007 at 8:28 am
    Living in America says:
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    You make a comment and defend who ever you want to defend so why do you tell me to SHUT UP?
    Like who do you think you are when you are less than a little Smuck!

  • March 13, 2007 at 8:37 am
    Kim David says:
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    You are lucky if you get a one time
    bonus 8.25 for Christmas. Expect them to throw a honey baked ham your way and hope that you are not Jewish.

    Another Insult. It\’s Greed!
    I would like to cram his raise down his throat.

  • March 13, 2007 at 10:48 am
    Sick of Agents says:
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    You will never admit it because the Industry supports you and your family.

    You know they lack honor, so you sold
    your pride.
    What good is a fine car if it is stolen or
    A $5,000 Outfit can not make the man if it was stolen.

  • March 13, 2007 at 10:57 am
    Peter Goesinya says:
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    Wonder how much he writes off and what does he use as deductions?
    A yacht and operating costs including fuel, deck hands, captain, crew, docking,
    Cases of DP.

    Never have I heard this many men kiss & tell but they are crawling out of the wood work, Think Mr. CEO could be Anna Nicole Baby Daddy?

    God Bless America cuz we\’re in trouble.

  • March 13, 2007 at 11:09 am
    Living in America says:
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    Just proves how much they have stolen & cheated the American Homeowner and they still cry the blues, threaten to leave certain areas trying to Hold Us Hostage.

    Remember this one thing.
    God Does Not Sleep & You can\’t take one cent with you when you die.
    Why so much greed? Why screw your neighbor when you could help them?

    This is Our Land. It does not belong to you or Congress, We The People Need to Take Back Our Power & Sue the Industry for Every Dollar that we can recover!

  • March 13, 2007 at 12:36 pm
    Rocketman says:
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    Oh My God, Somebody get the Gun and help \”Living in America\” assume Room Temperature, Pleeeeeeaaase !

    The first question I have for the big guy up in heaven is Why, oh why did you put these Stupid People on earth as humans, I would have thought the bovine was a better collection point for their souls, at least it would be in keeping with their intelligence levels !

    Moo Moo

    Living in America: MOOO MOOO

    now, all idiots: Moo Moo Moo

  • March 13, 2007 at 1:55 am
    Mary B. says:
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    Great another nutter on the board. Please take your meds \”living in america\”.

    ps: if you don\’t like living here you could always move to russia, china, cuba, canada, mexico, etc….

  • March 13, 2007 at 2:13 am
    First Grade teacher says:
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    It is so great that we americans can voice our opinions. And so nice that the School yard bullies are still at it.

  • March 13, 2007 at 2:26 am
    Mark says:
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    You and everyone else like you keep talking about the \”little people\” on at these corporations, and how it is so unfair that they make so little and the CEO\’s make so much. So in protest, you move your insurance business elsewhere to punish the company.

    Let\’s all move our insurance from State Farm to some other insurer, and put State Farm out of business. Yeah, that\’ll teach them! And the \”little people\” you are so concerned about can then go to the unemployment line because they no longer have a company to work for. You idiot!

    The union mentality in this country is ruining us!

    Here\’s the truth… An employee is owed nothing more than pay for work completed. The company is not in business for the employee; it is in business to make a profit. The employee benefits from the business being in operation by receiving pay for work. If there are fringe benefits like health insurance, paid vacation, 401-K (with matching funds), retirement plan, sick days, etc., then great. But remember, these are EXTRAS!!!! The company owes you only pay for work.

    Now, back to work, minions!

  • March 13, 2007 at 2:27 am
    Mark says:
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    Shut up, Kim!

  • March 13, 2007 at 2:34 am
    curious george says:
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    if all it is is profit then the ceo job should go out to the lowest bidder every 3 years

  • March 13, 2007 at 3:47 am
    Rocketman says:
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    It is Not Just about profit ! State Farm has never been sold on Price. Quality is the name of the game. Look at their retention rates, they have the best in the industry as well a super high customer satisfaction level. Even more impressive is the fact that they do the retention and satisfaction while carrying the largest customer base in the business.
    Impressive !

  • March 13, 2007 at 3:56 am
    Linda says:
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    My annual review is coming up and I just told my boss that I expect a 82.5% raise this time around. After all, I know my stuff, show up everyday, stay late when needed, have put more business on the books and production in general is up. They can surely afford to pay me after all like L\’oreal I am worth it. And I don\’t even play golf. Imagine what he told me…..

  • March 13, 2007 at 4:08 am
    Jeff says:
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    Sorry Mark, but I disagree. No one ever got rich without the help of \”the little people\”. If no one buys your goods, or works for you company than you don\’t make money either.

    The union mentality is not ruining us, but the pursuit of ridiculous sums of money by people that pressure the political process is.

    Sounds like to me you\’re a fan of the cast system.

  • March 14, 2007 at 8:08 am
    Get Rid of PIP In FLa why ? says:
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    Wow, how many fraud cases is that ? What a bunch of idiots. This is the biggest racket in America. Something needs to change.

  • March 14, 2007 at 9:04 am
    Dan says:
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    You are right but people will not stand up or stand together.
    Divided in too many ways.

  • March 18, 2007 at 8:20 am
    PUPPETS says:
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    \”You guys are literally the puppets of the insurance industry,\” Taylor said at the hearing of the House Financial Services Committee\’s Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee.

    \”You guys are literally the puppets of the insurance industry,\” Taylor said at the hearing of the House Financial Services Committee\’s Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee.

  • March 18, 2007 at 8:27 am
    MELANIE says:
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    (CNN) — State Farm acted \”recklessly\” and \”with malice\” in handling insurance claims ! history !

  • March 18, 2007 at 8:40 am
    Faith says:
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    The Corporate Fraud Task Force is a task force of the United States Federal Government. For the Industry. Not one for you or me.

  • March 18, 2007 at 10:28 am
    history says:
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    their ethics.


    State Farm forced the two lawyers to \”report to, receive directions from, and be subject to the claims personnel regarding the legal handling of cases.\”


    Richard K. Spratley and Brett G. Pearce, both former in-house attorneys for State Farm in Salt Lake City, who were often called upon by the insurer to represent its policyholders in court for car accident cases, allege that they were forced to commit \”unlawful and unethical activities\” by State Farm, including requiring the two to stay silent about the rights of the policyholders who could have demanded settlement of lawsuits

  • March 18, 2007 at 11:00 am
    gold star says:
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    insurance fraud that\’s not talked about, reported on, or constantly denounced – the kind committed by insurance companies and their claims adjusters, their lawyers, their claims examiners, and their other personnel. It consists of denying a meritorious claim, or needlessly delaying payment, or asking for unnecessary substantiation or doing anything else to intentionally thwart a fair and efficient claims consideration or other insurer decision.

  • March 18, 2007 at 11:14 am
    i THINK NOT! says:
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    State Farm\’s mission is to help people manage the risks of everyday life, recover from the unexpected and realize their dreams.

    We are people who make it our business to be like a good neighbor; who built a premier company by selling and keeping promises through our marketing partnership; who bring diverse talents and experiences to our work of serving the State Farm customer.

    Our success is built on a foundation of shared values — quality service and relationships, mutual trust, integrity and financial strength.

    Our vision for the future is to be the customer\’s first and best choice in the products and services we provide. We will continue to be the leader in the insurance industry and we will become a leader in the financial services arena. Our customers\’ needs will determine our path. Our values will guide us

  • March 19, 2007 at 12:06 pm
    State Farm Mutiny in USA says:
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    You make me sick to lie that much after the mutiny that state farm has done to katrina victims and also victims in Florida. Shame on you, You Pirate!

  • March 19, 2007 at 4:05 am
    Comment says:
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    If State Farm Insurance is at trial for Katrina I would like to talk with Scrugg and Hood about the 2004 Ivan Hurricane. I was denied 90% of our claim because they said it was water damage.. The water damage was caused from Storm Surge which is caused by wind. I would like to get back some of our loss.


  • March 20, 2007 at 11:39 am
    mogr says:
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    Subject: Mississippi
    Posted On: February 2, 2007, 8:32 am CST
    Posted By: Jimbo
    Simple solution – Pull Out of The State. If the state is as anti-insurance as Miss., NY and others, don\’t write coverage there. My first boss always said \”never allow the aroma of the premium to overcome the stench of the risk.\” These states stink to high heaven, but if you\’re dumb enough to write business there, you deserve what you

  • March 20, 2007 at 12:04 pm
    rat says:
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    I don\’t want to sound disrespectful, but if you think any one from State Farm, or any other insurance company is going to jail, you are obvioulsy suffering from Post Tramatic Katrina Stress Syndrone. Hell will indeed freeze over, and cows will fly long before that ever comes to pass. The only way you will be living in the bay, is if you can afford the flood and wind pool insurance. And if you manage to get private insurance, you\’ll be paying through your nose,

  • March 20, 2007 at 4:28 am
    K says:
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    You bring up a good point, I know that some Katrina people went to court 3 times, to finally get the ruling they wanted. Because how could their sofa get into a tree from a flood, obviously it was the storm. Then in that case it was covered. But it is sad that you have to fight so hard just to get the company to pay you, especially when you make 5 billion in profit or however large it was.

  • March 22, 2007 at 10:13 am
    Living in USA Money Screams says:
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    One person is not the blame.
    It\’s Corporate America that is to Blame.
    Can you spell ENRON?
    How bout the Financial Cap Placed for
    Molestation Civil Suits Filed against the Catholic Archdiocese?
    A pedophile is sick with an incurable mental illness.
    A person that covers for a pedophile is worst than criminal.
    Shame on All involved in hurting our children with this cover up.
    How much did USA waste because President Clinton smoked cigars with an intern?
    Big deal. That did not hurt us.

    Please, spare us the power of Money because it\’s evil.
    Money Screams.

  • April 3, 2007 at 7:30 am
    Rocketman says:
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    Oh, God

    Are you that STUPID

    Let\’s Review:

    State Farm SETTLED 97% of the H.K. Claims

    State Farm has PAID MORE than ANY other Company to date…….

    This is AMERICA, a FREE MARKET economy where companies are allowed to earn a PROFIT……

    State Farm has begun sending out dividend checks to the tune of over a BILLION dollars to its clients……

    And Lastly, yes, you are that STUPID to think anything else to the contrary, the above are FACTS, not the CRAP that you are dispelling.

    So, Please , Please, remember when you open your mouth on this forum, everyone can see just how shallow yOUr pea sized brain actually is, and if I could say something helpful, it would be to tell you to sit down and SHUT THE FUC UP you ignorant ******* TRAITOR !

    Put that in your pipe and shove it up your azz where you can smoke it !

  • April 3, 2007 at 10:04 am
    K says:
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    By the way, I didn\’t think he smoked the cigars with the intern. Maybe he smoked it after other stuff.

  • April 3, 2007 at 10:13 am
    Screwed by Insurance + Agents says:
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    I can excuse your ignorance but your arrogant & obnoxious attitude clearly shows your breeding. Your kind is what gives Agents the reputation worst than used car salesmen.
    I am sorry that you lived such a low life.

