Report: Protestant Church Insurers Handle 260 Sex Abuse Cases a Year

By Rose French | June 18, 2007

  • June 18, 2007 at 9:59 am
    Charles says:
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    I pray now that some of the stigma that was associated with the Catholic Church and abuse cases can now be reduced or eliminated. It is clear that this is an issue amongs many faiths and denominations.
    Insurers should insist upon awareness training for clergy and laity alike, as well as show procedures in place for instructing our children how to voice themselves when incidents arise, or if they are not sure.
    Above all, from the viewpoint of the insurer, perhaps a stipulation, like in fidelity policies, should exist to encourage churches to prosecute those accused of sexual abuse.

    • May 25, 2016 at 1:09 pm
      Jennie says:
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      You are right. It is not just a Catholic problem. I am Protestant, and years ago, I would hear other Protestants say that the reason that the Catholic church had such a problem with pedophiles was that they didn’t allow their priests to marry. That shows a fundamental lack of understanding of pedophilia. It isn’t about sex, it is about power and control.

      • November 19, 2020 at 9:03 pm
        Stephen McCormick says:
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        I think it’s about the sex. I agree with you that the fact that these sinful manipulators are authority figures in their respective churches gives them a persuasive power over their victims that they wouldn’t have elsewhere, is very true. It gives them access to the unwitting victims and enables them to more easily dupe their targets. But I believe they do this for the sexual pleasure they derive, however perverse and unnatural its nature. .The sexual pleasure drives them to abuse their power. And yes, I wouldn’t doubt that the sexual acts they perpetrate become an expression of that horrible abuse of power.

  • June 18, 2007 at 11:19 am
    Father Larry says:
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    It’s still a shame thay they will won’t own up to what went on all these years.

    Maybe if all faiths were a bit more open with the public about these things, peoiple might think about coming back to the church

  • June 18, 2007 at 1:08 am
    Quaker in PA says:
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    Our Meeting has never had a sex abuse allegation, since it began in 1684. All people that work with kids undergo a criminal background check and child abuse clearance. We do not allow anyone to interact with our children in first day school unless they have attended our Meeting for at least six months. We do not have a minister either. I have read that some people that have unnatural sexual feelings toward children join the ministry in order to be closer to the Creator, hoping that their feelings will change as they grow closer to God.

    • May 25, 2016 at 1:07 pm
      Jennie says:
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      And other “people that have unnatural sexual feelings towards children” (AKA – pedophiles) join the ministry so they can have easier access to children.

  • June 18, 2007 at 1:35 am
    No offense, but says:
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    How can you speak for everyone in your church/meeting since 1684?

    Sorry to inform, but the likelyhood that human nature is different based on religious following, or any number of background checks, does not make sense.

    Unfortunately, this behaviour has gone on since the dawn of man, and probably will till the end of man.

    I wish it was possible, then others could learn from your organization, but I do not believe it.

  • June 18, 2007 at 1:42 am
    Charles says:
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    I agree, there is no number of safeguards that you can put in place that will completely prevent any situation, but there are certainly steps that we can take reduce the likelihood.

    My point in all of it is that the Catholic church took a lot of flack a few years ago about this, and now, church insurers are showing that Protestant churches seem to be just as susceptible to the same issues as the Catholic church, yet we don’t hear the same outcry, perhaps because of the in fact decentralization of these churches. When these people are identified, there needs to be action taken immediately, and our children told we are not going to blame them for the actions of those that molested them.

    Also, I would agree, no amount of background checks are going to stop someone determined to offend. Look at the BTK killer- he committed his crimes 25 years ago, then receded into quietness, was a scout and church leader, and then finally was exposed, essentially after he outed himself.

    So, I think it unreasonable for any faith, or denomination thereof, to hold themselves out as “holier than thou” because they’ve “never” had anyone do anything like that. You can’t verify that, though I pray its true.

  • June 18, 2007 at 1:56 am
    Tom says:
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    PLEASE don’t make the mistake of equating homosexuals with pedophiles. Not even remotely comparable. Get over it.

