Republican Giuliani Tells Fla. He Backs National Catastrophe Plan

By | January 14, 2008

  • January 14, 2008 at 12:40 pm
    Dustin says:
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    I wonder if Guilani truly believes in a federal backstop plan, or if he saw this as another way to use 9/11 and plug it into his campaign….

  • January 14, 2008 at 1:08 am
    J says:
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    I think he already answered that question.
    “Look, it’s going to be there because of the kind of people we are. We might as well try to organize it in a sensible way.”

    The USA is the most generous country on this rock for a reason. Because we ARE and because we CAN.

    Just because some people fail or refuse to recognize it, doesn’t mean it isn’t true.

    We know Cats happen all over the country from one thing or another. Doesn’t it make more sense to have something organized and ready to go on the front end, as opposed to trying to scramble to accomplish something that is going to happen anyway on the back end?

    For Pete’s sake, we’re kicking around bailing out people that made bad mortgage choices, something that can be controlled. But there has to be debate over something like an “organized plan” for the “something” everyone agrees isn’t an IF but a WHEN?

    I don’t get it.

  • January 14, 2008 at 1:17 am
    Dustin says:
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    I certainly agree that a federal backup plan is a better use of money than bailing out the people who “bit off more than they could chew” with their house. How do we go about funding it? I understand federal funding of Terrorism, but shouldn’t it be up to the state to elect to put forth funds on a hurricane or earthquake fund? Florida would jump at the opportunity, but those less prone states would simply be paying their losses. I don’t intend to start a riot or anything, but I feel those are questions in need of an answer.

  • January 14, 2008 at 1:22 am
    Fred says:
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    J is right.
    Every state has some type of cat exposure, whether flood, mudslides, wildfires, tornadoes, earthquake etc. etc. etc.
    Federal halp on the front makes far more sense than on the back end.
    We see to allow people to rebuild well below sea level in New Orleans and we will have to bail them out again, so lets plan for it.

  • January 14, 2008 at 1:53 am
    wudchuck says:
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    um…it was you decision to live where you live. you know the possible conditions of weather and what it can do. this should not be a national catastrophe plan, because we already have fema in place. this has fund already set to handle situations like katrina (too bad there were folks that did not appropriate the money correctly). why should i who might live in montana, be held to help pay for the plan for those who might need it in florida or texas? what most folks don’t realize, they are going to ask for more tax money. how else are they going to fund it? why will our national debt keep getting bigger?

    1) we need to stop loaning money out, knowing that it will not be repaid. if you look at the many situations, we forgive on a loan. when a loan is forgiven, we still have less dollars in the bank.

    2) we need to stop funding outside the united states. this country of ours, needs to get a grip on our own house before we can help others. we need to protect our own house, that means keeping our military ONE step ahead. better equipment and training than any other country.

    so – are you willing to pay more $$ to the almight tax? i know i am not. i try to live from payday to payday. i don’t have a silver spoon.

  • January 14, 2008 at 2:41 am
    FOWIF says:
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    A National Cat plan related to war or terrorism needs is fine.
    But regional weather or natural disasters is quite another matter and would simply involve more government into areas which the federal government has shown to have no expertise in (IE: FEMA) and would likely be costly & inefficient. States should deal with their own regional issues (coastal areas for hurricanes, New Orleans with their problems, especially if history repeats itself) so that other regions aren’t required to pay for problems beyond their control or concern.
    Insurance & taxes cost enough…the less we can keep the federal government out of any process, the better.

  • January 14, 2008 at 2:49 am
    wudchuck says:
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  • January 14, 2008 at 2:51 am
    conservit says:
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    I live in Kansas. We have wind, hail and some tornadoes. Who pays for our exposure? Not the Federal Government. Nor should they. Our insurance rates are predicated on our exposure. You live in an area subject to earthquake, hurricanes, flood, forest fires, & landslides, your insurance costs should reflect that exposure and not some mandated State rating structure or a Federal bailout program. Are the insurance companies always right? We should all know better than that, but neither are the politicians looking for votes and expanding the Federal deficit.

  • January 14, 2008 at 4:20 am
    LA Man says:
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    Because 90% of what you consume in Kansas goes thru the ports in New Orleans or TX.

    Because 90% of the heating oil, gas and disel consumed by the rest of the country goes thru ports in New Orleans or TX.

    Because 75% of the population lives or owns a 2nd home within 100 miles of the coast.

    I could go on but agree or not I’m sure you get the point. Service and support businesses of all things related and their employee’s don’t want to travel 3 hours to go to work! If you think the seafood is expensive at the current per lbs….try $50 per lbs for your favorite crustacean and do you really want to give the oil industry another bogus reason to raise the per gal cost of fuel?

    I may be wrong but I would bet that some cried when the gov. took over flood. The way I see it reinsurer’s and a few “ultra conservatives” are the only opposed to federal back stop of some sort for CATs.

    Florida’s pool/plan can’t handle a major CAT…their ultimate plan is to let the fed’s bail them out. Put it in place and let’s move on to more important things.

  • January 15, 2008 at 12:08 pm
    Nebraskan says:
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    forgive me for makint this stretch….but…

    I think they should stop pumping so much money into NASA and studying other planets until we have taken care of what we have here on earth. God bless pluto and it’s recent rejections, but in my opinion…not really going to help anyone here on Earth and most specifically here in America.

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