Greenberg: No Good Has Come from Spitzer Probes

By | May 25, 2007

  • May 25, 2007 at 8:03 am
    David says:
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    The insurance industry has had enough of you. Everyone is paying for your crimes. Just go away!

  • May 25, 2007 at 11:20 am
    Marc Mayerson says:
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    Yet supposedly it was Mr. Greenberg who got this whole thing rolling because he didn\’t want pay kickbacks to his son\’s firm because they cost too much money.

  • May 25, 2007 at 2:00 am
    Adam says:
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    No, it hasn\’t been good for those on the receiving end of the kickbacks. Now it\’s time to address those P&C carriers (with higher rates) who offer kickbacks such as exotic vcations, gifts, cash, etc., to their agents to get them to place their customers\’ business with them even though those customers would have paid less for the same thing with another of the agents\’ carriers he represents What ever happened to \”fiduciary duty\”?

  • May 25, 2007 at 2:12 am
    Jim Howse says:
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    It is sad to see someone whose time has passed and whose thoughts are irrelevant continue to fight for the spot light. Its like an old pitcher whose arm is gone still trying to inpress the girls in the field boxes. Come on Hank….hang it up!

  • May 25, 2007 at 2:34 am
    Mike says:
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    Forget Hank hanging it up..his Ego won\’t let him..

    Actually, he should be in prison right
    now for the fraud he committed…

  • May 25, 2007 at 5:17 am
    media mogul says:
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    Don\’t utter statements that try to link you with normal people–you are outcast, your reputation is ruined along with that of your family. As if your sons acquired the positions they did based on personal merit.

    And all for a little bit of money.

    And by the way, you vain old fop, you smell bad and the chicks or youngmen as the case may be, aren\’t buying it either.

  • May 25, 2007 at 5:48 am
    Dimitri says:
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    He\’s lucky he didn\’t go out like the boys from Enron. It appears that to defraud ones customers isn\’t quite as bad as defrauding ones employees.

  • May 29, 2007 at 1:50 am
    Musta Missed the Trial says:
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    I must be the only who missed the trial the resulted in Hank\’s conviction.

    Anyone else notice that Spitzer is now the Governer of NY.

    Anyone think there is no connection between high profile cases and Spitzer\’s political ambition.

    Anyone think Spitzer has really accomplished anything for anyone but himself?

  • May 29, 2007 at 2:29 am
    Boycott China says:
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    Sick of reading about this guy. If he isn\’t singing the praises of the murderous thugs that run the Chinese government, he\’s espousing his wisdom on the Spitzer debaucle.

  • May 29, 2007 at 2:35 am
    Jim Howse says:
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    This guy is so not newsworthy. We long to read and you need to be disaplined enough to publish the good that is being accomplish by real insurance people. This continued yellow press just dampens our enthusiam and further decays our pride in our profession. Junk is junk even if you make money peddling it.

  • May 29, 2007 at 4:12 am
    Hank is still right! says:
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    This guy has forgotten more about insurance than any of the other comments will ever know. Look at the results of Spitzers\’ \”probes\”? He has been elected Governor which was the ONLY purpose of going after our industry. Outlawing contingency commissions, a practice used in every type of sales in every industry in our country is NOT allowed in insurance? Wacky stuff.
    Those of you criticizing Hank should bow down to this man. He has more knowledge of this industry than any of you \”little\” people every will. You are just mad because he \”ruled\” in a manner you did not like. He took AIG public at $300 million to a market value of $180 billion in 25 years. I loved my stock returns every year. When can I buy some stock in C.V. Starr? I can not wait… Shareholder value, he knows the meaning and methods to generate those returns.

  • May 29, 2007 at 4:17 am
    Jim Howse says:
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    Great knowledge without character and integrity is still worthy of only pity not respect. Huge growth at the expense of those around you and for whom you have pledged to work is still greed. Hank has fowled his own mess kit. All the oportunist Stipzer did was shine the light. Its not about bonuses its about false bids and shady business dealings.

  • May 30, 2007 at 2:48 am
    bill smith says:
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    Obtaining a quote from a market, at the clients\’ request, who will not write the polcy without a specific coverage exclusion OR has a higher rating structure for a tough class of casualty business than a competing market is not a \”false bid.\” Spitzer expected Marsh brokers to operate in a sealed bid environment and overscripted the whole thing. Don\’t kid yourself – it was political.

  • March 11, 2008 at 4:32 am
    allan brittain says:
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    I agree that Mr. Spitzer’s attack of Mr. Greenburg accomplished nothing except riding AIG of a very competent CEO. I knew sooner or later he would step on his middle leg. People are not as good as he advertised himself.

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