Domestic Workers Organizing, Suing to Win Workplace Benefits

June 6, 2008

  • June 6, 2008 at 7:02 am
    CS Red says:
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    There was a case in Denver some years back that is very similar to this one. The employers were a Saudi couple. Guess what? They were prosecuted and thrown in jail

  • June 6, 2008 at 10:13 am
    lastbat says:
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    Nobody should be abused and all workers should share some basic rights. But this story evokes very little sympathy since for the most part it addresses illegal immigrants. I have very little sympathy for those in the country illegally. Come here legally and then I’ll listen to your plight. That makes me cold-hearted, I know, but there are too many people working hard to immigrate the right way and I save all my sympathy for them.

  • June 6, 2008 at 11:15 am
    mean old momma says:
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    Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive.

  • June 6, 2008 at 12:34 pm
    Harvey says:
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    Illegal is illegal. Go back from whence you came. File the necessary papers to become a citizen. Get sworn in as a UNITED STATES citizen. Then get a job and complain.

  • June 6, 2008 at 12:37 pm
    Rosie says:
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    What a sad sad sad story. I’m welling up here reading it. People sohuld be allowed to come here to the land of the free and earn a living, but those hoodlums Bush and Cheney and McCain won’t let them.

  • June 6, 2008 at 12:51 pm
    Dread says:
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    You’re in the minority here Rosie. (no pun inteneded) While it’s unfortunate, illegals are not entitled to the same rights citizens and/or LEGAL immingrants enjoy. They leave a crap life in a crap country and come here thinking everything will be fine even though they don’t make the commitment or effort to do it LEGALLY. I’m with the “no sympathy” crowd on this one. I have a feeling even though these people were taken advantage of, they were still better off than living in Mexico. If it was that damn bad all they needed to do was go home.

  • June 6, 2008 at 12:55 pm
    CSP says:
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    Don’t like what your paid. Don’t like the working conditions. Don’t like the benefits. Do what everybody else does, stop complaining, GO GET ANOTHER JOB. It’s a free country. Employers can pay what they think you are worth, if you don’t like it, work someplace else.

  • June 6, 2008 at 12:55 pm
    Fatima says:
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    I agree with Dread. My Hadji and I waited years to become legals. We got our first papers to come to this blessed country and then abided by the laws, worked our way up and got our citizenship. Praise Allah, we now own three insurance agencies and our daughter just graduated from Yale.

  • June 6, 2008 at 12:55 pm
    Tripple D...for disgusted says:
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    I do not understand how anyone could read this article and feel no sympathy…compassion. I am totally against allowing illegal immigrants to enter our country and am in favor of arresting, and returning them to their own country when we can catch them. BUT I also think we need to arrest and convict those of our own citizens that abuse and take advantage of these illegals. The stories in this article where examples of slavery, a practice that our country outlawed years and years ago.

    These women may be illegal but they are human beings and should be afforded all the human rights as anyone else.

    The employers should be prosecuted and very ashamed!

  • June 6, 2008 at 12:55 pm
    Legal & Proud of It says:
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    Do you live under a rock? There are immigration laws in place that give people opportunities to enter this country legally. I am a naturalized citizen that followed the rules. I have no complaints about my treatment in the workplace. How can we protect US citizends if we just let anyone in? I for one hope the immigration sector of Homeland Security is in attendance at this NY rally.

  • June 6, 2008 at 12:58 pm
    Patriot says:
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    Too bad.. La Raza is a very nasty group that preaches overthrow, armed retaliation and yet some of your illustrious politicians support them.

    An easier solution it to put them on a bus and dump there illegal asses in Mexico where they belong..

    Dont call me a racist either.. If they were Germans, Italians, etc, you get the picture, I would be spouting the same thing.

  • June 6, 2008 at 1:01 am
    Bob says:
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    I agree with the majority having very little sympathy for the complaints of illegals. I would add that US Citizen taking crimminal advantage of this situation, should be punished for both human rights abuse and for hiring illegals. After all the Civil War settled the issue of slavery.

