Lockton Affinity Names Ziegler Chief Operating Officer

June 23, 2008

  • June 23, 2008 at 12:26 pm
    Glad to be gone says:
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    What a horrible place to work for. Especially in their Los Angeles office. They definitely don’t live their original founder’s mantra of, “…our employees are our greatest assets…”

  • June 23, 2008 at 1:08 am
    "KC Barbecued" says:
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    Amen to that! IMO, ever since the current predatory, narcissist management took over several years ago, it has been back to the bad old days of A&A and worse. It must be the frustration of NY city sized egos forced to live and socialize in backwards KC–at least that’s how they seem to see it. Remember, guys, you can never go home….and you are not quite in Kansas either.

  • June 23, 2008 at 4:15 am
    Disgruntled says:
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    I third that motion!!!! What a crappy place to work for. At least the other big boys acknowledge that they sometimes mistreat their employees in order to satisfy their stock holders…having been a former employee of the LA office also, the entire mgmt staff there is the crappiest…they just like to give lip service to the employees to make them feel that they are an asset when in reality, they’re a bunch of back stabbing, two faced cowards. If fate has its way, they will all get what’s coming to them 3 fold.

  • June 23, 2008 at 4:25 am
    Relieved to be outta there says:
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    Unless you are a big chested female that wears a short skirt and sleeps with management, forget about any career advancement at that place.

  • June 24, 2008 at 7:34 am
    Disgruntled says:
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    Michael, you’re such a brown noser, which is why I assume you fit in there so well. The superficial pats on the head by mgmt for “recognizing” excellent employees is nothing compared to the stuff that they allow their managers to do to their staff. Like “KC BBQ’d” says, “The fish rots from the head”. That’s especially true for the LA office. No wonder why mgmt has a reputation out on the street as being a bunch of “shady” characters.

  • June 24, 2008 at 7:44 am
    Realist says:
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    Not knowing about Lockton in general, and being a former LA employee also, Lockton LA is a sweat shop that uses you, chews you up and spits you out until the next poor batch of new employees are brought in. They say that their employees are assets but they forget to include “expendable” in that phrase.

  • June 24, 2008 at 12:20 pm
    Michael Morris says:
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    What a great organization to be part of. The leadership is outstanding, especially in Los Angeles. As the company continues to grow, opportunities are abundant for those who wish to get ahead in their careers. The culture at Lockton is all about growth, high energy, opportunity and customer service. Associates are continually recognized as Lockton’s most important asset. What I really admire about Lockton is that they don’t tolerate mediocre performance and they deal with poor performers swiftly, unlike any other place that I have worked at in the industry. Clearly, not the right fit for everyone.

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