    • November 23, 2018 at 3:39 am
      Steve McC says:
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      well these days we’re learning that what you are saying isn’t true in the strictest sense of the word. Pedophilia defines an adult that is sexually attracted to pre-pubescent children. Now we’re finding out that the combined media typically uses the word for any adult who is attracted to and carries out a sexual crime with any “underage” minor (under 18). And we’re also seeing that the major part of these sexual abuse charges are committed on post-pubescent children, not little kiddies. So the smear job has been done by these media liars and can’t be put back into the bag. Loads of homosexual sex crimes have been labeled as “kiddie molesters” that is “pedophiles”, when the bulk of it is homosexual activity. What a bunch of low down liars.

  • June 18, 2007 at 2:02 am
    Willy says:
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    Although heterosexuals outnumber homosexuals by a ratio of at least 20 to 1, homosexual pedophiles commit about one-third of the total number of child sex offenses.

    Go here:
    This scholarly article is heavily footnoted. Unless and until you can impeach these sources, you’re just whistlin’ Dixie.

  • June 18, 2007 at 2:09 am
    quaker in pa says:
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    Did not suggest our faith is superior to any others. We believe there is that of the Creator in everyone. Just mentioning some of the things we do in order to keep our kids safe.

    • November 19, 2020 at 9:43 pm
      Stephen McCormick says:
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      Really? I certainly will not only suggest but state categorically that the Christian faith is superior to all others. I don’t know about Quakers and I’m not going to study up on them right now, but if you profess to be a follower of Jesus Christ, you’d very well better believe that your faith is superior to any others. Otherwise, for one, why don’t you become a Buddhist or a Hindu? Your Quaker faith is no better than either according to your statement. It’s a heresy called “Universalism” that your advocating or participating in.

      Does a Christian believe all persons are made in the image and likeness of God? Of course they do, and they should give the respect due to all people based on that reality. If that’s what you’re trying to say, just say it, don’t bring the ONE TRUE FAITH IN JESUS CHRIST into some equitableness as just one of many belief systems out there. Read the scripture and you’ll see that Christ is more than very clear about what believing in Him is all about, and there’s NO PLACE for putting Him on any kind of false “equality” with other non-Christian faiths.
      . .

  • June 18, 2007 at 2:26 am
    One of the guys named Rick says:
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    Was there ever any doubt that ‘problems’ existed in denominations other than the Roman Catholic? The difference is that when an Associate Pastor in my church is caught visiting porn sites, he is removed from his position and offered counseling (psychological)to remain a member. His ordination is withdrawn. Our hierarchy deals with these situations and the congregation is advised of the outcomes and asked to pray for healing.

    Sadly, for Catholics, your leadership continues to resist an open and fair resolution of accusations. I am sure not all priests accused are quilty but how will parishoners know? To this day, Bishops are continuing to coverup.

  • June 18, 2007 at 3:11 am
    Charles says:
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    I can’t speak for what is going on in other dioceses, but ours is one that was impacted mightily by these scandals in the past.

    It is true, that in the past, priests were removed from positions, sent to counseling/rehab, what have you, and later allowed to return to ministry once they had been “cured” so to speak. Now it is recognized that you don’t get over being a pedophile, and these priests are in fact removed from ministry, defrocked, and prosecuted. It seems that an unreasonable expectations are put on Catholic priests, that they are somehow above other men. The truth is, they are just men who have had a calling to God, not unlike, in many ways, those of their Protestant brethren. The differences lie in the vow of celibacy, poverty and obediance that Protestant ministers do not ascribe to. But in the end, they are men, capable of fault and sinners, just like you and I.

    I do think its a terrible tragedy and travesty that there have been coverups, and won’t deny that there are attempts to hush things under the rug today. Being an active Catholic, I can tell you, we find it unacceptable, and you can be certain that at least in our parish and diocese, that when these revelations come to light, there is a demand for immediate action and swift justice, as well as healing for all affected.