  • June 6, 2008 at 1:02 am
    patriot says:
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    Roise, roise…your liberal roots are showing.. Hey if you want to support a few of these jerk wads, step up and shell out all the funds they need to live in swell homes and drive swell cars and live the American dream they did not help to build.
    But do not for one minute spend my money supporting illegals.. What part of this that makes you such a supporter of illegals?
    You just might wind up like the french women did and got their heads shaved!

  • June 6, 2008 at 1:05 am
    mindy says:
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    I’m really getting tired on the illegal immigrants demanding rights. If you don’t like the way your treated do come to this country legally like your supposed to or go back to your legal country and protest there and see how far you get

  • June 6, 2008 at 1:08 am
    S says:
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    Rosie, Immigrants don’t have rights in the US. Would we have the same rights if we crossed the border to Mexico to work????

  • June 6, 2008 at 1:21 am
    Dread says:
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    Patriot: I love you man. It takes a nerve to have the audcacity to demand something you have no status and right to. I’ll contribute for the bus ride.

  • June 6, 2008 at 1:23 am
    T says:
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    wonder how may of the illegals will actually show their face? I think it is a bunch of BS and am sick to death of all the minority a– crap

  • June 6, 2008 at 1:23 am
    Jenn says:
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    My husband’s family came here from Scotland many years ago – the right way – legally. His Dad came first and secured work for himself and then sent for the family. There really should be little sympathy for these people – come here legally and then look for sympathy in your plight!

  • June 6, 2008 at 1:24 am
    Fred says:
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    They are called ILLEGAL for a reason. I hope whatever court they bring the action in refuses to hear the case.

  • June 6, 2008 at 1:25 am
    Deb says:
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    Illegal or not, these are ‘domestic’ workers we are talking about – cooking, cleaning, childcare… not quite skilled labor as these are all the basic day to day things we ‘wives and mothers’ do for our own families for free… last I checked the minimum wage was $7-$8 per hour in the Northern California area.. “The workers are assured hourly wages of at least $11 to $17 an hour” – hmmm… 8 hrs per day 6 days per wk works out to be $27,456 per year base salary (+ overtime I presume for the 8 hours above the 40 hour work week) + room and board in what must be quite a nice home if they can afford domestic help in the first place…

    That does it… I’m starting an organization to defend and protect the employment rights of underpaid and exploited insurance agents and brokers… anyone in????

  • June 6, 2008 at 1:26 am
    T says:
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    I hope they do maybe it will catch a boat load full of them

  • June 6, 2008 at 1:29 am
    mindy says:
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    Sign me up!!

  • June 6, 2008 at 1:38 am
    T says:
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    sounds good to me

  • June 6, 2008 at 1:52 am
    Anne says:
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    Everyone is so quick to point the finger at the immigrant, what about cracking down on those who hire them? They seem to me to be breaking the law just as much as the immigrant.

  • June 6, 2008 at 1:55 am
    I feel Sick says:
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    I think they are doing worse than breaking the law… they are profiting form anothers misfortune.

  • June 6, 2008 at 2:04 am
    Rosie says:
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    all of you who have no sympathy for the abuses this woman suffered. You probably would tell a child it was their fault for crying when their father beat them.

    I’m embarassed for my industry and my country that you neocons sip the Hateraid that the Cheney McCain Bush people serve on this side of the border :(

  • June 6, 2008 at 2:05 am
    johnny says:
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    La Raza is a disgusting racist group that’s no better than the KKK. Sorry Triple D – no sympathy or compassion here. These ILLEGAL immigrants made their own bed no now lay in it and deal or quit and find a new job. So nice to see that others agree as well. Rosie – put the bong down.

  • June 6, 2008 at 2:12 am
    lastbat says:
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    Rosie, I’m far from a neocon – would rather Bush had never been born in fact – and still I feel no sympathy for these people.

    The people who hired them should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and all the illegal immigrants should be sent back to their own countries.

    Your analogy is poor because the child has no choice in their situation whereas these adults have control and choice in their own lives. As adults they can choose to stay in their own country and fight for the changes they feel necessary, or they could legally immigrate to a better country, or they could do what they did and choose to break the law. Nope, no sympathy for those that willingly break the law.

