Hurricane Chief: Millions Wasted on NOAA Publicity Campaign

By | May 21, 2007

  • May 21, 2007 at 7:47 am
    Jeff says:
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    Well, you did a good job of showing the right wing, close my eyes to everything that\’s going on around me point of view. There are a few nuances that you forgot. Not shocking considering the source.

    Clinton fired all the US attorneys when he took over office. This is ALWAYS done when a NEW president takes over, and is standard practice of the last 30 years. What he didn\’t do was cherry pick attorneys that were pursuing corruption cases against Democrats and then fire them.

    It is true that US attorneys serve at the pleasure of the president, and can be released, however you CANNOT do that if you are trying to affect the outcome of ONGOING cases.

    You ask where the outrage was…how about where is your outrage now? The AG has lied so many times, he\’s talking in circles. One day he says his deputy had nothing to do with the firings except a sign off and that McNulty should have been more involved, and now, less than ONE day after the resignation, has said McNulty was instrumental in the firings. Now, I ask you, when Clinton lied under Oath in a civil case, how mad were you? Did you think he should have been impeached and removed? I bet you did.

    Finally, the Republicans were in power for 12 years, not 20, and quite frankly your side has secured many, many years of Democratic rule with your selection of the most corrupt, ineffective administration in the history of the country (including Grant\’s)…congratulations.

  • May 21, 2007 at 11:00 am
    Anon says:
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    Another perspective might be that $1 spent on hurricane forecasting is $1 wasted. The only way I\’d trust the forecasts less is if they wore turbans, had a crystal ball, and read the forecast from a sealed evelope before opening it (like Carnac the Magnificent).

    My hurricane forecast: If you live within 200 miles of the Gulf of Mexico or the Pacific Ocean (south of Manhattan) be ready, it might happen to you and if it does I don\’t want to hear you complain. If you\’re south of Myrtle Beach buy storm shutters and ensure your house is built to new codes. If you\’re south of S. Carolina, do as above, also sell your pre-fab home, buy appropriate insurance and have an emergecy escape plan.

    It might not be this year but there\’s going to be a level 5 hurricane that makes landfall on the continental US at some point in the future.

    Thank you… \”I hold in my hand the last envelope…\”

  • May 21, 2007 at 12:40 pm
    Anonymous says:
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    Pacific Ocean south of Manhattan….lemme think about that one…

  • May 21, 2007 at 1:07 am
    media mogul says:
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    \”The Legacy\” (Bush [41 or 43 for that matter], as in admissions legacy to Yale and later Harvard) now leaves us a sad legacy, while still seeking a legacy in Iraq and an immigration legacy as people continue to be used up and suffer and die. Yes, give The Legacy a legacy.

    Non-scientific and anti-scientific thought pervades this Regent University selected failed government (wait till Goodling testifies this week about the Attorny General fiasco–talk about shooting yourself in the foot). It seeps into public awareness like sewage, with all the purity and truth of Alberto Gonzalez \”testimony.\”

    Witness Anon\’s anti-science rant on this story. Can\’t even get his/her oceans straight [hey, maybe he meant Manhattan Beach California), but since the earth is flat and surrounded on all sides by dragons, who cares, eh?

    We need politicians who believe in science and that don\’t see it as a wedge issue to continue in power and continue the astonishing looting and stealing in which they have been engaged since 1992. Instead, science should be used to enhance human life–as in giving us what has proven to be very useful information for our coastal residents.

    What no forecasting at all escept praying to deities? I thought we had left that behind in the West about half a millenium ago. Or perhaps we should follow the Wrath [Weather] Report of Pat Robertson and the late Jerry Falwell? Our religious leaders are seriously telling us that places that disagree with the whacko, extremist Republican party wedge issues and that suffer a natural disaster are being punished by a divine personage.

    It is going to take America generations to undue the damage done in just the past seven years.

    Way to go Bush (and your masters Rove and Cheney)! What a legacy! To quote Rush: \”America held hostage!\”–for another eighteen months.

  • May 21, 2007 at 1:26 am
    Gonna get fired says:
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    He surely will get fired for criticizing the status quo. I wonder how much they spent on a study to find out how much was spent on the study?!!

  • May 21, 2007 at 1:28 am
    Jewel says:
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    Maybe they meant Manhattan Beach, California?

    That\’s the only thing I can think of that makes any sense.

  • May 21, 2007 at 1:30 am
    algore says:
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    Ok media mogul not saying I disagree with you because I really dont know your point. Your English sucks–proof you must write professionally for some esteemed newpaper or journalistic service. Maybe you should send your resume to this rag as they seem to be even worse than you at stating the facts clearly and concisely.