    Even today, Protestant ministers continue to be accused of things. It just bothers me when they are held out like these things aren’t going on at probably the same, if not higher level than the Catholic church. All we are hearing about in the article are the number of sex abuse molestation cases being reported as claims. This doesn’t include the ones that go unreported or that get “swept under the table”.

    Personally, I think they should all be held responsible. No two, three strikes. Immediate removal and prosecution. And then, get them the help they desperately need, after all, even though they have fallen, they are still God’s children.

  • June 19, 2007 at 8:18 am
    Sue says:
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    I am troubled by the following paragraph from this article: “The companies represent a large chunk of all U.S. Protestant churches. There are about 224,000 in the U.S., according to the Association of Statisticians of American Religious Bodies, although that number excludes most historically black denominations and some other groups, which account for several thousand congregations.”
    I’m not sure I understand what this is saying. Are the insurers able to exclude black denominations? Or are the numbers being manipulated to not include black congregations? Either way, this sounds really wrong.

  • June 19, 2007 at 8:28 am
    In perspective says:
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    I agree, that doesn’t sound right. I believe that historically black churches might have formed their own group to insure, which makes sense given the vandalism in the past. I do not know. This is just my guess.

    I believe that if you included the “historically black churches” the number of sexual abuse against a minor complaints would be nearly the same. Pedophiles tend to be white, not black. So, if they included the “historically…” the numbers wouldn’t have looked as bad.

    You also must remember that many protestant churches use “peer groups” for overnight stays. These older children molesting younger children might be a factor. Experimentation and a search for power, (as well as shared pain) contribute to a large amount of minor to minor molestation cases.

  • June 19, 2007 at 8:37 am
    Willy says:
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    “Pedophiles tend to be white, not black.”

    What is your basis in reality for that statement?

    Also, black churches are not vandalized at a different rate than white churches are. That’s a myth.

  • June 19, 2007 at 8:45 am
    In perspective says:
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    On your second statement, fine. As I mentioned in my post it was just my guess.

    As far as the first statement, that was the first thing I learned in my deviant sexuality class. (White followed by Asian in male male versus male to female which is either black or hispanic. The hispanic is not well known because of the belief that those sexual encounters are under reported greatly for the man/girl because of their “culture”. [Whatever the heck that means.])All of this applied to “Deviant Sexuality in America” by the way. Good class.

  • June 19, 2007 at 12:40 pm
    Mary B. says:
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    I guess the quote “stupid is as stupid does” really fits for Willy. Willy has stated many false, misleading, completely wrong and outright lies in his posts. You are a sad person.

  • June 19, 2007 at 3:49 am
    Willy says:
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    Thanks, Lin. Notice the deafening silence as to what was false in my statements?

  • June 20, 2007 at 8:18 am
    In perspective says:
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    The article you pointed us to and the facts you relayed are not entirely accurate.

    Although I do not doubt what they say, you are leaving out a huge point… those numbers have to do with molestation of BOYS only and not girls.

    The study also pointed out that the majority of sexual abuse cases involves girls at a ratio of up to 4-1.

    What this means is that your one third figure needs to be divided by 4 (making it 1/12 or about 8%. I don’t feel 8% is a large number.

    In conclusion what that study said is that homosexuals are about 5% of the population doing 8% of the child sex crimes. Not very good for liberal activists, but not all that bad.

  • June 20, 2007 at 9:12 am
    Willy says:
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    You’re missing the point, and I have no idea how 33% can be morphed into 8%.

    For the sake of argument, we will agree that 5% of the population is homosexual. One third of all child sexual molestation is homosexual. of course, only a segment of this 5% is molesting children, but still there is one overarching characteristic involved in 33% of these crimes, and that is that they are committed by a portion of 5% of the population. How you turn 8% into 33% I can’t understand.

    Homos are much more likely than heteros to molest children, no matter how you slice it. Maybe instead of 8% you meant 8x?

    • January 1, 2019 at 1:45 am
      Stephen McCormick says:
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      Please define your definition of “child” in te4h legal sense. A pedophile sexually abuses pre-pubescent children of either sex. A male homosexual sexually abuses a post -pubescent male child. That is my understanding.