  • June 6, 2008 at 2:14 am
    Gill Fin says:
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    Why would we compare a crying child being beaten by her mother to an illegal immigrant sucking dry our economy? Tbese people have broken the law. Much of the time, those who hire them are also immigrants, as alluded to in the article.
    Rosie, you should google illegal immigrant crime and then tell me I need to express sympathy for ILLEGALS!!!
    ILLEGALS!!! ILLEGALS!!! They broke the law to get here, nothing else matters.
    Get a clue!

  • June 6, 2008 at 2:23 am
    Tripple D says:
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    It didn’t sound to me like the women in this article had many choices. They were held captive by their employers and abused. In fact it states that one of the employers paid for the trip to this country for the illegal they enslaved. They were the reason that this woman made the choice to come here illegally.

    While I agree that illegals should be prosecuted and returned to the country of their origin…I am still surprised at so little compassion for the suffering and abuse of the women in this article. It is very sad that we are so angry at this illegal immigrant situation as a whole that we have lost our compassion for the individual’s plight.

  • June 6, 2008 at 2:26 am
    s says:
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    You’re joking right, I have no sympathy b/c she pays no taxes and so on. You pay for her and the rest of them that came here LEGALLY. And I will be happy!!

  • June 6, 2008 at 2:30 am
    Tex says:
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    Rosie: Stop the bleeding heart routine. She walked across the border for a job. She wasn’t held against her will. She elected to tolerate the abuse. She could have and should have walked back across the border if things sucked that badly.

  • June 6, 2008 at 2:38 am
    Gill Fin says:
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    You want sympathy? How about sympathy for those Mexican women who remained in Mexico living in squalor? For them I have sympathy. Not for someone who knowingly came to my country illegally, took food from MY kids mouth, and then does not have the decency to go home when things don’t work out the way they wanted. Did Bush and Cheney write the current immigration laws? Oh. Well are they working enforcement on the border?
    Oh. Are they prosecuting illegal immigrant murderers, rapists and child abusers? Then what the heck do Bush and Cheney have to do with this problem? I suppose we should blame them for your psoriasis too? That’s your fault for hugging on Cheney.

  • June 6, 2008 at 2:58 am
    Legal & Proud of It says:
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    How is the passing of a legislation going to offer protection to illegal immigrants? You would need a work visa to benefit from it. This does not make any sense.

  • June 6, 2008 at 3:04 am
    Gene says:
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    Bush and Cheney are in the Executive Branch of the government, their job primarily according to the constitution is enforcement of the laws. Portraying them as hate mongering, or as thugs of some kind is both inaccurate and insulting. The law spells out how you can immigrate and sneaking across the border is not one of them.
    That being said I do have some sympathy for this person, however my limit here is that people who hired her and basically are keeping her as a slave (granted to a large degree because she did not know better) should be forced to pay back wages and be put in jail as accessories after the fact in an illegal immigration scheme.
    The housekeeper should be made whole financially and sent back home until such time as she can come here legally.

  • June 6, 2008 at 4:08 am
    KAD says:
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    I think Rosie needs to be deported!

  • June 6, 2008 at 5:18 am
    Anita says:
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    Personally if you are here illegally then you have no rights but on the other hand I feel those that hire illegals should sponsor the illegal & help them to become legal or be prosecuted

  • June 6, 2008 at 5:27 am
    Tripple D says:
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    Well said!

  • June 6, 2008 at 6:03 am
    Az Agent says:
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    Rosie! You are at least consitstant in your views.
    First off Bush and Cheney are open borders advocates-they want more and more illegals in the country and also wanted to legalize them once here and make it easy for them to become citizens to their shame-get your facts straight on this one.
    And our laws should be followed just like that of other nations-want to know what happens if you go to Mexico illegally-you get thrown in jail or deported-why is it they wantt o be treated differently?
    Also, I agree that the employers should be prosecuted and examples made of more than a token few-that would stop the practice right away. ‘Nuff sed!

  • June 6, 2008 at 6:56 am
    CS Red says:
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    No they don’t (have rights).They are criminals and should be kicked out as they are found.