    I hate to contradict your Rocket Scientist Info,but it\’s Quite the Contrary….

    1.State Farm SETTLED 97%of the H.K. Claims

    Only After State Farm was Check Mated by MS Officials & then Judge Senter slammed dunked them with a $2,500,000.00 award for Punitive Damages and then State Farm agreed to pay $80 Million to 640 Policy holders that were angry, and retained on contingency fees by Scruggs.
    To date, some 35,000 claims still pending awaiting review second time around, trying to settle.

    2. State Farm has PAID MORE than
    ANY other Company to date…….

    Gee, you think that could be because State Farm wrote the majority of business in the area that Katrina hit.

    State Farm Insured the Majority of MS Homeowners when Katrina hit US.

    Du…which way did they go?
    So, politely remove the feathers from your hat!
    You big mouth dummy!
    Practice What YOU Preach…people read this.

  • April 3, 2007 at 4:55 am
    Rocketman says:
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    The profit was the earned, not given.

    The lawsuits are not earned, rather stolen.

    The CEO income is still small, when compared to other like sized cos.

    If you think differently, go to France with Babs Streisand and the rest of the liberal pieces of crap. Stop dissing the American System ! Traitors !

  • April 3, 2007 at 6:33 am
    Screwed by Insurance + Agents says:
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    I think you may suffer from dyslexia because you have it backward.
    People paid Insurance, with optional hurricane deductibles but the policy did not provide hurricane insurance.

    Stop peeing on our leg and trying to tell us it\’s rain.

    There is your Traitor, ya big dummy!

    One + One = Two 24/7

    Own up to the truth and move on.

  • April 22, 2007 at 12:36 pm
    ged is back says:
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    is right….. Hancock Counties Mississipp
    Posted On: April 22, 2007, 12:23 pm CDT
    Posted By: Melanie / History. GED
    Everybody know,s The plaintiffs have alleged that\” Many hundreds , if not thousands, of individuals and / or entities have asserted Claims or have potential claims \” Against State Farm. Neither the plaintiffs nor State Farm has given the court any information from which the Court can determine with any reasonable degree of certainty how many policyholders are with in the proposed class or how many policyholders have each

  • May 11, 2007 at 4:01 am
    Joseph says:
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    The following quote illustrates Rust\’s classic price rigs:

    “…they charge…whatever they feel…in light of prices charged by competing stations.”

    “In light of rivals'” prices, not their own costs — to cheat cost price caps:

    A) To keep executive pay packages artificially inflated;

    B) To meet their duty to stock holders – stockers; &
    C) Dicing their duty to pay we the people right.

    This is the model hypothetical made to erase faithful pricing:

    “The owner of an Arco station ACROSS THE STREET would note & report this charge … with the result that he … increased his prices by four cents on … Friday.”

    This is the design, pre-calculated, by rival based pricing protocol, to move on cue:

    “…Mobile might raise his prices four cents on Monday….”

    See, Arco responds, then, via common third party contracts, which ups costs to we the people, the monitor:
    “…Lundberg … would (check-up) both (by common contract) … Friday (to verify) & report….


    [Rival Ins – Gas Executive] Cartel members can’t collaborate without [price] communication …. And then given the incentive to cheat … so they have to be in ongoing price communication (checking up) ….

  • May 10, 2007 at 4:03 am
    gbonas says:
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    This is a “to bring you up to date” on some key points about the invalidity of our past contracts, which all current top executives adopted.
    The nub of every single one of these contracts is this: you pay for a defined line of credit IT a condition occurs, car accident, health problems, e.g. IF that condition does not happen, they keep 100% of IT.


    And the historical perversion of that industry is exactly why the men your extremist guardians, like Dan Lungren, pretend to pledge allegiance to forbid the selling the insurance credit from a host of supreme edict angles:

    A) No … [department of incorporation] shall interfere with the dual obligation of contracts (Ace Law – Article 1:10)

    B) No … [department of ] shall [allow] emitting bills of [ins] credit. (Trump Law — Article 1:10).

    So you know, for you:

    \”[T]he legal problem . . . is … \”there is direct evidence of concert of action.\”

  • May 10, 2007 at 4:05 am
    Gary (Cash) Bonas says:
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    And the historical perversion of that industry is exactly why the men your extremist guardians, like Dan Lungren, pretend to pledge allegiance to forbid the selling the insurance credit from a host of supreme edict angles:

    A) No … [department of incorporation] shall interfere with the dual obligation of contracts (Ace Law – Article 1:10)

    B) No … [department of ] shall [allow] emitting bills of [ins] credit. (Trump Law — Article 1:10).

  • May 13, 2007 at 11:36 am
    * says:
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    Brooke of Edgewater MD (08/02/06)
    In Dec. of 2005, my house tragically burnt to the ground, displacing myself and my to young children. I have since been in a rental house paid for by State Farm. They had a contractor that works for them, give them an estimate on the rebuilding of my home. I of course did not agree with the price, and niether did any contractor I gave it to. The agent does not believe that I recently remodelled my house, and does not want to pay me. When I turned in my contents, they said I was lying about my personal property, and now want to investigate me. They have gone from very nice and respectful, to now calling me a liar and a fraud.

    I am now inches away from having a nervous breakdown, and my doctors have put me on various medications in order to try and keep that from happening. I have not been able to work and barely able to function out of fear that, as they said, my whole claim may be denied, which would leave my kids and myself without a place to live, or beds to sleep on. Its all I can do to try to keep my children in a normal enviroment without me crying and not being able to breathe. If I didn\’t have my children I would just go ahead and let myself have a nervous breakdown. I would love to be able to sue them for all that they have put myself and my children through, it has been a virtual hell.


  • May 13, 2007 at 11:42 am
    for shelly says:
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    Shelly of St. Louis MO I am complaining about State Farm Insurance and their premiums for the Elliot Condominium Association\’s property and liability insurance. We have had SFI as our insurance carrier since 1975 and have had no more than a few small claims, if that. In 2004 our boiler failed and we had to have it replaced. We have always carried insurance coverage for that and State Farm paid as we expected. What we did not expect was they would increase our insurance premium 150%.

    We paid insurance for a boiler replacement for 30 years and SFI tells me we now will have to pay this new premium! Our agent, Tom Nagel, is such a nice guy and I have dealt with him for 14 years. I asked him if he could intercede for us, which he did and was told, basically, tough luck. This rate increase is userous. What can I do to fight this

  • May 14, 2007 at 8:35 am
    den82 says:
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    I would suggest you get away from one company pricing, rules & guidlines. Call a local independent agent that can offer you a choice in coverages and some flexibility.

  • May 14, 2007 at 12:25 pm
    Demanding Justice 4 All says:
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    Report them to the Insurance Commissioner in your State. You can file a complaint on line.
    Then file a complaint with the Attorney General in your state.
    All free.
    If you need to hire a Law Firm, include your Attorney Fees in the suit.
    If you win, they pay all.
    God knows, you have hundreds of thousands of people who will testify about their experience with State Farm.
    Denied Claims, Stall Payment, Loopholes,
    Depreciation; They pay the lowest amount that they can.

    Do you know why they do this?

    Until then, they will continue to get away with this act of Piracy.

    People don\’t understand or care until it happends to them.

  • May 23, 2007 at 7:39 am
    FRED says:
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  • June 12, 2007 at 3:46 am
    Dave Larson says:
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    I have had State Farm Insurance for over 25 years, what a company. I have damage to my home from a roof, and water damage to the inside insulation and ceiling. Some adjuster came out and looked at it while I was not at home. He states that the damage is only $779.00, to repair the ceiling, but they are not responsible for the roof or wind damage. What good are they when they are allowed to get away with this type of conduct. CEO gets raise, an We get shafted.

  • June 13, 2007 at 3:51 am
    Gary says:
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    The core flaw with the mal use of the words “supply & demand” in economic contract theory is the fact that contract rules govern all rate/price setting & moves. The open proof of the fact that supplying demand rules have zero to do with contract ops is that stock forecasts all, in concert, project end-running the rule of price balance, aka, equilibrium.
    The sole way to achieve contract & financial balance, aka, financial happiness, is by respecting & enforcing legal price rules, firmly. See Michael E. Porter, Competitive Advantage, e.g., who says IT but plainly fails to articulate the real simple rules & steps detailing what IT means & how IT is done, & who intentionally redacted the international fact that uniform contract rules control all economic reality models.
    The rule is real simple: you set your charge by legal rules & if you run out, you close shop until you are re-stocked, e.g., or you take a number & wait in line. That operation alone dictates the free forces that influence entering or leaving a given work field.


    No one may contract to serve “over cost measures” & no one may contract to sell “under cost measures”. You sell “AT” all cost measures, or else the contract is flat void for unfaithful, unconscionable contract drafting.
    The use of the words supply & demand means nothing without framework & definitional application of the rules governing protocol, faithful oral & written contract engagement.


    The price P of a service or good is determined by a balance between production at each price (supply S) and the desires of those with purchasing power at each price (demand D). The graph below depicts an increase in demand from D1 to D2, along with a consequent increase in price and quantity Q sold, by faithful contract dealings, of a service or good.

    It is metaphysically impossible to set the rates (prices) of any service or good (like stock) by the rules of suppling demand in the wave of servicing stock holders, by definition.
    Supplying Demand At Costs

    It is metaphysically impossible to achieve a state of economic balance while ALL Street Exists.

    The blue line of balance, above, is what all street underwriters & professionals openly promise to undue, by contract, to mutual fund gamblers, e.g., seeking people who crave to reap where they never sowed.

    In contracts (economics), supply and demand describe market relations between prospective sellers and buyers of a good or service. The supping demand at all fixed & variable cost model determines price and quantity sold in the market. The model is fundamental in contracts (microeconomics) and is used to explain a variety of oral & written contract scenarios, as well as as a building block for many other contract models and theories. It was originally described by Antoine Augustin Cournot, and was popularized by Alfred Marshall.
    The oral &/or written contract model predicts that in a faithful competitive free market, price will function to equalize the quantity demanded by consumers and the quantity supplied by producers, resulting in an economic equilibrium, with a flat net zero to forecast as “extra” to split & pool with wall street gamblers, ran by the big 12 cartel bank shells.


    Contra proferentem is a rule of contract interpretation that a contractual term found to be ambiguous should be construed against the party that drafted the contract. That is, the interpretation will be the one that works in favor of the party who did not draft the contract.

    The term’s validity of their own contract price term is what the provider has blurred by false pretences because executive bank brokers, e.g., refuse to meet their duty to produce, on demand, the exact protocol employed in setting IT up & engaging by IT, in concert with every single one of their rivals, by in house & cross-rival script.

    The doctrine of contra proferentem gives the benefit of the doubt in interpreting the legality of a term intentionally made ambiguous by the provider to the party upon whom the contract was foisted.


    It is learned by all in required higher education, taught from exactly the same books at ALL Junior college & ALL Ivy leagues alike, and it means that there is a dead net zero for par value ops.
    One Harvard professor stated the real simple rule this way:

    A) “The green use average-cost-line pricing…”

    B) “[T]he mature (sophisticated) measure individual item costs and price accordingly.”

