Court Throws Out Rules on Extended Hours for Truckers

By | July 26, 2007

  • July 27, 2007 at 9:50 am
    james herrod says:
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    if its not for the trucks the us will be in aworld of hurt this is how we get our food and clothing.there should also be laws for cars people drive there car 10 to15 hour a day all around the states

  • July 27, 2007 at 10:08 am
    Jester says:
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    There are plenty of people who drive on the highways in their cars for as many hours as a trucker does. Sales people, small straight trucks that are not subject to HOS rules and even vacationers are examples. Unless you drive out there every day, you wouldn’t know that. This isnt even the argument. The hours of service rules were changed to help drivers get the rest they need. The only thing reversing the decision will do is force us to sleep less and violate more. The customers never changed their shipping and receiving habits, and they still expect their loads to be delivered on time, so we’ll do whatever is necessary to make that happen. The DOT knows that and so does the FMCSA. Taking away a driver’s time to drive is taking money from his or her family. I truck hard every day to make the best living for my wife and daughters and I do not think its fair to allow groups who have no idea what goes on in the trucking industry to influence a court who has no idea as well. I’ve been trucking for 8 years, Since the rule changes, I get more sleep, eat on a better schedule and have more time to shower, read or wash clothes. If I lose an hour a day, it will cause me to truck that much harder the next day, because the load still delivers at the same time, and if I don’t do that and get to my next load, I lose it and have to wait for another. My schedule is that tight. I didn’t come out on the road to sit, I’m here to provide the best life I can for my family. This will not affect the renegade companies who look the other way while drivers drive and make it fit the log book later, it only affects those companies and drivers who are trying to operate legally. My company will fire anybody whos log book isn’t within 15 minutes of the satellite tracking system. This ruling is going to slow productivity and hurt driver’s who are trying to do it the right way.

  • July 27, 2007 at 1:14 am
    Grammer coach says:
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    James, were you an English major by any chance? Your gramatical skills are astounding! Also-who drives 10-15 hours a day in a car?

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