Google to Make Hurricane Flood Threat Data Available to Public

March 20, 2008

  • March 20, 2008 at 2:26 am
    iNoon says:
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    Mix Flood and Google, get FLOOGLE.

    Mix Flood Loss Underwriting Specs for Homeowners, and get FLUSH.

  • March 20, 2008 at 2:27 am
    Anonymous says:
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    Ive never been in a hurricane but Ive heard that the winds can get up over 100 miles and hour and that you have to stay inside for the whole storm! Wow…

  • March 21, 2008 at 10:50 am
    dlr says:
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    What is Google’s liability if they say you are in a low risk area and the hurricane turns and wipes out your house? At least they can blame Google not George Bush.

  • March 21, 2008 at 10:59 am
    Mark says:
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    Probably the same as FEMA’s flood maps. Oh wait, FEMA never makes any mistakes. Nevermind.

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