    Good Faith is defined by IT proof:

    Honesty: a bank brokers’ sincere intention to deal fairly with others.
    An impeccable authority on this point explained why one is required to measure ones’ own direct costs of serving whatever it is, divide by the number of units he hopes to sell, & set a singular charge accordingly:
    “[IT] … is because in a [good faith] … market price is equal to cost and each seller knows his own cost.”

    Good Faith

    A rule of full disclosure of the single term that alone determines IF the contract is entirely scratch paper or not.
    As ordered, cost-based pricing is not dependent upon any understanding among rivals serving stuff to anyone:
    …but upon the interplay of the … forces of supply[ing] … demand [at all costs].

    Good Faith

    A concept of [charge right] honesty.

    Another pro explained the sole, safe way like this:

    You … determine the price [charge] of [what you serve] … based on the [cost] characteristics of [serving IT]….

    Good faith

    Good faith, or in Latin bona fides, is the mental and moral state of honesty, conviction as to the truth or falsehood of a proposition or body of opinion, or as to the rectitude or depravity of a line of conduct, even if the conviction is objectively unfounded. This concept is important in law.


    On constructive (or actual) notice of all of the above plus, based on open unfaithfulness, top executives, in an overt act of blackmail, dangle destroying someones’ access to funds to live comfortably by turning their void contract un-payment breachers over to big money credit demolition companies. Selling that data completes the economic treason (E.T.) combination in fact.
    Caveat venditor is Latin
    for “let the seller beware”
    Country Wide WaMu Brokerage Firms; &
    Visa — MasterCard — AM X — Discover (e), e.g.


    Up-Side Down, aka, FLIPPER IT!
    Again, there is no “theory” in the facts that transparently back every single act & void small print word in every contract drafted by executive ops, calculated to clip faith, price, rate, hot water & trash bill wise.


    Microeconomics studies the behavior of specific sectors of the economy, such as companies, industries, or households.
    Study of the economy. Classic economics concentrates on how the forces of supply and demand allocate scarce product and service resources. Macroeconomics studies a nation or the world’s economy as a whole, using data about inflation, unemployment and industrial production to understand the past and predict the future.

    Next, economic contract treason, sponsored by:

    A) …., by the following acts, witnessed by two or more people;
    B) …., by the following acts, witnessed by two or more people;
    C) …., by the following acts, witnessed by two or more people;
    D) …; &
    The two most powerful men in the world
    And look who’s doing the bowing. Cranmer thought that presidents of the United … did not bow to anyone. Indeed, the official advice given for the recent visit of Her Majesty to Virginia included the instruction: ‘Bowing is not required of US citizens’. The history of their nation, born, as it was, out of conflicts with royalty and religion, caused them to enshrine the equality of all women at the heart of its constitution: it is its raison d’être.
    The central bank for the Roman Catholic Church located in Vatican City. It is run by a professional bank CEO who reports directly to a committee of cardinals, and ultimately to the Pope (or the Cardinal Camerlengo during an interregnum), and is the only papal financial institution not overseen by the Prefecture for the Economic Affairs of the Holy See.[1] The current President is Angelo Caloia. The Vatican Bank was involved in a major political and financial scandal in the 1980s, concerning the 1982 $3.5 billion collapse of Banco Ambrosiano, of which it was a major share-holder. The head of the Vatican Bank from 1971 to 1989, Paul Marcinkus, was indicted in 1982 in Italy as an accessory of the bankruptcy. The Bank Identifier Code of the Vatican Bank is IOPRVAVX.
    According to the norms of the statutes that came into effect in 1990, the IOR, is directed by a supervisory council and by an oversight commission of cardinals.
    The supervisory council is composed of:

    · President: Angelo Caloia
    · Vice-President: Virgil C. Dechant
    · Theodor E. Pietzcker
    · José Angel Sánchez Aslain
    · Robert Studer
    The oversight commission of cardinals is headed by the Cardinal Secretary of State Tarcisio Cardinal Bertone and is composed of the cardinals Jozef Tomko, Eduardo Martínez Somalo, Adam Cardinal Maida and Juan Sandoval Íñiguez.
    What do you think about this marketing tool:


  • June 15, 2007 at 1:06 am
    JackRabbitSlim says:
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    Bonus my aching anus. That scumbag deserves to be taken out behind a barn and given a good ole *** whipping. Who the hell does this jerk think he is? And for all of you who think that the insurance companies are looking out for your best interests….my condolences for being so naive. When I retire, a couple of things are going to happen, 1. My wife and I are leaving Florida, and 2. I am and will find cheaper insurance. Oh yes, once the insurance companies have recouped their losses from the recent storms, can we expect a decrease in premiums? Food for thought.

  • June 20, 2007 at 5:14 am
    yengeni tony says:
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    Dear friend,

    I work in a bank as manger of Platinum Habib Bank (PLC) and here in one of our accounts I fined sum of five million two hundred thousand U.S dollars ($5,200,000.00) belonging to one Mr. Peter C. Wesleyla, from your country, whom banks with us here, and since after his death nobody has every come up to claim his money in our bank as his next of Kin.

    Please I want us to come together into prevent understand so that I can help as an inside in the bank and a banker for us to claim the money into your personal bank account. Further, insure will be discus after your first reply to this message.

    I will be very happy to hear from you as soon as you read my message to you.

    Best Regards


  • June 19, 2007 at 6:39 am
    Used to Work There says:
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    As a former employee paying out claims for the company, I will say the people there are good people and DO look out for the best interest of their policyholders.
    HOWEVER, that CEO payraise does not trickle down in any way shape or form to appreciate the employees. All that money WE saved him by lowering expenses (NOT by reducing claim payments), do ya think he cares? heck no. i just don’t know what constitutes such a large bonus/raise.

  • June 19, 2007 at 6:43 am
    Used to Work There says:
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    I just don’t agree. Not everyone is going to be happy all the time, especially with a volume that State Farm handles. But some people refuse to believe that certain things REALLY ARE NOT COVERED and WHEN YOU DON’T PAY FOR A COVERAGE, YOU DON’T GET THE COVERAGE. All in all, they have good honest employees who DO NOT GET BONUSES OR FREE INSURANCE. They work hard to make your loss easier to handle. But the CEO doesn’t deserve that kind of money, they should do an executive housecleaning. Get a good bottom dweller to run the company, they’d be more appreciative for the opportunity.

  • June 23, 2007 at 12:09 pm
    Ap says:
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    FYI. Ed Rust (chairman and CEO of State Farm Insurance) is no where near some of the other moguls in this country. 11 mil. Most of my neighbors make more than that, and they aren’t the CEO of State Farm Insurance or anything near as big.

  • June 23, 2007 at 2:45 am
    Kim David says:
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    Insurance Companies along with their Agents, sold Homeowners
    A Policy with

    Homeowners Trusted Big Companies like State Farm & ALlstate.
    Homeowners Paid them for many years &
    Always paid the Annual Rate Increases too.

    Never, did The Policy nor Agent inform verbally or in writing that even though this policy shows a Hurricane Deductible,
    The policy does not financially provide one cent for hurricane damage, if water arrives by spray, rising, wind driven or rain.

    FACT: The Policy Defrauded Americans
    and during their time of need.

    Excuse me, Anywone living in Coastal Areas will always have rising water during a hurricane.

    Why didn’t The Agents or The Company
    Inform the Clients about this?

    Insurance Companies blamed water for all Katrina damage.

    If you home vanished-it was the water!

    How could they know or say this before anyone could even get to their home?

    They waited for the water!
    That was the loophole to release them from claims.

    Here you have policies written to deceive.
    The intent to defraud their own clients and they’ve done this for 50 years +

    Loopholes cleverly worded in a contract they demand to be a legal binding contract.

    The have manipulated , escaping regulations from selling a policy without coverage.

    They fought the investigation until they were check mated by Jim Hood and surrended to paying millions to Scruggs.

    If the American People do not stand together, they will continue to sell false policy.
    We got ours and you won’t understand how we feel until you walk in our shoes.
    You won’t care because it never happened to you.
    We’re not the bad guys.
    You won’t understand until this happends to you.

    We don’t want anything for free.
    We are Working Americans, Homeowners, Business People.

    If you buy two, 1 Million Dollar Life Insurance Policies then
    You should have 2 Million in beneits.

    Explain Double Dipping and Explain Why
    Insurance Companies Denied Katrina claims:

    Explain why the Insurance Companies did not offer Living Expenses.

    Explain why the Industry tried to put the burden of proof on the Insured Victims?

    Homeowner buys $350,000 flood/contents
    Homeowner buys $250,000 Homeowners/Deluxe



    FLOOD PAID……….$350,000 100% Paid
    DELUXE INS POLICY…$000.000 100% Denied

    DELUXE Living Expenses $0 100% Denied
    uninhabitalbe from flood

    DELUXE LOOTING CLAIM: $0 100% Denied
    we can’t pay for something that flood already paid you for.

    No Double Dipping ALLOWED
    Yet we Pay Double Rates &
    We own 2 seperate policies.

    Then We are called stupid for not reading the policy that was clearly written to deceive us. Another Insult to the already Injured.

    After They lost the battle,
    The Industry is still defiant.
    Refuse to clearly print benefits on front page.
    All we ask for is an EXPLANATION OF BENEFITS…and they will not do it.
    Because we would see….
    A Policy Without Coverage.

    LA Officials….Take lessons from MS.
    White People….Take lessons from Black.
    Learn to Stand Up & fight for What is Right.
    We are all People.
    We are on the Front Lines smack in the middle of Ground Zeros.

    We lost our homes from Katrina.
    Insurance Claims Denied.
    Robbed by Mortgage Companies,
    Ripped off by one Contractor after another
    Supplies sky rocketed
    Labor is double
    Still waiting for the Grant
    Still waiting for Ins Settlements

    How much more can we suffer?
    Take notes because the next disaster could hit you.

    God Bless America….
    we are in trouble!

    How can we think about Iraq when our own people are at war?

    USA spends $2 Billion per Week in Iraq.

    Louisiana still waiting to find a whay home. Pictured & Printed just to apply for the Grant.
    USA gave us the money but history repeats itself again.

  • June 29, 2007 at 4:06 am
    JP says:
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    Hey AP, Thanks so much for taking time out of your busy day to clear up that little misunderstanding about your CEO and His Pay Raise. It’s just a shame. It always seems to be the ones who work the hardest, are the ones that get passed over like they don’t even exist. $11 million, No where near enough. Also, I’m sorry to hear of your financial hardship. It’s really a shame that most all of your neighbors make more than your CEO, not to mention you. You should look into where your neighbors work, since they pay better. Well, better let you get back to work. Can’t have “You Know Who” mad at you. I’m sure glad now I set up my “On Line” billing notification and payment system. Now nobody has to do anything. No typing, no wasted paper or postage. Just think of all the money that State Farm will save. You just might get a BIG bonus next year. One thing I don’t get is why I still get charged an additional $3.00 on my Premium notices, just because my payments are monthly or quarterly instead of yearly. State Farm charges Me a fee for My Computer sending my premium payments to State Farms Computer.There’s sure is alot less labor and material required by paying online, like NONE!! So does State Farm give the Corporate Computer a Bonus as well? One would think, after Ten plus years of having all your insurance needs. Homeowners,(3)auto,(1)Motorcycle,(1)Boat, Life insurance and a one million dollar Umbrella policy all by State Farm would account for something. Oh, I almost forgot. The multi-million dollar bonus for the CEO. What was I thinking??
    ………… JP ………………

  • July 12, 2007 at 8:36 am
    Carol says:
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    How on earth can you possibly get that kind of pay raise when your insured are being ripped off BIG TIME!!! Our homeowners insurance has tripled in the last 2 years in the Miami area and NO ONE is doing anything about it. IT NEEDS TO STOP. Give back to the people who cannot afford to pay for their insurance any longer due to the STATE FARM INCREASES. It is a catastrophe what State Farm is doing to their long time clients in South Florida. STOP THE INCREASES AND NOW!!!!

