Senate Confronts Product Safety

March 7, 2008

  • March 7, 2008 at 12:43 pm
    Dread says:
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    Ever wonder why with all the brilliant, high priced talent in our government that bills like this only come AFTER we get smacked in the face with a monumental problem that even a blind person could identify? It seems that as a country, we’re regressing on basic social management issues. “Reactive” vs. “Pro-active” best describes most govening bodies these days. In the face of increasing taxes, a weak economy, and lackluster team of presidential candidates I’m not getting any warm & fuzzy feelings. Are you?

  • March 7, 2008 at 12:57 pm
    media mogul says:
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    The constant drumbeat for tax cuts to promote politicians to office, especially on the right wing extreme, leads to fewer resources for fewer regulators so we have catastrophic breakdown in the regulatory systems of government. Then the tax cut promoters claim that the resulting crippled government is the same as a good government and claim that government in general can never do a good job–unless it is stealing resources from other nations by armed force–which they seem to admire and enshrine as patriotic. Never mind those poorer people in the US and worldwide who die to serve this part of their design.

    The righties argue that we should both (a) let the so-called free market take of things and let the companies regulate themselves; or (b) privatize the regulation. Option is a demonstrable failure in every instance. Option b is of course more expensive than government regulation but provides profit opportunities for friends of the righties in the business world.

    Righty rule since 1994 has been all about destruction of government and regulation, leaving your kids to suck on lead covered baubles from our debt-holding master China.

    Wake up and smell the right wing at work. Dread, tough guy, time to pass instant judgment on yourself and cut off an arm or a leg of your own.

    Have a nice weekend. I look forward to more government resouces being devoted to regulation to protect my family and firends from scheming, unprincipled “businessmen” and their righty enablers.

  • March 7, 2008 at 1:19 am
    Yeah, we need more laws! says:
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    Don’t have time to enforce the ones we have, but sure have time to make new ones! Read Media’s blather, but had trouble understanding it. Hope he’s out for the weekend.

  • March 7, 2008 at 1:36 am
    none says:
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    media mogul:

    Please leave the country. You are disgrace to humanity and freedom. And you are a complete dumb a**.

  • March 7, 2008 at 1:55 am
    media mogul says:
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    To: Out of touch dwellers in righty fantasy land…

    Just like your your leader and idol on video tape as rebroadcast many times this week: “$4 a gallon gas? I wasn’t aware of that.”

    319 days left of the most catastrophic presidency in US history brought to us by the likes of you and your “Moral Majority” and Chreestian Megachurches, etc.

    America held hostage, Rush Oxycontin, for 319 more days!

    Let freedom ring! Sean baby! Or are you so overcome with emotion that you need some bit of fluff of a country singer to sang (sic, not sing) “America the Beautiful for you”? Enlist in the armed forces now, brave leader Hannity and your spouse too. Farm the kids out to the toy makers. They’ve got just what they need in the way of essential minerals!

    This alleged “disgrace to humanity”, who opposes lead covered children’s toys and other righty-induced evils will now contemplate his nefarious consumer protecting weekend. Maybe I’ll write some activist letters and all those other things you fear so much. Bwah ha ha ha ha!!!

    What a bunch of righty chumps!

    Love ya, but landing the punches is just too easy, so–gotta go.

  • March 7, 2008 at 2:04 am
    Thought you were gone says:
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    Dang, thought you were gone for the weekend, Media. You realize your audience is a bunch of insurance folks, right? Put it in plain english rather than all that lofty rhetoric so we can understand just what the heck you are trying to say. Or are you a politician? Nobody understands them.

  • March 7, 2008 at 2:12 am
    Al says:
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    Media Mogul should know that to spell America with “k” has negative, Nazi implications. Sounds like he’s intoxicated on his own flatulence an unable to focus on the insurance perspective. Here’s hoping he chooses not to reproduce.

  • March 10, 2008 at 10:36 am
    Bulldogg says:
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    I tell you what, why don’t you give the government your entire yearly salary and tell them to regulate with it and let me keep all of my salary so I can raise my children as I see fit.

    A Right Wing, Free Market, TAX CUT LOVING, Parent.

  • March 10, 2008 at 10:45 am
    Buckeye says:
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    On a related note for “media mogul,” I’m sure the federal government would be more than happy to accept your personal check as evidence of your belief in higher taxes.

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