  • June 20, 2007 at 9:23 am
    In perspective says:
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    No, I meant 8%. Homosexuals are responsible for 33% of BOY molestation. BOY molestation is 25% of the total molestation (the other 75% being girls.) It follows therefore that, Homosexuals are (according to that study) responsible for 33% of 25% of all child molestations.

    For the math impaired, .25 x .33 = .0825 or 8.25%. I rounded to 8% just like we both rounded 33.33333333333333 ad infinitum% to 33%.

    That’s where the 8% came from

  • June 20, 2007 at 10:14 am
    Willy says:
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    You’re focusing on the victims (apples) rather than the perpetrators (oranges).

    The study in question said, “approximately one-third of these sexual offenders directed their sexual activity against males.” So 33% of all perps come from 5% of the general population. This means that homos are many times more likely than heteros are to molest children.

  • June 20, 2007 at 10:32 am
    In perspective says:
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    “This means that homos are many times more likely than heteros are to molest children.”

    NO! To molest BOYS, not children, BOYS. They are just as likely to molest children, but much more likely to molest boys.

    That should be obvious since if a man is molesting a boy, he is a pediphilic homosexual.

    My point is that the whole study is a “Duh.”

    We know men are more likely to molest children then women, so logically a homosexual man is more likely to molest a boy then a heterosexual man. Finally, a homosexual man is the perp 1/3 or the time boys are molested and hetro are the perps 2/3 or the time boys are molested.

    If you ask me it should be 100% of the time because it is male to male contact. All this study proves is that of men who are sexually attracted to boys only 1/3 consider themselves homosexual. The other 2/3 consider themselves heterosexual.

    That is what the numbers say.

    In conclusion, I would like to quote the great writer and philosopher Mark Twain (Samuel Clemmons) who said: “There are three types of lies; Lies, damned lies, and Statistics.

    Thank you and go on with life.

    • January 1, 2019 at 1:52 am
      Stephen McCormick says:
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      You have to be more specific on your definition of “boys”. You are using the word in a very general and loose way, which is not helping your argument. What you think a boy is, or what you intend when you use the word, can be very different than another persons and both can contradict the legal definition. I believe we are talking about the legal definition ion all these case of the ‘credible’ variety. Please specify and explain your intended meaning. Otherwise you are just blathering about indeterminable data based on your subjective thinking.

    • January 1, 2019 at 1:56 am
      Stephen McCormick says:
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      I have to think that your information is not a lie, but is based in ignorance. You say “That should be obvious since if a man is molesting a boy, he is a pedophilic homosexual”. This is wrong. If the child is pre-pubescent, then it is a pedophilic sex act, boy or girl. If the sex act is performed on a post-pubescent child of the same sex then it is a homosexual assault on an underaged child.

  • June 25, 2007 at 1:31 am
    RayGun says:
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    I don’t think I have ever heard of this evil and sick behaviour coming out of a Jewish, Moslem or Hindu or Bhuddist temples and congregation(s). There is a strong possibility of either the training of the so-called ‘leaders’ of the accused churches or maybe of the religion itself that entices these perverted individuals to join. I suggest ALL male Christian leaders to resign and to be replaced with female ones. Just a thought…

    • January 1, 2019 at 2:22 am
      Stephen McCormick says:
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      Yes you haven’t heard is right. That is the point. There is just as much crime, if not more in all three of those institutions let me assure you. I will be happy to post links to descriptions of these offenses in all of the religions you described.

      You tell me why the Catholic Church is singled out so starkly. I’ll tell you my idea. Because the Catholic Church is subjected to a deep seated prejudice in these United States of Protestants. Always has been. So the CC is an easy and convenient target to fulfill all the wishful fantasies of the those with the bias, which is almost everyone who us not Catholic.

      There are also two other main reasons in my opinion. Look at todays “culture” in these United States. We have been treated to a non-stop barrage of gay marriage, transgender bathrooms, rights of LGBT communities, medical insurance underwritten to cover sex change on demand, Bruce Jenner science projects, etc., etc.