  • July 13, 2007 at 2:30 am
    JP says:
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    I have’nt had my premiums increase very much or too often, but enough to raise an eyebrow or two. It’s always the same basic reason “Due to increases in operating costs”….. Blah, Blah, Blah. I don’t expect anyone to do anything for Free, and I’m all too aware of the neverending
    increase of products and services, but I fail to see why, after all the fallout from the Katrina disaster, that anyone in their right mind would call attention to the fact that the same company that was reported to have denied benefits and gave the runaround to the victims of Katrina had a record profit in the BILLIONS, and also paid the CEO an ELEVEN MILLION DOLLAR “AT’A BOY”. All Balls and No Brains. This must be State Farms way of thumbing their nose at all the loyal policy holders who have paid premiums for years hoping they would never need to file a claim but if they did, they would have something to help rebuild their lives. What’s that little jingle State Farm always has in their ads? “Like a Good Neighbor, State Farm is There”. Yeah Right, you’ld be better off being Insured by BINLADIN. Well, there’s always the Yellow Pages. No one says State Farm has to continue being anyones Insurance Co. I know the Insurance business is a numbers game. They count on maintaining a high volume of customers. Everything’s Subject to Change. I guess State Farm has never heard it said “You Never Bite the Hand that FEEDS YOU”. …….. JP ……..

  • July 16, 2007 at 10:58 am
    Cynthia L KElly says:
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    I have been with state farm for 10 years or more.7 policy’s in our home.I was hit by a truck onMay21 2006,Iwas on foot.the man that hit me was drunk,had two gun’s and injured five people total. I had a Knee&back injury.state farm paid for my knee surgery,But refused to pay for my back.5:45 of surgery.My claim Handler has been vary Rude and refuses to return my calls Or my fax. although my DR. and police report clearly show the injury’s were caused by being struck by the pickup truck. State farm is not a good neighbor’ Cynthia Kelly.

  • July 21, 2007 at 4:36 am
    A State Farm Retiree says:
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    It would be nice to get that kind of raise; however, the employees do not receive the kind of pay or raises for the job they have to do. They are held accountable for providing good service to the customers, reducing costs for claims and other things and have to handle a work load that should have 3 people doing it instead of 1. The group insurance cost goes up for employees and retirees, the things that are covered have been reduced because State Farm can not afford to pay for this. Maybe the retirees could get a piece of that pie instead of the CEO. He should be ashamed to take that kind of money when others working under him barely are able to live.

  • July 21, 2007 at 6:56 am
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  • July 26, 2007 at 7:02 am
    Mac says:
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    Scenario: We (all of us) pay hefty insurance premiums for YEARS for home, car, life, and health insurance. For sake of argument, let’s talk about home owner’s insurance. The years roll by and our lovely, lovely, caring insurance companies GLADLY accept our billions and billions of dollars. Along come a couple of hurricanes, and what do these weasles do? All that storm surge that wipes out homes is now called “flooding”. What a crock of S—!! The CEO’s of certain insurance companies should be held accountable. Maybe, just maybe, if some of their hefty bonuses was used to help pay their obligations, then maybe, just maybe these companies would not have to increase their premiums. Bottom line: If you insurance bastards will not own up to your obligations, then get out of the business. I sure as hell do not need you.

  • August 22, 2007 at 12:46 pm
    APPALLED says:
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    I found this site while doing a search for state farm. I searched them because I received a letter from a lawyer they hired. Seems they are trying to sue me for invalid insurance claims.



  • August 24, 2007 at 10:46 am
    Fred says:
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    I would appreciate my agent to be available on the web 7/24.If he would check the web each day for messages. My agent does not include any web address on his cards.
    He is a great fellow and I would not trade him for te world but it would help to be more avaiable.

  • August 29, 2007 at 4:47 am
    Zorro says:
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    State Farm knows that we have the best government that money can buy. That is why they get to steal from American citizens including servicemen and women.

    America is a myth

  • September 12, 2007 at 8:50 am
    James Shelton says:
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    I believe the CEO should have at least received a prison sentence. I am a service disabled Vietnam Veteran living on an entitlement from the Veterans Administration. I have been a policyholder for 30 years. Recently, I suffered a minor burn on my leg subsequent to a minor incident for which I was covered. Since I am a liver transplant recipient and consequently immunosuppressed, I was encouraged to see a physician. I was told that State Farm would pay; all I had to do was give the clinic the information. When I went to the clinic, they would have nothing to do with State Farm. Naievely, I assumed responsibility by agreeing to submit the bill to State Farm. They have yet to pay anything(>60 days). The response is that they have a special procedure to “approve” payment and are making me do the leg work to retrieve detailed information that is irrelevant. They say they do “electronic” review. The providers will have nothing to do with State Farm, so as my credit score fails, I will have to pay the bill from my VA entitlement. Although it is tax free, it is not quite the amount the CEO receives.

  • September 13, 2007 at 10:05 am
    Marvin Barnes says:
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    I’ve been with State Farm for 38 years and never had an accident. The company was always a good company to deal with. My side mirror scraped a truck back in March of 2006. The scratch was approximately 4 inches long and there was no dent. State Farm took care of it. Nothing happens. Now a year and a half after this I’m told my insurance is going up. They have implemented a new policy that is retroactive. My agent says he has no control over this. He says the company is looking into their new policy. He will have someone call me. They never did. State Farm is not the company they used to be. No wonder! They have to pay the CEO an outrageous salary! No one deserves this kind of salary. Especially when the company is a mutual company that is suppose to pass savings along to the customers not the CEO.

  • September 15, 2007 at 10:16 am
    A State Farm Agent says:
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    Ed Rust is the CEO of one of the largest companies in the U.S.. If you compare his income to that of similar sized companies, you would find he is underpaid. It is great for everyone when an insurance company makes huge profits. This will eventually lead to lower rates, investment in technology that will make it easier for customers and agents to due business. Plus, this finanancial strength gives customers confidence that we will be there for claims that are covered. We owe it to everyone not to pay for claims that are not included in the policy. Most of those who complain, probably are looking for a free handout. Also a former claims adjuster, State Farm amazed me when they handed me their checkbook and told me to go and take care of our policyholders. I hope there is no hurricane this year and that State Farm makes another record profit. It will come back to our customers in some way.

  • September 15, 2007 at 2:03 am
    Holiday Park II COA says:
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    We have been “fighting” State Farm over a hail damage claim since 4-14-06. They are now stalling the arbitration process.They are just not a creditable company. They should probably be sued in a criminal court as well as civil court.

  • October 1, 2007 at 4:31 am
    Kim David says:
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    If State Farm gave you their checkbook,
    then where did you go?

    Duh, State Farm Agents do not pay claims.

    No One is looking for Hand Outs,
    they only want what they paid for.

    Don’t Pee on my leg and try to tell me it’s rain.
    Another Insult to the Policyholders from State Farm.

  • October 1, 2007 at 4:35 am
    Mutiny By State Farm says:
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    Nothing but Pirates!

  • October 5, 2007 at 6:03 am
    Rachel Rai says:
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    Just an FYI: I recently got promoted to another position. According to the Salary Market Rate Sheet my employer uses it says that new position should pay at about 36K per year. I was making 31K and I got a 5% increase. I asked why so little and the smart answer I got was because that market rate sheet also includes the benefits for medical, vision and dental! I’m going to have a lot of more work and a lot of stress- all of that for a buck more per hour. “US” the little people not “CEO’S” get the company going but yet we are the ones that get screwed. I’m very upset!!

  • October 8, 2007 at 6:53 am
    Jack Shalac says:
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    Not defending anyone’s compensation, but with regard to State Farm – it isn’t a publicly traded company.

  • October 16, 2007 at 11:44 am
    Collision Center says:
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    Dear Adjuster,

    You are kidding me? right? they gave your their check book and told you to go and take care of your customers? YEA, RIGHT….. they told you to write 50 cents on the dollar for claims that is owed to your customers… I deal with your so called “partners” everyday and see how your partners “CHEAT, LIE & STEAL” from your customers so their bonuses for denying claims add up. your company is called “SNAKE FARM”. Hope you fall victim to a catasrophy one day and then you will know what it feels like for your victims.

  • October 25, 2007 at 4:58 am
    Joe says:
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    State Farm has incentive plans in placed called “MIP…Management Incentive Plan” that compensates managers based on operating expenses. This plan is the only form of raise they get. Non management does not participate in this. The company is a mutual company that is suppose to return the profits back to the policyholders in forms of lower premiums/divedends. They had record breaking profits for the year 2006 with nearly 8 billion in net income while their CEO took an approx 82% increase in hi salary. They are not about customer service….they pretend to be but they are not…its all about greed and profits……..

  • October 27, 2007 at 2:12 am
    Kim David says:
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    You are complimening State Farm by saying they try to pay Fifty Cents on a Dollar?????
    It’s more like Five Cents on the Dollar!
    I wonder if they are going to exclude coverage for the California Fires?
    Arson is also an exclusion….
    The minute they announced Arson on TV
    my thoughts were…Another State Farm Plan.

    It will be interesting to hear from the Policyholders in California.
    I hope they do not become Victims again.
    How many times can we loose the same home when we paid State Farm to Financially Insure our Home & Contents?
    Living Expenses: listed as Actual Loss Sustained??? Still waiting for this one
    State by State, all in good time!

  • October 30, 2007 at 7:43 am
    David Kim says:
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    It’s fun to read comments written by intellectually challenged people that don’t understand the first thing about insurance contracts. If you think insurance is such a scam, don’t purchase any. If you’re house burns down, hey, they weren’t going to cover it anyway – right braniac? Arson is NOT an exclusion. Get your facts straight before you post lies that make people upset. You must work for CNN Headline News.

  • October 30, 2007 at 7:54 am
    Kim David says:
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    Excuse Me & with a few hundred thousand Homeowners you refer to as intellectually challenged people that don’t understand the first thing about insurance contracts.
    Your own Agents have trouble understanding the darn policy.
    The Lawyers & US Judicial System has problems reading between the lines.
    The Policy is written to confuse.
    The Printed Layout is deceptive too!
    Congratulations….you sold your neighbor out then call them stupid for not understanding their policy.
    We got ours & braniac you will get yours.

