Possible Salmonella Prompts Kraft to Recall White Chocolate

October 5, 2007

  • October 5, 2007 at 1:32 am
    Nancy says:
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    I ate some white chocolate from Kraft and I am fine. No sickness or anything but I want a refund and I am going to sue for intentional infliction of emotional distress.

    Sarcasm people, sarcasm.

  • October 5, 2007 at 4:30 am
    Don't be frightened says:
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    Maybe the mousy beans (beany mouse?) can be spiced up with the white chocolate. Bubble, bubble, toil & trouble….

  • October 5, 2007 at 6:13 am
    himself says:
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    Mix a little white chocolate salmonella with some frozen burger E Coli, add a fresh mouse head and some beans and you got yourself a kitchen table party!!!!
    Invite your favorite class-action lawyer over and have a blast.

  • October 7, 2007 at 1:13 am
    Gary says:
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    I do not recall a time when there were so many recalls of such variety. It is amazing.

  • October 8, 2007 at 9:05 am
    Nobody Important says:
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    I agree Gary. I can’t tell whether there is reason for genuine concern or if we are all just turning into wimps. I just picture the old Howard Hughes afraid of every germ. Just a thought since I have never been in this situation.

  • October 8, 2007 at 10:22 am
    Amanda says:
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    Ok, I understand a mouse head getting in a can of green beans and I also get e-coli in beef patties. But how does white chocolate get Salmonella. I can’t seem to wrap my head around this…

  • October 8, 2007 at 6:41 am
    lastbat says:
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    See – your dentist was right. Sweets are bad for you.

    In all seriousness, I think the recalls are just more visible now due to the internet, a push in reporting and various other factors. Food safety technology has come leaps and bounds in the past decade. I’d be afraid to hear what was going on in the 80’s and 90’s.

  • October 9, 2007 at 9:28 am
    Nobody Important says:
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    Funny thing is, when I was in Toronto at Hudsons Bay Company a few years ago, their food was just out in the open for anyone to handle. No covers or plastic wrap. I still think we are getting paranoid about germs.

  • October 10, 2007 at 11:45 am
    lastbat says:
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    You are right N.I. we are getting more paranoid in regards to germs and we are paying for it. People get sicker when they aren’t routinely giving their immune systems a chance to beef up by fighting off germs. Play in the mud, let the cheese sit out overnight, don’t use Purell every 5 minutes – you’ll be healthier.

    Amanda – the salmonella comes from the egg products used in making the chocolate or in some other product in the plant. Salmonella is pretty easy to contaminate with as it’s fairly hardy.

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