AIG Posts Big Loss Due to Mortgage Woes; Insurance Results Decline, Too

May 8, 2008

  • May 9, 2008 at 12:55 pm
    joe says:
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    Whether you agree or not, like it or not, there are three words that will solve the malaise at 70 Pine Street..and those three words are :
    Ask ANY shareholder, and I’m one and I want to be happy again !
    (Do you hear us, “Marty”)

  • May 9, 2008 at 1:23 am
    Alec says:
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    Good point. Just like Iran was better off with Hussein, AIG was better off with Greenberg. (in spite of his flaws)

  • May 9, 2008 at 1:30 am
    tom says:
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    I think you guys are right-on
    Mr.Greenberg built the place after succeeding Mr Starr
    They call “Hank” King Midas, because he’s that good
    He’s done it and can do it again
    (That dirtbag Spitzer p’d on the street and wrongfully took-down good people
    Now he’s in the flusher & good riddance !)
    The shareholders AND employees deserve better.

  • May 9, 2008 at 1:47 am
    Forensic Accountant says:
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    The only thing bringing back your hero Maurice would do is enable him to get back into the full-time business of covering up all the dirt and sleazy customs and practices he had to leave behind. This would lead to a more catastrophic series of revelations later.

    Better to get the abcesses draining now.

    Why do you think it is a good idea (not to mention the law) to make people in financial matters take a good long vacation now and then? What they have been covering up oozes out.

    Stop being dupes of this smelly old man and his nasty hocus pocus.

  • May 9, 2008 at 3:06 am
    lane says:
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    Wake up & wise-up, Mr Forensic
    There’s a saying that’s been around for a long time..”If you spit on the sidewalk, you can get 20 years in jail..-but if you STEAL a railroad, you can get a seat in Congress”
    Mr Greenberg did neither
    He had his own view & procedure on movement & reporting of funds, etal, none of which have resulted in any conviction
    I believe his return would be excellent for AIG and the industry

  • May 9, 2008 at 3:16 am
    The Pontificator of All I See says:
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    You’re right on. You can take all the damage, devastation, & destruction done by all private “criminals” multiply it by one million and you wouldn’t come close to the slaughter done by government in one day.

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