      The Catholic Church has always had a very certain and unchangeable doctrine on the condition of homosexuality In short it is doctrinally a grave sin, or what is called a mortal sin to engage in the disordered sexual practice of homosexual activity. This absolutely KILLS the Main Stream Media, being the mouthpieces of the oligarchy, which has mandated homosexual practice to be encouraged on a mass worldwide basis. It is part of the technocracy of the coming of the NWO that is desired by them. So they set about to weaken this powerful (once upon a time, before they cooked the books on these events) voice of morality, which it is regardless of your feelings about it. What better way than to poison the minds of its adherents and observers than to paint its leaders with the irreversible brush of the worst of all sexual deviancies, that of being rapists of little innocent children?

      The other reason I see the singular focus of being painted with the red brush of horrible scandal as I described, is that the CC, unlike many of the Protestants is not only a powerful institution with one voice in Rome, but that it is as a single organization, huge compared to any of the Protestant Christians. It’s unity that engenders its power is also a magnet for attack. You can go after the same source wherever the crime is committed. It’s handy, and has deep pockets, and serves as a pivotal point to attack. It’s a big target to put it simply. And the end results of these attacks are becoming apparent to anyone following these situations..

  • June 25, 2007 at 1:43 am
    In perspective says:
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    Wow, you are the biggest idiot yet.

    Congratulations, your presence has now convinced me that not only has the intelligence of this country dropped like a rock, but so has their interest and understanding of current news stories.

    Rabbis are known to molest their young parishioners as much as any other person with their traits (Middle aged white male.) Also, are convicted of attempting to hire “hit men” at an astounding rate (or maybe that’s just how the media plays it.)

    As far as Hindu and Muslim leaders, I am sure that they match up statistically with their ilk (Age Gender Race ect.) You also have to look at their specific customs and social mores. If a society believes that intercourse with a 7 year old is “Ok” chances are it isn’t going to be reported as a crime to the authorities (especially when you are told God and his servants are the only authorities.)

    In conclusion… are you really that dumb, or are you just that stupid?

  • June 25, 2007 at 1:48 am
    Willy says:
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    The Talmud says that sex with a child before eight years-old “is nothing.”

    Muhammed married a six year-old, a marriage that he consumated when she was nine. Ayatollah Khomeini married a ten year-old when he was twenty-nine. Also, polygamy is sanctioned by the Koran, as is wife beating.

    “Hindu or Bhuddist…”
    What we would consider child marriage is frequent, and marriages are usually arranged.

    Actually, most sex perverts in America are not religious.

  • June 25, 2007 at 1:55 am
    In perspective says:
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    Wow, me and Willy are in agreement…


    (That goes for you “Oh gosh, how I miss that fair and balanced Dan Rather guy” people too.)

  • June 25, 2007 at 2:07 am
    Willy says:
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    Will wonders never cease?

    By the way, I wrote to the author of the article that I quoted stats from, and got no response. So you win on that front (for now).

  • June 27, 2007 at 1:14 am
    Willy says:
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    From the author of the piece I quoted:

    First, almost all perpetrators of child sexual abuse are males.

    Second, about one-third (on average, some studies have more, some less) of the
    victims of CSA are boys.

    Therefore, about one-third of all CSA are men perpetrating sexual abuse upon
    boys. Whether they consider themselves to be “homosexual” or “heterosexuals who
    engage in same-sex behavior” is irrelevant. The fact is that homosexual
    behavior is responsible for about 1/3 of all CSA.

    Given the fact that, according to the best studies, only about 2-3 % of men have
    persistent same-sex attractions, this means that individuals from 2-3% of the
    population are responsible for up to 1/3 of all CSA.

    The only way you can avoid this conclusion is to insist, rather irrationally, that men who are TOTALLY heterosexual “just happen”
    to be sexually attracted to underage boys. This logic, which gay activists and
    their supporters seem to accept, ignores the established fact that many
    homosexuals and also child molesters are married or in heterosexual
    relationships IN ADDITION to their pedophile activities.