  • October 30, 2007 at 8:22 am
    David Kim says:
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    Like I said; if you don’t want insurance, don’t buy it. It’s that simple. It’s a free market.

    P.S. Arson is NOT an exlusion policy guru.

  • October 30, 2007 at 11:56 am
    Kim David says:
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    Peek-A-Boo…Would like to smack
    the cone off your head………

    Google your name and shark fin pops up!

  • October 31, 2007 at 1:59 am
    jack says:
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    People…..1.6 billion did go out in dividends.

  • November 14, 2007 at 12:21 pm
    Frank says:
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    What I don’t understand is that Ed Rust took over from his father to be the CEO of this Co. But he does not allow agent family members to take over the business they have worked hard at building up. What a Jerk. If Ed Rust is making that kind of money then we are paying to much for our insurance and State Farm needs to lower their rates or refund money to thier clients who own the co. Let remember ED it’s “State Farm Mutual Co.” not State Farm Ed Rust Co.

  • November 18, 2007 at 4:08 am
    Insured by Crooks says:
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    Well can’t you see why Ed makes so much?
    He pays a commission to sell paper.
    The only overhead is Taxes.
    If it wouldn’t be for the IRS, we would never know what old Ed makes in salary or bonus.
    Eat your own people then fly to the Riviera!

  • January 11, 2008 at 1:14 am
    Julie says:
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    So this is the real reason our rates are so high….it’s not the false claims or legit claims…. IT’S THE CEO’s SALARY. Why not give a bonus to your faithful policy holders of 18 + years…..

  • February 5, 2008 at 8:17 am
    Fran says:
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    And they will not renew my policy this year (after 19 years with them) because we live in a “coastal area” and are prone to high winds…read: “in an area that might cut in to our profits and hefty raises!!!!”

  • March 9, 2008 at 3:33 am
    ken says:
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    Hello -I worked for State Farm in claims for 17 years and was trained in how to rip off all claimants , insureds and attorneys , I complained and blew the whistle many times in disagreement with how they ran their business and was finally terminated in june 2007 . I did record my boss disagreeing with my settlement offers and telling me to low ball and exclude certain things to rip off the customer – I went to an attorney and was advised it would cost me $20000 for representation , so the attorney bank of state farm has won so far. You are not wrong in what your saying , they do rip people off intentionally and if you want to keep your job your forced to do it like they tell you –

  • March 9, 2008 at 6:04 am
    Kim David says:
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    What excuse did S/F use to terminate you?
    Were you an Agent?
    Katrina Attorneys may want to use this information to help Katrina Homeowners.

    I am in the middle of giving a deposition to S/F right now. I gathered plenty of evidence and this could be valuable info.

    There is more than one way to skin a cat!

  • March 11, 2008 at 9:04 am
    Joseph Ray says:
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    I am an attorney in New York. I have been investigating State Farm for over a year.

    For all of you out there who think I’m an ambulance chaser I spent years defending the City of New York from tort lawsuits; I vigorously prosecuted insurance fraud as an Assistant District Attorney and represented insurance companies — that’s where my eyes were really opened.

    Ken and anyone else that is tired of the lies and abuse — feel free to contact me. I could use your help and maybe help you out. If you’re in the New York area I might be able to help you significantly.

    Contact me at All communications will remain confidential.

  • March 11, 2008 at 2:27 am
    Ken says:
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    Hi Kim , if someone would represent me pro bono against them I would confirm and sue them accordingly , they think they are too powerful to be sued and my attorney even wanted to be paid upfront as he knew it was going to cost money but felt we could win . I wish you well in your suit against them they are ruthless and feel that no one can touch them.

  • March 11, 2008 at 2:45 am
    Kim David says:
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    How long ago did this happen & what state?
    I believe there is a 2 year
    statue of limitations for a wrongful termination.
    I am not sure but I will check on this.
    What state did this happen in?
    Chances are if you would have paid a Lawyer $20k up front…you would have been held hostage. He could have quit at any time
    then added more fees.
    Been there…done that! When I refused to pay him more than the original agreement,he quit! He continued the trial because he went snow sking then charged me because he had to continue the trial.
    Good Lawyers don’t need $20k retainer.
    They won’t waste their time on cases they can’t win. You should have gone to the labor board in your state.

  • March 16, 2008 at 10:09 am
    Kim David says:
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    I heard that Ed Rust passed away 3 months
    ago. God bless him.
    He will need the water that we got in MS.

  • March 17, 2008 at 7:14 am
    ken says:
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    Hello , does anyone have any media connections ? I would like to tell my story , I emailed sixty minutes and have not heard back ? State Farm Texas policy holders that have auto claims or claimants , they have tactics to get you to settle for less , and bully you ! I know as they train and teach it every day your there -I worked in claims for 17 years and hated how they treat people , you think im kidding or not real , I am very real .

  • March 17, 2008 at 9:07 am
    ray says:
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    Got it covered Ken. I’ll send you an email outlining things tomorrow.

  • March 17, 2008 at 10:31 am
    Jim Beam says:
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    Scruggs Pleads Guilty to Trying to Bribe a Judge

  • March 18, 2008 at 12:03 pm
    Kim David says:
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    Yes…Scruggs did plead guilty.
    He made a big mistake & he stepped up to the plate to accept the consequences!
    He can never practice law again, but I’d call that an early retirement.
    I would imagine they cut a deal about going to prison. He does not belong in a jail, not even the country club aka Fed Pen.
    He broke the law but who hasn’t?
    OJ? Enron? State Farm? Allstate? Ins.Comm?
    Elected Officials, etc., etc!

  • March 18, 2008 at 1:34 am
    ray says:
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    I’m a lawyer and if I got caught bribing a judge I’d go to jail. In fact as a prosecutor I work in a unit that handled public corruption and helped put a lawyer and judge in jail for bribe taking and bribe making.

    Scruggs is no hero. Just another good ole wealthy American that makes money the American way — they lie and cheat and steal.

    I hope Scruggs goes to jail and the hell where he can see Rust.

    That’s right, Rust bit the Dust.

  • March 18, 2008 at 10:51 am
    Jim Beam says:
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    Scruggs plead guilty after realizing he was about to spend the rest of his life in prison. He was looking at losing a case that would give him well over 20 years and he is 61 years old. He plead guilty because he knew he couldn’t win his case. The plea would get him the recommended 5 years in prison and at least he would have some life to live once he got out. He is corrupt, arrogant and thinks he is above the law. He is all these things despite vowing to uphold the law. Instead, he tried to bypass it by influencing the judicial system with bribery. He does belong in prison and that’s where he is going.
    My point is, he is not a boy scout because he plead guilty. Before he plead guilty, he petitioned the court to throw out his case because of the governments’ “outrageous” allegations. Shortly after, he plead guilty. Timothy Balducci’s testimony was the end of the line for Dickie.
    Kim, read the Wall Street Journal for more information.

  • March 19, 2008 at 12:54 pm
    ray says:
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    Kim I’m up to my eyeballs with corrupt prosecutors and elected officials here in NY.

    Scruggs is a criminal. He should go to jail.

    It would just be nice to see Black Water or Haliburton or State Farm execs go to jail too. Scruggs tried to bribe a judge. State Farm bought the entire high court of a state to have a punitive damages award in excess of a billion dollars thrown out.

    Rust, before he bit the dust, served proudly in the Nixon administration and for George Dubya himself. No wonder why the Supreme Court through out the punitive damages award in the Campbell case.

    Corporations have bribed the entire government. Its not the United States of America anymore. Its America Inc. We all just work for it.

  • March 18, 2008 at 1:35 am
    Kim David says:
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    Perhaps you can help me prosecute a
    corrupt Prosecutor in Hancock County.
    I have evidence that would take down a Prosecutor, State Rep & a few Judges.
    Want their heads on a silver platter?
    I will be happy to serve them to you.

  • March 19, 2008 at 2:19 am
    Kim David` says:
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    God Bless America….we’re in deep trouble.
    I commend you for speaking the truth.
    You sir, are one of the few men left with honor. I salute you.

    What has happend to our people?
    My guess is…the Greed of Money for Power.

    The same high court just threw out the LA
    Corps suits and they sided with the insurance industry vs the homeowners.
    We don’t want them to pay for flood!
    We want them to pay for WIND DAMAGE that they want to call flood!

    Look what this country did to Martha Stewart
    who never had a traffic ticket?
    Her loyalty to her friend sent her to jail.

    LA Road Home officials have stolen millions from the grant that was given to the victims of Katrina.
    They bought back the property with the homeowners own grant money & no one cares! They they stole a minimum of $20k Per Grant! I can prove this too but no one cares.

    Please help me with a dirty prosecutor who defended a sex pervert against me, a single lady. The pervert is still stalking me to this day. I have overwhelming evidence and can’t get anyone to take on the prosecutor. I have about 15 police reports but the
    throws them out for lack of
    I have more evidence than watergate.

  • August 6, 2008 at 8:18 am
    NYBronxer says:
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    Big Ed Rust somehow managed to make $11.7 million for doing nothing in 2007.

  • August 7, 2008 at 5:25 am
    kim david says:
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    All of that money and he can’t spend it.
    He’s dead! Think he is in heaven?
    Sometimes I think this is hell!

  • August 9, 2008 at 11:43 am
    ray says:
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    Kim long time no hear. Contact me.

    Rust is in Heaven because State Farm bought a majority of Heaven’s shares and now owns it. Exxon also has a fairly large stake in Heaven. Only despicable corporate types can now go to heaven; or sexually abusive members of the clergy.

  • August 9, 2008 at 12:38 pm
    Kim David says:
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    The Bible said to denounce them by name!
    Those wolves in sheep clothing.
    Says to Shout it from the roof tops….
    but the internet is louder.
    Seems that wolf clothing is now dressed in robes & suits called the system.
    Justice for all? lol
    oney screams in USA and apple pie is history.

  • September 6, 2008 at 9:06 am
    Ben Dover says:
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    Loved their ice cream and their policy,”noody could make more than 7 time the least paid employee” that was until they hired some CFO mogul and paid him a fortune! haven’t eaten it since. I too live in Florida and my policy has never gone done, in fact its gone up every year for the past 10 years (went up $1000.00 last year).sweet! My point, When the time is right I will drop state farm! You see right now I still hold a mortgage on my home and I am no fool (try finding an insurance company to write a policy in florida that does not cost an arm and a leg). Its not good business Pocketman, you are held over a barrel! You pay through the nose for a policy and than it takes 6 weeks to get a claims adjuster out to your house.(thank you charlie) Than
    the person they send is from Missouri( thats northern florida)climbs on your roof crunch,crunch,crunch across your tile roof, climbs down and remarks how they have never seen a roof like that before! WT-?
    there is one way for the policy holders to get there money out of them! and I do not wish any bad luck on anybody/nor harm to anyone. bring it on IKE!

