Insurance Commissioners, Fireman’s Fund Execs Address Climate Change

By | June 2, 2008

  • June 3, 2008 at 12:55 pm
    InsureExec says:
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    Right when things are cooling. This year has been the coldest year in decades. Nevertheless the important thing is that we make liberals feel important and not insult them on their non-stop anxiety. These people have feelings and to point out the truth is hurtful to them.

    Should we point out the numerious sources in the science community that point out to a cooling trend which already stated last year? Absolutely not! We need to feed special interests, such as Al Gore, the IJ, and the liberals they will be insulted when they are pointed out to be wrong. Never shall we insult or point the truth to them!

  • June 3, 2008 at 1:01 am
    Billy Boy says:
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    Speaking of politics, has anyone figured out why the gas prices are so high when we have a president in office who can speak OPEC turkey talk to OPEC? Curious.

  • June 3, 2008 at 1:08 am
    Important person says:
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    This is Generalissimo McCarty. I command that all Hurricanes and Global warming cease and desist immediately.

    I will issue this command annually until the Citizens insurance fund is actuarilly sound. This should occur sometime in 2067

    You may go back to work now.

  • June 3, 2008 at 1:11 am
    Ticked off FFIC investor says:
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    Unbelievable. I’m sure Allianz is thrilled with this tripe.

  • June 3, 2008 at 1:22 am
    InsureExec says:
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    Sort of when Jimmy Carter controlled oil prices??? Liberal are like Magic, they can solve all our problems with the turn of a switch. We need to pretend the President can control a free market and still call it a free market! We need to pretend that regulation saves us money! Billy Boy, we can pretend together! I feel so so much better now!

  • June 3, 2008 at 2:01 am
    Smitty says:
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    Discounts for “Green buildings” & vegetative roofs?

    Sounds like an expensive water peril to me, with endless leaks & mold & rot & roof collapses.

    Imagine the clean up bill for a building burnt with 500 broken compact flourescent bulbs, they’d have to scrape the remains away & bury it in a mercury certified toxic waste dump.

    “Green building” is a sham, global warming is a Communist plot.

    We have a hostile government bent on our destruction.

  • June 3, 2008 at 3:22 am
    Imagine says:
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    “Global warming equals Global government” We have only begun the beginning to the end “One World Government”.

  • June 3, 2008 at 3:48 am
    Billy Boy says:
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    >Sort of when Jimmy Carter controlled oil prices??? Liberal are like Magic, they can solve all our problems with the turn of a switch. We need to pretend the President can control a free market and still call it a free market! We need to pretend that regulation saves us money!

    Sheesh, Carter didn’t run on a platform of understanding OPEC speak; however, Bush did. I bet Bush has a secret banking account in Switzerland for all the kick backs OPEC is funneling his way.

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