Ex-AIG Chief Greenberg Voted Against AIG Board of Directors Re-Election

By | May 16, 2008

  • May 16, 2008 at 1:19 am
    AZInsMan says:
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    If you put Hank back there as CEO of AIG, I will buy stock tomorrow. After all the crap Spitzer pulled, Hank did nothing wrong BUT Spitzer was purchasing hookers with NY State money! Is that not the most ironic thing?? By the way, Spitzer looks like he has always HAD to pay for sex. What a geek!! I think he got what he deserved. Where is he now? In a condo as the wife kicked his butt out!!

  • May 16, 2008 at 1:39 am
    Az Agent says:
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    As life is a marathon, Hank won and Spitzer lost-I bet Hank spends every waking moment trying to get enough shares voting his way and kicking Sullivan out. Wouldn’t that be the ultimate irony?

  • May 16, 2008 at 2:39 am
    East Coast Underwriter says:
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    Hank would have never allowed the $7.8 B in red ink. AIG stock price in May 2007 was $72; now it less than $40! Too bad one can’t buy CV Starr stock on the open market it would rival Warren Buffet’s performance.

  • May 16, 2008 at 4:11 am
    Reality Check says:
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    It’s a little more difficult to make a profit in the post bid-rigging, soft market environment of today. Who was at the helm when the sub-prime plays were made anyway? Along with his money, Hank should count his blessings – spitzer saved his ***.

  • May 16, 2008 at 4:22 am
    no man says:
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    Sure, he paid IJ a lot of money recently to advertise and try to rebuild his corroded image–more than tarnished, irretrievably damaged. But do we have to hear about him every time he burps or farts or whines?

    If there were any real value in AIG, don’t you think insider Icahn and his insider boys would be all over it–like the Yahoo deal?

    As for you Maurice worshipers–ever heard of Jim Jones and drinking the koolaid? Your lack of touch with reality makes it look like that and a return to the electric koolaid acid test combined. What is emerging now are the turd blossoms of the seeds your hero Maurice planted—not to mention easily the worst of the insurance company corporate cultures, and that is saying a lot.

    Stop the adolescent hero-worship–get a life by making your own instead of bootlicking.

  • May 17, 2008 at 12:59 pm
    Real Man says:
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    “No man” certainly is..
    There have been numerous times in history when one who was scorned came back to rescue the day
    Until this very moment; Hank has not been convicted of any violation
    For some reason…….I have a strange feeling that “no man” is Eliot Spitzer….

  • May 20, 2008 at 4:07 am
    Dave says:
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    AIG has gone to H**L in a hand basket. All of the Wondermen the brought from the out side had no ethical bones in their bodies. Promises were made and never kept by many. It affected many many people, employees as well as share holders that are depending on the stock for their retirement. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out when your stock falls 50% in a year they have MAJOR Financial problems that they act like they are clueless about!

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