  • June 7, 2008 at 7:04 am
    Gill Fin says:
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    But Wudchuck, that just doesnt jive with liberal whining! The immigrants (legal or illegal – better to lump them altogether when you want to slur conservatives) are VICTIMS. Better to designate yourself a sanctuary city and defy your own federal government than acknowledge the extreme expense associated with illegal criminals.

  • June 7, 2008 at 7:11 am
    MMG says:
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    This article appears to refer to illegals and legals as one group. Illegal activity (non-citizen working here) begets illegal activity (unscrupulous people taking advantage)

  • June 7, 2008 at 5:54 am
    wudchuck says:
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    1) did she or did she not cross the border as an illegal immigrant? YES!

    therefore she has not rights.

    2) was she hired illegally to perform a job? YES!

    in fact, employers all around the country are getting busted. one of the major reasons, is that these folks mostly are paid under the table w/o any taxes or anything else taken out of their check like legal citizens for the USA or the state they live in.

    3) now, we have to bog our courts who are already heavy laden with illegals think they have rights? in fact, when they were hired, they were probably aware of the hiring situation and was more interested in a place to live and a little bit of money.

    4) blaming this all on BUSCH or CHANEY? NO! this problem has been going on for years – we should be blaming this on CONGRESS for stumbling on their feet. how many other items has congress decided to wait? look for example of the minimum wage. congress thinks they can continue to run for office because they are elected but can make a law telling everyone that after an age, you must retire — well should that not apply to all?! including those in congress?

    we so much these days like to blame others instead of looking at things at face value – in the mirror! we don’t want to take the time to say – I AM AT FAULT! no we would rather point the finger elsewhere and then sue for $$$, and in many cases, most of that money goes to the lawyers. we also need to stop awarding so much money on cases where it does not warrant.

    so who’s at fault?! both parties! the lady who decided to come across the border illegally and then expect to have the same rights as any other worker. (i don’t blame her, but when it comes to the law – it is illegal, afterall, we are all supposed to have a ssn to work.) the party that hired her should be taken to court as well. you are supposed to pay for the health/medical and take taxes out accordingly, but since she did not have an ssn, they were paying under the table.

    so, if you come here legally and work under the law, you do have rights. don’t come to work illegally and expect things to go your way.

  • June 9, 2008 at 9:37 am
    Dread says:
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    You don’t automatically acquire the “rights” Americans have sacrificed their lives for by stomping across a border. You “EARN” them by first applying to become a citizen, becoming one, then contributing to the country by adding some value…..not sucking the welfare system dry. Too many of these people just want to get the hell out of their crap country, come here, and TAKE ADVANTAGE of what American’s have fought and worked for. They WANT education for their kids, they WANT medical care, they WANT the good life. And what do they offer the country as potential citizens ini return? Here’s an example of how bad it’s getting.

    New Jersey passed a law that all graduating high school seniors must pass a proficiency test in Spanish. There is no counter law requiring Mexicans to pass a proficiency test in the Kings English. Any way you slice it folks……….it’s B.U.L.L.S.H.I.T.

  • June 9, 2008 at 10:19 am
    Suzi says:
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    Gil Fin took food out of your kid’s mouths??? How did they do that? You couldn’t get a job as a domestic, so your kids are starving????? Give me a freaking break

  • June 9, 2008 at 1:03 am
    Dawn says:
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    This is one of the reasons I stated before that I support a national ID- complete with PHOTO. When these illegal immigrants get jobs, they use Social Security numbers. OUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS. So, they claim 10 deductions to get the most money they can, leaving a large chunk of taxes owed. Finally, the IRS sends the bill, complete with interest and late penalties, to the LEGAL American worker who was legally given that number. Guess what? It’s up to YOU to prove that it wasn’t you. And, to top it all off, the IRS won’t tell you anything. They can (and do) seize bank accounts, cars, houses to pay off bills that someone using an illegally obtained social security number ran up. As soon as you get that one settled, another one pops up, since they sell these numbers repeatedly.
    Your 401 can be drained, your medicare, even your existing health insurance can be reached with your social security number once it’s been ‘sold’ to the illegal community.
    Google it and see how many cases like this exist today.