  • May 21, 2007 at 2:03 am
    Anon says:
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    Okay, okay, you got me… I meant the Atlantic Ocean. Then again… you don\’t really have to know anything to predict huricanes anyway. It can be done with a roll of dice. Here\’s my formula:

    -Two dice, roll once: this is the number of \”named storms\” we\’ll experience this year.
    -One die, roll once: this is the number of those storms that will reach hurricane status.
    -Two dice, roll once: this is the percentage that one of those storms will make landfall in the US.

    There… we\’ll have 34 named storms this year, 5 will be hurricanes, and there\’s a 41% chance of landfall in the US. Now where\’s my millions?

    BTW: If any of these predictions turn out to be false it\’s because of unusaul inter-connectivity between lunar tidal influences affecting the sub-tropic thermal layer of the mid-Atlantic seafloor currents… and El Nino… and somehow President Bush also.

  • May 21, 2007 at 2:25 am
    LH says:
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    Gotta luv ya, man!

  • May 21, 2007 at 3:49 am
    Anon says:
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    Okay… again, I admit I got my oceans confused… sorry, I don\’t live on the ocean and it was before my cuppa\’ Joe this morning.

    Still, anti-science? How is guessing science? Last year they warned what a terrible hurricane season we should expect. I know underwriters at my company were puckering various parts of their bodies in anticipation. What happened to all that science? Ooops… our projections were wrong. It\’s not anti-science to point out the lack of science in hurricane modelling.

    This year half the forecasters are warning how bad the season will be, but then there\’s a couple other models that say it won\’t be much worse than an \”average\” year.

    You want USEFUL advise of how to prepare for a hurricane? A forecast isn\’t going to do it. Don\’t want to be affected by a hurricane, don\’t live in an area prone to them (sure, I know, Pittsburgh was flooded by a hurricane in – I think – \’36 but that was a fluke).

    Not really sure where you get the flat Earth, Dragons, or Dieties from whatever. Have a great life being afraid of every media report you hear that uses junk \”science\”. On the other hand I\’ll be more practical and rational and not support wasting money on guesses.

  • May 21, 2007 at 6:28 am
    Compman says:
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    Congratulations on getting almost all the current Democrap talking points out in your comments. Do you have those in a word file so you can cut and paste? It is amazing how you can correlate funding for hurricanes guesses and Attorney firings. Gee, when they took the oath, they all pledged that they were working at the pleasure of the President. What, and low and behold, Bush, with all the authority, decided to fire some of them. Oh my god, The boss fired an employee, now, it is some big scandal. So where were you when Clenis fired all of the Federal attorneys? What, no outrage then.? I guess when you are the losing party in the past 20 years you have to resort to lies and distortions to make a point.

  • May 22, 2007 at 10:08 am
    Compman says:
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    Please list the cases that these federal prosecuters were working on that involved republican corruption. Can\’t name any, what a surprise. You failed to mention that these same prosecuters failed to go after the democratic voter corruption in each of their states and that is why they were being fired. Also, I think Gonzalez is a complete and utter incompetent. He should have never been given the office. But, what he did wrong, was trying to hide this issue from the beginning. He should have just got up in front of the entire nation and said \”yes, I fired these guys at the request of the President and he has every right to request it and I have every right to carry it out\”. Let\’s not forget Abscam (Murtha), Barney Frank running a brothel out of his home, or maybe Ted Kennedy and his wild ride over a bridge many years ago or the new one that the left wing media is trying to keep quiet, the wrongdoings of Dianne Feinstein and steering billions of dollars of defense spending to her husbands companies. No, only GOP are corrupt, not!.

  • May 22, 2007 at 10:57 am
    Cat says:
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    Compman, I don\’t think Jeff\’s point was that only republicans are corrupt. I think his point was, conservatives are quick to judge and scream impeachment when a democrat does something \”wrong\”, but will defend a lying/corrupt republican to their grave (example: Bush).

    When will our nation realize that MOST of our politicians are CORRUPT, that the SYSTEM is corrupt and it does not matter which side of the fence they claim to sit on. When a politician that actually works and cares about the PEOPLE of this country steps forward(ie: they do not take office to forward a personal or religious agenda), there will be a revolution in this country. If you doubt me, read a history book. We are tearing our country apart from the inside through corruption and hatred. It\’s heartbreaking.

    My oath is to the CONSTITUTION – not a king! I don\’t care if my leader is \”republican\”, \”democrat\”, \”green\” or otherwise, if they do not uphold the constitution, they do not have my support.

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