Colorado Researchers Predict 8 Atlantic Hurricanes, 4 Major

June 4, 2008

  • June 4, 2008 at 1:00 am
    nbboy2 says:
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    Enough already! This isn’t news its crystal ball speculation with a poor accuracy and track rating. Why does the Journal keep publishing this rubbish?

  • June 4, 2008 at 1:24 am
    Curious says:
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    Have any of these prognosticators ever been right in past seasons? None of them predicted Katrina or the severity of the 04 & 05 seasons. I’d like to get paid the big bucks to make erroneous predictions on a consistent basis.

  • June 4, 2008 at 3:00 am
    Dread says:
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    The probability of tropical storms and some hurricanes is 100% every year.

  • June 4, 2008 at 3:03 am
    A Noyed says:
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    Professional Wrestling is more believable than these predictions.

    At least when Grandma and I what wretling, we don’t have to worry about some actuary raising our insurance rates.

  • June 4, 2008 at 3:37 am
    I Predict says:
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    I predict there will be hurricanes in the Atlantic, tornados in the Midwest and snow/rain in the north. Now….where’s my money???

  • June 5, 2008 at 11:47 am
    An Interested Party says:
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    The sad, and overlooked, part here is that few if any of the states that might be affected have put in place a pre event bond or post event bond program to protect themselves from major problems if they have a major storm. An example would be if a major storm hit Houston and Galveston Texas. The predicted damages would be about 8 to 10 billion. The Windstorm pool does not even have a billion dollars to pay with. That type of storm would cost initially about 64,000 jobs and close the number three seaport for an undertimined period of time raising the cost to both export or import goods to Texas. The State legislature has had the report in their hands for two years now and have failed to act on the issue. That is our goverment at work!!! Why solve a problem before it happens when you can just wait for it to happen and then overspend and take losses to correct the problem after the fact…. Makes sense to me…

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