    On the other hand, one of the leading democratic arguements FOR illegals is that they do the jobs no americans want to do for less money. Guess this blows THAT arguement right out of the water.
    Besides, with the economy the way it is now, I bet if you ran an article that said-
    “I have a lousy job that comes with lousy pay, but the fed gov’t will provide you with medical benefits, food stamps, welfare, education for your children, and even the possiblity of getting them into college” they would have a WHOLE bunch of Americans applying.

  • June 9, 2008 at 2:57 am
    Gill Fin says:
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    When my tax dollars are used for illegal immigrants, for food, housing, anchor babies etc, what would you call it? Those are real dollars and I have real kids. Somewhere down the line it means me, or my kids, who both work as students, have to work harder or longer than we would if these criminals stayed home. Just out of curiosity, when these losers run afoul of our legal system, who pays for their defense? Me. For their public defender. Who pays for their incarceration when they violate our laws, at a much higher rate than my FELLOW CITIZENS do by the way. Me. I pay.
    I hope thats elementary enough for you.

  • June 9, 2008 at 3:11 am
    Dawn says:
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    Schooling- not only do we have to pay for their kids to go to school, we have to pay more money for teachers who speak Spanish. And we- American citizens, have to pay for transportation to charter or for private school tuition to put our ENGLISH speaking children in an ENGLISH speaking school.
    Plus we have to pay for their free school lunches. (which is going up for the rest of us appx 40% because of them)
    So yes, they ARE taking food off our tables. Literally.

  • June 9, 2008 at 3:21 am
    Jenn says:
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    We have enough lazy American citizens on welfare having baby after baby without having to pay for illegals too! I’m tired of working long and hard while others get a free ride. I have to “pay through the nose” to send my son to college – I don’t get a free ride (or any financial help) because I make too much money. Unfortunately “too much money” is barely enough to pay my bills. Illegals are draining us dry. Come to this country legally, get a job and pay taxes like the rest of us!

  • June 9, 2008 at 3:48 am
    Ivy says:
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    Triple D – compassion is a totally overrated virtue, it also doesn’t belong in an insurance/claims website. Go find some touchy – feely – hippie – unicorn – rainbow website if you want compassion.

  • June 9, 2008 at 3:53 am
    wudchuck says:
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    take another peek at the picture:

    if folks are willing not to work and get money, most folks that are on welfare who can work but don’t.

    folks willing to work for little and not pay any taxes but expect all the rewards. is it fair — NO, because our national debt is paid by our tax dollars. if not contributing to help pay and run this country, then no benefits!

  • June 9, 2008 at 4:14 am
    Anne says:
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    People – Most of you sound like a bunch of school children who got their lunch money stolen by the class bully. Although I am a firm believer in our constitutional right to openly discuss and debate the issues, I am not impressed with the manner in which most of you are doing it. You don’t have to show compassion for the illegal immigrant, but show some respect toward your fellow insurance professional. Being Liberal or Conservative does not make anyone right or wrong, it just means there’s a difference in ideaological thought. And it is those differences, when they come together that make this country great. So, instead of taking the time to react to each other’s post, why not take the time to write your Congressman (or woman) and Senator and urge them to pass the legislation you feel we need to solve this problem. In my opinion, a lot of productive time serving our customers has been wasted here.

  • June 9, 2008 at 4:33 am
    Gill Fin says:
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    I just want us, as a nation, to honor the agreed upon laws of the land. Is that asking too much? Presumably we have immigration laws for the public good? How can posters here so blatantly ignore that aspect of life in these United States. Key word ILLEGAL. Solve that and we can move forward, in the way we Americans decide we want to move forward.

  • June 9, 2008 at 4:35 am
    lastbat says:
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    Anne, forges such as this forum are where the ideologies and beliefs of people are hammered into being. One should not substitue the vigorous debate among citizens here with writing their representatives – the two should be married. People should both debate publicly and often about their beliefs and the policies of this country and at the same time communicate their needs and desires to their representatives.

    And since we’re all still employed, the time wasted is minimal and the impact on customers negligable.

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