  • September 30, 2008 at 4:38 am
    StopUSAGiveaway says:
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    EVERYONE File a lien against his salary. Having just read this as a customer and recipient of Ike and Katrina: that is it.
    Our own agent left town the week of IKE he still has never returned our call.
    This country needs blasted off the map due to the majority of scrum, bag greedy, pure EVIL homosapiens.
    MEANWHILE someones son is being and has been systematically sacrificed on foreign soil as US TROOPS for OPEN BORDERS USA CRIMINAL ILLEGAL ALIEN INVADERS heathen breeders via sperm donors from womb to tomb for auto welfare so the working and diminishing working taxpayers can just drop dead from trying to survive.
    Do Unto Others As You Would have them do unto Y O U
    One Nation Under GOD

  • October 1, 2008 at 4:25 am
    KIMI DAVID says:
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    Welcome to our nightmare.
    We’ve been fighting these wars inside America…what the hell are we doing in Iraq?
    After Katrina, Mortage Companies refused to apply Insurance Payments to the loans.
    The Mortage Companies held Insurance Money until you jump thru their hoops then still hold a percentage.
    Insurance Companies deny claims, low ball damage and try to avoid paying living expenses which everyone has in their homeowners policy. Check Your Policy!
    Bad Americans flock to disaster areas pretending to help us but they loot and rip off homeowners every step of the way.
    LA protects the fradulent Contractors by implementing fines every time they are reported and the Contractors Review Board Keeps The Fines. The LA Contractors Review Board consists of 1 man. lol
    He does not report any of these felong crimes to the authorities for prosecution which is a felony crime in itself.
    The AG, DA and Inspector General look the other way.
    Still in litigation from Katrina.
    The Lawyers in LA are playing feet with the Insurance Companies because LA does not have Punitive Damages. The Lawyers are trying to get us to settle for 10 cents on the dollar instead of the 5 cents the ins co offered.
    Then the Lawyers want 40% just to settle.
    God Bless America…we’re in deep trouble.
    A never ending nightmare on American Soil!

  • October 2, 2008 at 8:05 am
    David says:
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    Are you done whining?

  • October 2, 2008 at 9:55 am
    KIMI DAVID says:
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  • October 4, 2008 at 11:22 am
    zorro says:
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    Isn’t David the idiot that said if you don’t like insurance don’t buy it.

    The real answer is don’t buy from crooks. Because if you buy from crooks you have no insurance anyway — but you paid for it.

    Shop around, do some research and buy insurance from a good insurance company that doesn’t cheat its claimants. They’re out there.

    Kim stop whinning and do something. There are so many stiffs out there that don’t want to get involved or vote for the same idiots that screw them over time and time again.

    Watching Americans get screwed is so much fun because they have it coming.

    I can’t wait to watch the Dow drop another 1000 points and see the people lose their pensions. I love foreclosures, job losses and inflation. It’s nature culling the dumb. Hopefully these morons won’t procreate. The idiots that stayed behind for Ike will not.

    You betcha … soccer moms and Joe Six Packs.

    I can’t wait for the depression.

  • October 4, 2008 at 5:18 am
    David says:
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    I’ve already gotten mine

  • October 5, 2008 at 8:38 am
    David says:
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    I love foreclosures too. I bought my house in foreclosure and saved a bundle. That’s what smart people do.

    If you want a depression, it’s simple, just vote Obama.

    See ya in the soup lines!

    ha haaaa!

  • October 5, 2008 at 9:16 am
    KIM DAVID says:
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    I never voted for Bush and I am dam mad about the war in Iraq.
    Iraq is not worth one of our men and furthermore…where the hell is Bin Lauden? We never touched one hair on his greasy head!
    Charity begins @ home!
    We should spend US Dollars on fighting corruption and rebuilding the American Family.
    Our troops could be helping hurricane victims rebuild on American soil, where they are wanted and needed but Bush is spending 2 Billion per month to rebuild Iraq after we bombed them.
    I would gladly pay our troops insted of
    getting ripped off by contractor fraud.
    By the way, I lost my home in New Orleans and MS along with 2 agencies.
    I am not a red neck, but my as s is red from American Politics.
    Republician & Democrate are BS….we are people!

  • October 5, 2008 at 12:10 pm
    kim david says:
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    What a real hateful psyco you are.
    You like to see Americans get screwed?
    I don’t like to see anyone get screwed except people like you when karma catches up with you.

  • October 5, 2008 at 1:18 am
    zorro says:
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    David I do not vote. Voting is for the stupid people. And trailers don’t count David. I don’ care how many you bought.

    Yes Kim I like to see the people that voted for George Bush get screwed. They destroyed our economy; are responsible for the 911 attacks; got our young men and women killed for military industrial complex profits; were part of a genocide — should I go on.

    I hope all the red neck American Idiot white trash become so physically stunted from their inability to purchase food that they become sterile.

    You betcha soccer moms and Joe Six Packs.

    No go pray.

  • October 6, 2008 at 1:13 am
    zorro says:
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    Blame the politicians all you want but it is the idiot americans that voted for them. It is the idiot americans that let them steal and kill and ruin this place. It is the idiot americans who let the corporate aristocracy/military industrial complex destroy the idiot americans.

    Idiot americans cannot get enough pain as far as I am concerned. Screw them for being so stupid.

    I am so happy over 300 texans failed to leave their homes during Ike and just got blown away. That’s over 300 less idiots to mess it up for the people with a modicum of intelligence.

    I love it. The stock market is heading to 7500. Say goodbye to the retirement plans — hah.

    Now tell me Sarah Palin is good. You betcha.

  • October 6, 2008 at 2:28 am
    zorro says:
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    Idiot. I am veteran. Anyone who points out how stupid you all are must be a Muslim. That’s the kind of smarts that is going to land you on the soup line.

    Oh I am enjoying the knowledge that you are going to lose your home, your retirement, everything — now vote for Sarah and pray some.

    You betcha

  • October 6, 2008 at 3:01 am
    Linda says:
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    Zorro, you clearly sound Muslim to me with your obvious hatred of Americans. And by the way, Sarah Palin is running for VICE President, you idiot, not President.

  • October 6, 2008 at 3:10 am
    KIMI DAVID says:
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    God… I love, I admire our Troops and I think it is wrong to send them to Iraq.
    We were supposed to go get Bin Lauden cuz of 911….We never touched Bin Lauden and we’ve already lost 4,177 men.
    Send our men home where they are wanted & needed, where they are safe.
    We should send all of our elected politicians to Iraq and let the Vets run the country. See how they like that one.
    The Vets deserve the salary & respect that politicians get. They risked their lives for our freedom and get a few crumbs
    if they are lucky enough to return home in one piece.
    Sick of the BS.
    We are Americans…This is our Land.

  • October 6, 2008 at 4:16 am
    zorro says:
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    Linda did you ever serve. Did you ever see combat. Shut up bimbo.

    You think the only people who hate Americans are Muslims. Your own government and corporate fat cats hate you. Take a trip over to our allies and see how much they hate Americans.

    I love America. The land. The heritage. The constitution. I hate Americans for being so stupid and cowardly.

    Enjoy your stupid poverty Linda. If you hate Muslims so much join the military and fight you disgusting chicken hawk.

  • October 7, 2008 at 7:41 am
    zorro says:
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    Idiot the Republicans controlled the Senate; the House and the Presidency from 2000 to 2006. The Democrats took the House in 2006; in 2006 the Democrats made gains in the Senate but it is basically a tie with big Joe L — an Independent — acting like a Republican.

    Your lack of knowledge is only surpassed by Sarah Pallin’s.

    Socialism. What do you think the bail out is. Socialism for the rich. The war in Iraq. Tax cuts for oil companies. Welfare for the rich. You are so stupid. No wonder I hate Americans.

    I was not referring to Obama’s military experience dope.

  • October 7, 2008 at 8:17 am
    Linda says:
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    No, I did not serve. My father, father in law served and my niece is currently serving.

    You say you love America but hate stupid Americans and are happy that this country is in an economic crisis. That does not sound to me like someone who loves this country and is wishing doom on ALL Americans.

    If you vote for Obama then this country really will go down the toilet.

    I suggest you do some research and find out what Obama really stands for. It’s not America, you betcha.

  • October 7, 2008 at 10:53 am
    zorro says:
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    You false patriot hiding behind the service of your relatives. Take a private poll of the boys in Iraq. Not in the Green Zone but on the line. They’re voting Obama. They know their buddies lives were wasted to make corporations rich. They know what is waiting for them at home. PTSD. Broken marriages and no jobs.

    You all disgust me … weak of mind and body.

  • October 7, 2008 at 12:21 pm
    Linda says:
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    Excuse me, when and where did Obama serve? McCain was a POW and served his country. I guess you could say Obama is a false patriot. You are the one who is weak in the mind. Do some research on his socialized plans and then tell me how he will put this country back together. We have had a democratic congress for years and look at where it has gotten us. Laus Deo!!!!!

  • November 18, 2008 at 11:36 am
    Taxpayer says:
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    Did Statefarm in an indirect way profit from the bailout?

  • November 18, 2008 at 11:38 am
    Taxpayer says:
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    Here’s some advice for you zorro given your apparent hatred for 300 million people (pop of the USA) based on your earlier post: Pull the log from your own eye instead of obsessing about a splinter in someone else’s.

  • November 18, 2008 at 2:48 am
    zorro says:
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    It was an American who said: “You’ll never go broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people.”

    You’re all nothing to me.

    Admit it. You feel the same way about every other American outside your family. And if you’re like most Americans you could give a damn about your family — as demonstrated by your disgusting treatment of your parents (neglect) and children (debt).

  • November 18, 2008 at 6:23 am
    Kim David says:
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    Leave Zorro Alone!
    He has every right to express his feelings and he is right about the wars.
    It began with Vietnam. US lost over 50k men in a war that we should not have been in.
    Yes…It’s all about money & corruption.
    You would understand him better if you lost your son or your legs fighting in a war for money.
    The Apple Pie is gone & America cries!
    We’re all in touble.
    Perhaps the government should spike our water with prozac.

  • November 19, 2008 at 7:41 am
    Linda says:
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    Zorro, you are a truly disturbed individual. I pray you get the help you so obviously need.

  • November 19, 2008 at 1:22 am
    Zorro says:
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    I complain that our elderly are not taken care of and we are leaving a mountain of debt for our children — and I am disturbed. America has become the opposite of morality and logic. Stupid people.

    Linda look in the mirror. Are you happy about what you are leaving your children. One Trillion in debt in this year alone. The second largest expense has been the interest on the debt alone for a few years now. Your children’s children will pull coal carts deep underground you moron.

  • November 19, 2008 at 1:37 am
    Linda says:
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    Zorro, I think you are disturbed because of all the spewing of hatred that you post and also because of all your name calling. What purpose does it serve other than to prove you have no manners and think that you are better than everyone else.

    I ask what exactly are YOU doing to fix the problems of this country, the debt, the elderly, other than COMPLAIN and call people stupid?

    Why don’t you just leave America if you hate it so much here?

  • November 19, 2008 at 3:20 am
    zorro says:
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    I am doing quite well here because I learned a painful lesson at age 19 in Lebanon. We sat there unable to chamber our rounds and let a bomb laden truck ram into our barracks blowing my buddies to pieces. I saw it. We were there because of people like you who want other people to pay and die for your idiot beliefs.

