Looking for Profits at Marsh

November 12, 2007

  • November 12, 2007 at 1:40 am
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    All the problems are the fault of Mr.Governor
    Idiot Spitzer, yeah, father of that “magnificent” idea to give operators licenses to illegals. My God, what is going on in this guys’ head? Who knows how many fine decent workers have lost their jobs due to his stupitiy and meddling in something he knew ABSOLUTELY NOTHING ABOUT !?
    Maurice Greenburg was right about him
    First he nearly dismantled a viable industry with his follish interference and now places the ENTIRE country in danger by promoting licenses for illegals !

  • November 12, 2007 at 1:51 am
    Big Dog says:
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    1. Spitzer is a Democrat
    2. Spitzer is from New York

    Hmmm….HillBilly is a Democrat and senator from New York…scary.

    The Spitz had his own agenda. He did the same thing to the mutual fund industry. Granted, there were abuses by Marsh, Aon, AIG and others. But what he did is essentially extortion.

    His thinking and ideology is the same that permeates the Democratic Party – which is why I could never vote for a Democrat.

  • November 12, 2007 at 2:01 am
    ljkskidude says:
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    oh-oh. now be prepared for the libs to come out of the woodwork with their bag full of names for you. last time I posted here, i had libs going as far as stating that they would like to teach me a lesson for stating a conservative point of view. Typical. Burn the books, silence the critics, execute the talk show hosts, etc. Heil HillBilly!

  • November 12, 2007 at 2:18 am
    Reagan says:
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    Somone should drive Spitzer to the Strawberry Mansion section of North Philadelphia and let the homies do their work

  • November 12, 2007 at 4:08 am
    GWW says:
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    I have little empathy for M & M when they complain about a level playing field. The 98% of agents nationwide that are not among the elite few I’m quite sure have little remorse also. Let us see now, how many years was that going on so they could have a “level playing field” to the detriment of the 98%?

  • November 12, 2007 at 4:09 am
    Too much already says:
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    I can’t get over the fact that in the grown up world of insurance that NO one can let a topic get by without standing on a political soapbox. Just once, someone please have an opinion that doesn’t confirm what side of the political party you support.

  • November 13, 2007 at 9:19 am
    Big Dog says:
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    Facts are facts. The Spitz took on the insurance, mutual fund and other industries purely for political gain. Rather than using the skill of a surgeon, he used a wreacking ball.

    He wanted to make a name for himself, so he could run for Govenor of New York. He did, he won.

    Now look at the controversy he started over giving illegal aliens drivers licenses. Even the most liberal Communist News Network (CNN) has said he’s wrong on this.

  • November 13, 2007 at 4:05 am
    Linky says:
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    big dog, my words exactly!! Couldn’t of said any better………thanks…….

  • November 19, 2007 at 3:07 am
    Bang says:
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    Dear Mr. Cherkasky,

    Your work here with the insurance industry is done. Big thanks to you and your buddy (Eliot) as you fixed the industry and especially MMC.

    Maybe you two can go fix the legal profession. How about proposing no double dipping in that profession. No fees and contingency. Just one or the other. And cap contingencies at 15% unless there are enhanced services. These enhanced services must be disclosed and justified to the consumer. Also, cap the enhanced services at 2.5%.

    A couple of questions before you go…
    You say MMC want 2.5% enhanced commission to level the playing field.

    Is that for just large brokers with brokerage operations based out of NYC whose first name starts with M and ends with h?

    Is it because MMC have higher expenses than those smaller brokers and those expenses are due to enhanced services?

    Will MMC, one again, making more commission than the standard broker satisfy your level playing field requirement?

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