Wake-Up Call: One-Third of American Workers Sleeping on the Job

March 4, 2008

  • March 4, 2008 at 7:28 am
    Amanda says:
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    The only problem w/ cattle prods or electric chairs are the number of lawsuits from people injuries from falling out of their chairs b/c they were jolted awake.

    I guess the thing that scares me the most about this article are security guards sleeping on the job at nuclear power plants. Are they supposed to be the next big terrorist attack?!?

  • March 4, 2008 at 1:31 am
    Rip V. W. says:
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  • March 4, 2008 at 1:36 am
    Huh..... What? says:
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    I only wake up to read the IJ articles & blogzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

  • March 4, 2008 at 1:43 am
    Calif Ex Pat says:
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    Somebody at Cricket must have been asleep at the switch when they agree to pay 200K in the above article’s lawsuit

  • March 4, 2008 at 3:14 am
    Dread says:
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    It’s a pathetic commentary on the lack of work ethic, personal pride, and individual responsibility when people can’t stay awake on the job. I’d support using a cattle prod to wake them up.

  • March 4, 2008 at 3:36 am
    Way to go, Dread says:
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    Since they can make seat warmers for cars, how about putting a shock pad in office chairs. They could be remotely controlled by computer!!

  • March 5, 2008 at 10:53 am
    mr obvious says:
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    The reason for this was stated in the article – people are getting less sleep than they need. Why ? too much to do in too little time. If you are a couple with a stay-at-home spouse that can attend to managing the household (1950’s model family) then this probably isn’t a problem for you, but if you are a single parent or even couple where both work, which are prob the majority, then time is at a premium so the easiest thing to cut is sleep. I think the 1/3 is probably low !
    I would favor more flexible starting times for employees where possible, and even encouraging “power naps” as research has shown these boost productivity and health!
    I know I have had days where I felt like I was functioning about 20% but if I had been able to get another 20-30 min sleep, I would have been at least closer to 80%.
    But narrow-minded employers who measure only by the hour would rather have a zombie for 8 hours than a dynamo for 7.5
    My opinion

  • March 5, 2008 at 11:57 am
    KLS says:
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    You’re on to something, Mr. Obvious.

    I like the power-nap idea.

    Google employees get to use a “nap pod”. Here’s the link to a photo of the contraption http://news.yahoo.com/nphotos/Google-Google/ss/events/tc/012006google/s:/ap/20080221/ap_on_hi_te/google_health/im:/080304/ids_photos_wl/r2504730419.jpg/

    15 minutes in one of those would probably give most workers a much-needed boost in the afternoon.

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