    Since then I learned to not believe the lie that is America. Why don’t you make me leave chicken hawk.

  • November 19, 2008 at 4:49 am
    Kim says:
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    I understand your pain and you have every right to be angry.
    We were lied to so many times.
    We belived what our parents belived in but they were lied to also. They did not find the truth until it was too late.
    When people were dodging the draft for Vietnam, my Dad served in the Navy and
    called them Hippie Cowards.
    John Lenon wanted peace and the US tried to deport him.
    Students protested and were shot.
    The media helped Americans see the truth.
    Our government covers up much more than we know. The JFK Assination, Hoover, Hoffa, Death of Marilyn Monroe, Robert Kennedy, Enron, Wall Street, Oil, Gas, Banking & The Insurance Industry.
    Blacks had to ride in the back of the bus but we have come a long way only to find out that we are all riding in the back of the bus. The new mafia is dressed in robes and business suits or badges.
    I had more respect for the old mafia because when you double crossed someone you died. These days Americans get double crossed by the Judicial System for trying to seek justice.
    The politicians are back stabbing rats.
    The better the liar, the higher their position.

    I hate the corruption and betrayal from Americans on our own land.
    It is wrong and we have serious problems and few care about right & wrong until it happends to them!

  • May 14, 2009 at 7:39 am
    kim says:
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    You said sick in the back?
    If you had back problems before the accident, you are considered an egg shell plantiff, therefore pre-existing injuy will get more money.
    How much can you get if you go to court?
    Is it $500K for each of you or the total for both. How old is your son?
    Perhaps you can settle for your son & take yours to trial. You need to verify that your lawyer is a trial attorney.
    They love to settle & play feet under the table with ins co

  • May 14, 2009 at 8:55 am
    jerry says:
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    thanks kim, my lawyer is a trail lawyer, hope it means something, and they said i had a pre-exsiting back problem, who wouldn’t at my age. thanks for the info

  • May 14, 2009 at 8:56 am
    jerry says:
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    me and my son was in a ambulance crash,bad accident,company had s.f. and other driver had s.f. both drivers were on cell phones, one texting and s.f. has stall with a settlement, they think I only got a whiplash, in fact i can hardly walk, paralyze sometimes and doctors don’t know why. I am mess up for the rest of my life,it seems like my attourneys have bigger fish frying and i will get nothing from these creeps, any suggestions before I settle. thanks

  • May 14, 2009 at 9:10 am
    kim says:
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    Wishing you the best, buddy!
    Good Luck.

  • May 14, 2009 at 12:22 pm
    kim says:
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    Well the max amount you can get is the policy max for each policy.
    Then You can sue your own insurance too.
    Don’t settle for too much less than the policy maximum amt of coverage.
    Good Luck, hope you feel better

  • May 14, 2009 at 12:26 pm
    zorro says:
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    what state are you in? have they cut off your benefits. let me know.

  • May 14, 2009 at 12:54 pm
    jerry says:
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    i am in s.c. but the accident happen in n.c. it still being talk over, my attourneys asked for 500,000, i really wanted a million, they say i could go to court which i want to do, but they say i might could get nothing, but i am one of those people who wants my minute, not just leaving it to a guy and formulas. right

  • May 14, 2009 at 1:04 am
    kim says:
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    Do you know how much each Policy Limit was?
    That is the max amount you can get.
    Lawyers love to settle, sometimes they settle on the courthouse steps.
    Do you have the right Lawyer?
    You may need a trial Lawyer, one that won’t settle for less than the case is worth.
    Trust No One !

  • May 14, 2009 at 1:14 am
    jerry says:
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    very interesting information, thanks, i just hope i got the right lawyer. somehow i feel a knot in my stomach that i want get what my son and i deserved. I mean this messed up my life and any amount won’t change that. will it.

  • May 14, 2009 at 1:29 am
    Kim says:
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    First find out the Policy Limit per policy
    If the damage exceeds the policy limits
    you can also sue your own ins company & get the max coverage fm your policy too.
    My brother is paralyzed. The cost of his care is outrageous. Bladder infections,
    bed sores, depression, etc.
    A jury trial would give you the maximum policy limits, per insured. People are sick of these companies trying to get out of paying, in every state.

  • May 14, 2009 at 2:10 am
    Linda says:
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    If you have the right lawyer, he already should know what the policy limits are. However, if your case is worth more than the policy limits and you feel a jury would award more, than even though policy limits might be exhausted they still would be liable to pay any additional out of their own pocket. This was an auto claim correct? If so, in order for your policy to pay out any uninsured/underinsured limits you would need to have higher limits than what they were carrying.

  • May 14, 2009 at 3:15 am
    Kim says:
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    You should also check on the recalls of all vehicles involved. Sometimes accidents are caused my manufacturer defects. Ex: My aunt ran into a gas station while her car was parked in front.
    She went thru the middle of the store.
    Come to find out, there was a major defect with this Lincoln model. Two weeks after this, Katrina wiped out the gas station. I think the owner gave up on owning gas stations.

  • May 14, 2009 at 6:13 am
    jerry says:
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    my lawyers were gunhoe, i hope i spell that righr, they were on cell phones, my ambulance driver was texting her boyfriend, the truck pulled out, he was talking on the cell phone, my lawyers said we would get phone records,sounded good what they had planned, then a airplane crash happen close by, one person injure was a big celebrity and bought his case to my lawyer, he was suing for 5 millon or more and i feel i became less and my son, it total the ambulance we were in and the truck, and they really think all we got was a whiplash, i am a old man who was sick in the back, they think it was like a fall,but it was like a rocket hit us,we travel in two lanes before crossing the grass strip and wound up facing the other way on the wrong side of the highway.

  • May 15, 2009 at 6:46 am
    StopUSAGiveaway says:
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    ANyone wanting to do a class action: contact

  • October 15, 2009 at 1:39 am
    Coffey Construction says:
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    State farm in Stockbridge Ga. uses agents from out of town to handle there work load but these agents waste contractors and home owners time by not showing up for the shedule appts. If they are doing the contractor bad i really feel sorry for the home owner. I have refused two other home owners repairs due to having State Farm Ins. I will not work with them any more.

  • November 3, 2009 at 7:56 am
    Kim David says:
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    How can USA allow the Industry to put a Hurricane Deductible on a policy when there is no such thing as Hurricane Insurance?

  • November 3, 2009 at 8:06 am
    The Equalizer says:
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    Because we have the best government money can buy.

  • November 3, 2009 at 8:34 am
    kim david says:
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    but our government is corrupt and has been for quite some time.
    that is why people hate americans.
    The judicial system is controled by politics…a who’s who system.

  • November 3, 2009 at 3:10 am
    The Equalizer says:
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    Any complaints that you are looking to do something with or if you would like to share information please contact at All communications kept confidential. You can use an email account that you just make up for this communication.

  • November 25, 2009 at 4:18 am
    robert w hennis says:
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    i recived a cancellation notice on acc#1082-6655-22. not because i didn’t pay my monthly premium of $207.71 or because we filed a massive claim . we refused to pay the $3.00 monthly add on because we pay monthly by check. your arrogance is beyond belief. i have at 52 years never met anyone who belived in or trusted their insurance co. every insurance co spends millions every year to try and convince people that , their honest and care about us. some use lizzards, some ducks, old actors , or catchy jingles. all designed to decive us. your industry has the upper hand to a certain extent because the law requires certain thing to be insured. you do not have total control, i / we as the consumer do. you are a vendor , as such we look at your product, decide if it’s worth the price then buy or not. to penialize me because i dont trust you enough to pre pay for your service i wrong.needless to say, i’ll locate another vendor. sorry state farm their is only one god. i have read the bible and never saw you mentioned. robert w hennis

  • November 25, 2009 at 4:27 am
    TheEqualizer says:
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    Any complaints that you are looking to do something with or if you would like to share information please contact at All communications kept confidential. You can use an email account that you just make up for this communication.

  • January 16, 2010 at 3:30 am
    Pimp Daddy says:
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    Every month my premiums increase.

    Banks and insurance companies are partying
    with our money.

    Anyone who justifies their actions as legitimate are corporate whores.

  • March 29, 2010 at 2:51 am
    Louie says:
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    Wow, consumers can be ignorant due to lack of information regarding a product…

    Lets put this into persepective;
    First off State Farm cannot give out a gigantic raise every year to all “deserving employees”, because if they did give out a large raise on a year where catastrophes did not happen, what is to say that there will not be many consecutive years of catastrophies, meaning State Farm could not keep up with the salary they anticipated to payout based on a previous successful years.

    Also, people, dont embarrass yoursleves by coming here and talking about claims not being paid or fees you originally agreed to pay just because you had a bad experience and you were not bright enough to read the declarations pages of your policy or pay attention what your broaker/agent explained to you. Its sad! Insurance has very detailed guidelines, read up before you complain. Insurnace companies’ (State Farm in particular) job is to find ways to pay out based on the coverages you have chosen!

    If your insurance is too high, keep your driving record clean for the past three years (no at-fault accidents, tickets or suspensions for 5 years), have a descent credit score and pay on time and you will see your insurance lower. Or go to a different company, its your right!!

    State Farm is mutual, show up to the annual meeting and voice your vote. Plus they give out divident checks to mutual policyholders on successful fiscal years.

    Ed Rust is one of the lowest paid CEOs of all fortune 500 companies….

    With all that being said, I do think a larger bulk of his raise should have been paid out as performance cash to employees, but what are you going to do?!?

    This is capitalism, dont get mad just because someone makes more money than you do, you have the power! I certainly wish I could make that much, but I have no issues.

  • April 22, 2010 at 11:00 am
    kim says:
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    Ed Rust is dead~Wake up
    You don’t know much!

  • April 25, 2010 at 12:26 pm
    Louie says:
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    Ed Rust is dead? I think they would have let me and my co workers know considering he is the CEO for the company I work for…

  • April 26, 2010 at 1:16 am
    Louie says:
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    Haha, yeah, the son’s name is Edward B. Rust Jr. and current CEO of State Farm, the person this article is about.

    Pay more attention to your google searches…

  • April 25, 2010 at 4:44 am
    kim says:
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    State Farms President, Ed Rust died at St. Joseph’s Hospital. He was 66 ys old.
    He had been treated for aplastic anemia, a blood and bone marrow disorder.
    Survivors include his wife, Harriet, two daughters and a son.
    Funeral services were held on a Wednesday in Bloomington.

    I rest my case. Enough evidence to prove how sneaky they are.
    State Farm is not a good neighbor.
    The company is deceptive…to all!

  • May 3, 2010 at 12:08 pm
    TheEqualizer says:
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    Louie you’re a moron. The CEO of SF at the time of Katrina. The ******* that got the raise. The one the article is about. He died.

    Ironically he was an aid to Richard M. Nixon.

    Idiot what about all the class actions and punitive damage awards against State Farm for the fraud they perpetrate on their customers. Forget Katrina. What about the Campbell case. That went to the Sup. Ct. What about the Avery case. So did that. What about the F-4s that hit Oklahoma City. All the settlements that S.F. pays out in exchange for confidentiality. The North Ridge earthquakes.

    Figures your an employee.