    The following statement is incorrect:

    “Homosexuals are responsible for 33% of BOY molestation. BOY molestation
    is 25% of the total molestation (the other 75% being girls.) It follows
    therefore that, Homosexuals are(according to that study) responsible for 33% of
    25% of all child molestations.”

    The paper does NOT say that “homosexuals are responsible for 33% of BOY
    molestations.” The paper says first of all that men are responsible for almost
    ALL molestations, and that, furthermore, men who are sexually-attracted to those
    of the same sex (albeit boys) are responsible for about 1/3 of all molestations,
    which is vastly disproportional to their representation in the general population.

  • April 3, 2012 at 1:58 pm
    conkal1 says:
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    The liberal media will not accept this as it won’t sell as much as attacking the Catholic Church. I have protestant friends who have said they hated the Catholic Church because if this. Well it’s time to eat crow. If you are a Catholic bigot you have to be careful as it will come back to haunt you. In any case it is sad. I am glad we now have a resource.

  • June 25, 2012 at 2:42 pm
    triciaangel says:
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    My Catholic Church is wonderful,the people in our church realize
    we are sinners and need to repent.That is why we receive confess our sins and do pennance,and receive the bread and wine ,called the euchrist in memory OF OUR FATHER,LORD JESUS CHRIST.
    CLERGY need to repent,also and some clergy are excommunicated because they are pedophiles who are turned over to the police here in Pittsburgh,PA BY OUR WONDERFUL BISHOP ZUBECK . TRICIAANGEL

  • March 16, 2014 at 4:21 pm
    Paul Peters says:
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    There is absolutely No Salvation Outside the Catholic Church see the Catholic Church is perfect and never makes mistakes. Child rape only exists in Pagan institutions such as Protestants denominations, so called public schools,masonic lodges, Islam with its Bacha Bazi scandal, Hinduism, and other such institutions of Paganism. Anti-Catholic mythology is popular and quite vibrant in Pagan lands- especially anticlerical type myths. Every anti-Catholic fiction the Pagans promote is no different in quality from evolutionist/Darwinian mythology or helicentrist myths – which are promoted by virtually the entire Pagan media, public school textbooks, libraries etc but it is all still just fiction.

    • June 29, 2015 at 12:17 pm
      Sherinae says:
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      Fan of the Medieval and Spanish Inquisitions Paul Peters?
      Religion is a touchy subject (no pun intended). That is why we should be discussing how this article relates to insurance. We should be fielding questions as to how these numbers relate to the issue of rating policies that include sexual misconduct. Or if policies should include coverage for this exposure (again no pun intended). For all other, perhaps a political or social or religious forum would serve better. [Yes, you all are entitled to your glorious and righteous opinions and beliefs…right time…right place…wrong time…wrong place.] Let’s endeavor to agree to disagree and move on to insurance.

    • June 14, 2019 at 6:32 pm
      Marty says:
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      Salvation is through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ which is received through grace, not the Catholic church. It is written, “it is by grace you are saved through faith and it is not your doing.” and, “The Lord is my light and my salvation.” These things God has spoken. May He bless you to see that you are in error because all people are born in error and in need of God’s mercy though Jesus.

  • July 8, 2019 at 7:20 pm
    JW says:
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    You are correct in as much as that ” … Salvation is through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ … ,” as we see each time that the Eurcharist is celebrated on the alter and our Lord comes to us through Holy Communion so that we might share in His sacrifice and love for us. However, man was not created in error; rather, man was created perfect so as to share in the love of our God. Only through man’s desire to rebel and become his own god did man fall and become imperfect as being covered by “Original Sin” of rebellion against God – Father, Son & Holy Spirit – the Triune Godhead. Jesus took away the stain of “Original Sin” as the perfect sacrifice suitable to God the Father. After that, we “err” only in our behavior and rejection of the love of Christ. In short, it is our own fault if we “err.”

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