Auto Safety Backfires at NASCAR, Says Professor

May 11, 2007

  • May 12, 2007 at 10:27 am
    Jerry Goose says:
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    Welcome to the real world of racing! I started racing stock cars in 1970 when I returned from 2 years having served my time at the D M Z in Vit Nam while in the SEABEES . So think about no FEAR while racing when all one needed to race was a seat-&seat belt My safty gear was a helmet White pants White t-shirt and Leather gloves.
    While leading a race my beltcame loose now you try to hang on in the turn I did finish 3rd.
    My son now races ASCS 360 sprints and when he got up side down at Knoxville Ia. with just straps on his helmet the next race we got him a Hans set up. now with his new seat and the hans , Iwatched him set quick time on pavement and run 2nd so they have No Fear !!!!!!
    I now work for and all the reportes are racers and we try to out do each outher with every photo .
    Have a great day J Goose

  • May 14, 2007 at 9:04 am
    El Squid says:
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    Messrs. Sobel and Nesbit strike me as pointy headed elitist ivory tower theoreticians who have little or no understanding of motorsports. As a former SCCA racer I can state with certainty that a good race driver knows the limits of his or her vehicle and operates at that limit in order to win the race. I never thought that my new roll bar might protect my head better than the old roll bar when the car got upside down. When the metal fuel tank was replaced with a safety fuel cell, I didn\’t say \”Wow! This fuel cell is less likely to leak gasoline than the old tank, so I think I\’ll risk running into the guardrail coming out of the keyhole at Mid Ohio tail first\”. If you wreck, you can\’t win and NASCAR drivers know this.

    Did Professor Sobel actually ask any NASCAR drivers if they took more risks because of new safety features in their cars? Do Sobel and Nesbit really believe that crashes and and dead bodies are the main appeal to NASCAR fans? These guys may be wizards in economics or whatever else they study, but they have no clue about motorsports.

    But they do come from the most beautiful state in the Union

  • May 14, 2007 at 10:27 am
    Faster says:
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    I really want to know if they factored in that the cars are faster than they used to be? May have something to do with it.

    You\’re right, you can\’t win it if you ain\’t in it – so why push your car beyond its limits \”just \’cause it\’s safer than last year\’s model\”?

  • May 14, 2007 at 11:55 am
    George J Charnie Jr says:
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    A very interesting study. If not consciencely aware of the risk in a improved race car/race track (safer barriers etc) I\’m positive the drivers would be unconsciencely taking more risks in what would be preceived as safer conditions. We see it on the road every winter on the street in 4X4\’s.

  • May 14, 2007 at 12:16 pm
    El Squid says:
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    Hi George,

    Nascar drivers don\’t just hop into the car and go racing without a lot of training and practice. We have virtually no standards that regulate people driving 4WD\’s in the snow and the results prove it.

    Professional racers are a breed apart and they represent the best of the best.

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