    You admitted in you first post. Consumers are stupid for buying State Farm. When you make your claim the first thing on
    their mind is how to get out of paying it.

    So you admitted State Farm is out to screw their customers.

    Best thing is Louie you freak is that I made more money last year suing SF then you made the last 10 years working there.

    Thanks for being such a disgusting company full of degenerates like you.

  • May 10, 2010 at 5:01 am
    dean wallace says:
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    do you teach your distric managers leleran to cheat people who complete work for them. I completely redid his dads house after he died. When i was finished he still will not pay me, and is squabbling over a few hundred dollars worth of reciepts. I hope you dont teach this to all your future agents…I mean im sure you pay him over hundred thousand a year, you think he could pay me for doing the work on his dads house. ill send email to give details and you tell me what you think….the amount im talking about is like 4,200 dollars split between three other siblings and he still wont pay me… dosnt say to much about his integerty does it?

  • May 14, 2010 at 1:48 am
    Louie says:
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    Wow, equalizer…just to make it easy for you, I’ll take it step by step. Ed Rust Sr. a while ago. Ed Rust Jr., the gentleman who got the raise is very much still alive. I dont even know what you are trying to claim! PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR GOOGLE SEARCHES! I choose not to even call you names because…haha, you’re just not worth it. And you should change your name from equalizer to antagoniser…

    An aid to Nixon? First, thats irrelevant and you’re obviously wrong because HE IS STILL ALIVE and you are talking about some dead guy! Get it through your skull! Yeah, and show me where you read that, I’d like to see you try to turn your lie into your own truth…

    Next…no, lets not forget Katrina! Lets talk about Katrina. A simple two words for you…flood insurance. Media and people like you are too ignorant to read the exclusions portion within a standard HO2, 3, 4, 5, 6 or 8 (yeah, look it up) insurance policy dec page and feel very important about yourselves because you have a big mouth. Why do you think flood insurance exists? Its a sad truth that many of the people of the coasts that were affected by Katrina DID NOT have flood insurance and thought that homeowners covers all. Bless them considering their horrible situations and I wish them all the best, but you cannot blame an insurance company for consumer ignorance. This is not an attack, but a sheer fact!

    Oh yeah, earthquake authority insurance. Its the same concept, so dont even try northridge.

    And WHAT about all those cases?

    Please remember who caused the accident in the Campbell case. State Farm paid out policy limits. This is what the Campbells signed up for. Bad faith? Definitely not! Bad decision by a group of a couple of individuals from State Farm to guarantee no financial losses? Most likely, but acknowledged. Plus you are also forgetting that judgements and payouts are determined by a court of law, yet you are chasing the insurance company because they are financially strong? Thats greedy!

    Avery Case? Verdict tossed! Plus did you see the claim? Wow, read that one! It’s a doozy! “Restore vehicles to “pre-loss condition” by using parts of “like kind and quality.” Thats what was done and determined!

    Dont know F4 cases… so I’m not commenting, plus you probably poorly skimmed over that also anyway…ha, chump.

    And what did I admit? Get out of paying what? Read carefully! This is a posting and you are trying to put words in others’ mouths when there is no talking, but typed words. We’re all adults and your argument tactic is childish. I imagine you sound like a donkey when you talk!

    And sir, I’m glad you are doing well on your profession of insurance faud by constantly suing State Farm, but the truth is that I’m paid very fairly and earning an honest living, so I’m a happy person.

    So think about who the degenerate is here?!

    You have just been pwned! hah

  • May 14, 2010 at 7:50 am
    TheEqualizer says:
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    Louie you’re still a miscreant. You sound like one of State Farm’s despicable lawyers with your misrepresentations.

    In Campbell State Farm could have settled for the policy limits. They did not. Instead they told the Campbell family that they would win in court. They doctored up the record to make it look like it was the Plaintiff’s fault. The made up a lie that the deceased — a married man — was rushing to see his pregnant girl friend. There was no girlfriend.

    The poor Campbells got hit with a judgment well above the policy limits. Hundreds of thousands above. State Farm told their policyholders — well you better sell your house.

    After an 145 million dollar punitive damages award was tossed by the U.S. Supreme Court the case got remanded. Teh Supreme Court stated that State Farm was reprehensible but the punitive damages reward was excessive in that it was based on national conduct. Your company settled for 20 million. I guess they were crooks.

    Katrina you moron was not about flood insurance. It was about blaming wind damage on flooding. The wind was covered the floods were not. State Farm hired crooked engineers to say damage hundreds of miles inland was caused by floods. State Farm is paying out millions on that.

    Avery was tossed after a jury and lower court awarded 4 billion in damages. That’s right — 4 billion. State Farm flooded the state with hundreds of millions in campaign and other slush money and sure enough the the State’s higher court tossed the case. I guess you don’t agree with the premise that courts like any part of govermnent can be bought — especially in Illinois; the home of the evil empire State Farm.

    In the F-4 cases State Farm used the same crooked engineers to say the damage was pre-existing. The punitive damage awards paid out were in the tens of millions. I have the dead rust — the CEO’s deposition idiot. I don’t do google searches like your SIU units.

    The Northride Quakes were not about coverage for earthquakes. They were about how State Farm sold phoney policies promising earthquake coverage. State Farm employees blew the lid on that one. State Farm settled in the tens of millions but had the records sealed. Upon motion the court unsealed the records. I have the affidavits of the State Farm employees.

    I’ll come back with the case cite wherein State Farm got hit with a 14 million dollar punitive damages award that has been upheld and paid. State Farm denied a claim for a stolen car. They got their henchman at the NICB — an insurance company group of neo nazis that purportedly investigate fraud — to have the police arrest their policy holders for fraud. They were found not guilty. They sued State Farm. It came out that State Farm hid key documents that showed that the poor family had their car stolen. 14 million of State Farm money for the family.

    Folks any company representative who calls you an idiot for not reading the fine print — well you are an idiot if you buy their insurance. Does State Farm know how effectively you are advertising their product.

    Do you believe in God Louie. Because if you do you’re surely going to hell.

  • May 15, 2010 at 9:40 am
    TheEqualizer says:
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    You want honor in this country. That’s anti-American. We came here and perpetrated a genocide.

    Then we brought slaves and were one of the last so called civilized nations to abolish it. Selling humans to other humans. Splitting up families. The rapes and beatings and killings.

    On and on it went from coal mines to sweat shops. During the Mingo county wars between the miners and the Coal company thugs — Pinkertons — the U.S. Army actually dive bombed the miners. We’ve bombed our own people. We shot 4 dead at Kent State. All the defective products that kill thousands each year.

    I could go on. The Banks that charge 24% interest on credit cards. The Bank Fees. The way the working class get taxed regressively while the corporations pay nothing.

    Soon as they adopted the Constitution they gave it to the government and the courts who refuse to enforce it. The robber barons went on their merry way. And honor went out the door.

    How many boys and now girls did they send to fight a useless war — how many are maimed for life or came back in boxes. For oil. Go to the gulf and just skim it off the surface of the water or the beaches. There’s plenty of it.

  • May 15, 2010 at 11:43 am
    American Woman Cries says:
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    I had no idea about the corruption in the USA until Katrina.
    Is there any honor left in this country?

  • May 16, 2010 at 8:23 am
    kIM says:
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    Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.

  • September 23, 2010 at 3:48 am
    Angela Russell says:
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    Please read how the Opportunistic Predator STATE FARM Ripped Off a Widow & Two Little Girls:

    Thanks, Angela

    Please help spread the word! :)

  • September 23, 2010 at 3:53 am
    Anonymous says:
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    Not the first time & won’t be the last.
    Why does the USA allow this?

  • October 7, 2010 at 8:42 am
    Angela Russell says:
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    State Farm Employees: Past & Present: If you have evidence of any type of wrongdoing BE A HERO & Blow the Whistle!

    State Farm Employees: Whistleblowers receive from 15% to 30% (PAID TO YOU) of the amount recovered by government:

  • October 8, 2010 at 12:23 pm
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    Blow the whistle but to who?
    The government allows & helps them defraud every homeowner in the USA.
    We can become SELF-INSURED by city & state, have better coverage for half the premiums & still have money let over.
    But noooooo…… They don’t want that because this Industry generates jobs & taxes.

  • May 14, 2011 at 11:51 am
    D says:
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    Guess what…he owns the company. It’s private. Good for him.

  • February 8, 2012 at 8:57 pm
    Sugarplum says:
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    The Board of Directors should all be voted out as well as the CEO. There was a time when the company cared about it’s customers and the the theme, “Like A good Neighbor State Farm is There” meant something…Now, you hardly ever hear the slogan and their actions (Higher premiums for customers for no apparent reason other than to make record profits, minimizing claims to reduce payments for legitimate losses, etc.) My rate for Homeowners insurance increased by 50% over last year and I have been a State Farm customer for more than 30 years and have not filed a claim that cost them one red cent in more than 25 years. The agent and no one in his office could explain the 50% rate increase…they themselves just shrug their shoulders. I have just decided to move all of my insurance from them (Multiple Auto and Homeowners)and I am recommending that other members of my family do the same.

  • March 14, 2012 at 5:12 pm
    ackack says:
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    Now I know why my premiums are going up each year. This made me get quotes from two other companies one 20% better and the other 33%. 15 year policy holder here BUT not starting tomorrow.
    I suggest every policy owner to get other estimates. It will save me over $500 a year. Feel bad for the agent–he was always there- but with a hand out for check

  • August 1, 2012 at 9:39 pm
    penn stater says:
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    over a decade with this company and never used theeir service. instaed of a premium rate reduction they give a raise to the guy that felt it was his job to punish the university of Penn State by pulling commercials from their televised games. Penn State received proper punishment from the ridht people. State Farm is not one of them!

  • August 22, 2012 at 10:38 pm
    jc says:
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    check his criminal back ground

  • August 24, 2012 at 6:42 am
    Ken Land says:
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    It’s sad that such greedy people are in these positions, where they could help low income customers with reduced premiums. But no they want more $$$, he makes more in a day than I make in a year, how much is enough?

  • October 10, 2012 at 11:10 pm
    Rick says:
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    They don’t pay on legitimate losses,, They employ managers to push the average person around
    I have a $11,000.00 claim that they won’t pay,,, and State Farm has spent over $15,000.00 in 10 months to string me along,, greed is in the management of State Farm

  • October 10, 2012 at 11:11 pm
    Rick says:
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    They strong arm insured and hope you walk away from a claim,,, I’m standing up to their atorneys and managers

  • April 14, 2016 at 8:07 am
    Paul says:
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    I have received in the last (3) car renewals, every 6 months 20% total increases. Keep in mind, each month my car is depreciating. However Ed Rust continues to receive large salaries and huge bonuses. His results base is screwing his customers without any guilt. He should be ASHAM of himself, but I don’t think that is the case.

  • August 17, 2019 at 11:59 am
    Dorothy Napolitano says:
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    I was never at fault of an accident in all the nearly 70 years I’ve been driving yet State Farm continued to charge me so much for insurance I had to sell my car. Yet the CEO makes huge salary due to over-charging the customers. That’s fair????

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