U.S. P/C Insurers’ Catastrophe Losses for Q2 Double to $6 Billion; Average Claim $5K

July 21, 2008

  • July 21, 2008 at 10:02 am
    Pud says:
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    No it’s not that I hate insurance companies.I don’t like being forced to carry insurance after all the insurance companies pushed for mandatory insurance and now every year they cry they are not making money.Well I submit to you that the upper management all have Corvettes and huges homes.The Corvettes seem to be a status thing with management.They all have to have one!
    I think they are a good thing for protection from the delinquents and the unpredictable.
    What I don’t like is how big business operates in this country.
    You know a premium increase is on the horizon with an article like this.
    They just had an increase last year!
    I’ve e-mailed you enough that I know you are aware the deductibles are always going up.The main TCPC is between 1k up to 2,500.
    I was personally involved in a study on this.
    The average claim paid nationwide is around 3k so why the major increases.Totals have some recooperation on cost with salvages and recovered thefts,also flood cars.Homeowners and commercial are different.They are normally flood which unless an endorsement is added to the policy or fire which does for sure cost insurance companies money but the commercial policy costs a bundle.Workers compendsation is another area,disability is another.The insurance companies normally recover any monies spent when someone wins an award.
    Should we have to pay for the sharks
    (attorneys)fees for someone elses negligence
    Oh not to mention more than 80 % of the higher paying jobs of investigation and the lik go to ex law enforcement that have already retired and have a pension from a federal positon and these good paying jobs come with a lot of company perks.

    I am going to say this again I don’t
    have a problem with anyone making money but I do have a problem with the way big business.not just insurance companies,compensate their upper eschalon management.
    I think this money could be better spent in paying the claims they have written premiums for,after all these are contracts of utmost good faith.There was a day when you had an accident and you didn’t have to worry about your premiums going up as long as you weren’t sued now no matter what happens insurance companies cry they don’t have enough money to pay claims.Hog wash!

    The average driver pays from 800 to 1200 dollars a year for auto insurance.This is per person per household in the entire U.S!

    I’ve advised everyone on this site to go to MSN money check for insider trading and see how much the CEO’s and CFO’s have cashed in for stock.Keep in mind these were either bonus’ or purchased at a reduced rate!

  • July 21, 2008 at 10:05 am
    Pud says:
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    It’s not just insurnace companies and big business our government has become pretty damn good at it.
    In the old days iomprovements came of the bottom line of profit now it seems it’s just passed on to the consumer while these big boys pocket the money.
    I was outraged with Phil Gramms comments the other day.He should be fored and not given any sevrance and be forced to go to collect unemployment or get another job then maybe he would know what we have to deal with.
    It is the majority nobody not the minority!

  • July 21, 2008 at 2:34 am
    Pud says:
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    Are we supposed to feel bad?

    I’ve never made a claim and have been paying over 1200 dollars a year for homeowners alone.No auto losses been paying another grand.

    DO NOT give bonus’ to the CEO and CFO’s and they will be fine!

  • July 21, 2008 at 3:43 am
    Nobody Important says:
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    Pud strikes again. Where do you see a plea for sympathy in this article? What you see is the premium going for the reason it was charged. Too bad you had to pay that much for your insurance. Sell your house and live in a tent. Pud is one of the regular I hate insurance company posters.

  • July 22, 2008 at 5:21 am
    Liberty Hater says:
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    Well, I just hope that Liberty got hit – and that includes their little fairies, Wausau, Indiana, Peerless, etc. Of course, it will take Liberty to get to a 115 combined before they’ll panic, so PUD it doesn’t look like every company strives to make money. In fact, I can’t quite figure out what Liberty and their companies are trying to do. Underwriting sure isn’t on their list!

  • July 22, 2008 at 6:33 am
    Pud says:
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    If they are like most of the mid to smaller insurers I don;t think any of them know what they are doing?

    They hire kids out of college that know nothing about claims and the cionsumer suffers as a result this because they need their profit margin(the big guys anyway).The smaller insurance companies are likely not puiblicly held and traded on the stock market so service tends to be a bit more personal and generous.The beans aren’t counted as tightly!
    When it comes to being timed while taking a bathroom break this is rediculous.
    Someone I know was not given a raise because they seemed to take too long when they went to the bathroom.I mean what is the appropriate time?
    Like I said in the previous message don;t mind them making money but don’t keep increasing prices to give the big cheese a large bonus or stock options then tell the small guy that they can only afford a 2% pay increase!
    Either way you look at it the percentages go like this for the worker, 40-50% will get no raise at all for not meeting goals.These are the ones passing through.The next bunch will get 2-4% pay increase.
    If you happen to be one of the lucky ones that are an over achiever or dedicated employee with no mistakes and have met all your goals you might get up to anywhere from 4-6%.Most of these positions pay very little for the amount of stress involved plus the fact the job market stinks you are essentially a slave unless you stay for 30 years and out play the salary range.
    If I’m not mistaken except for a handful of states the cost of living is pretty much the same as anywhere else in the country now so that equates to about a slap in the posterior for a raise.It doesn’t even cover one essential living expense and these are the people doing all the work to make those huge bonus’ for the big guys.
    Again this is not just geared towards insurance it has now expanded to the point that it’s an economic epdemic!

  • July 23, 2008 at 7:12 am
    Pud ? says:
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    Pud, you have too much time on your hand to write such lengthy comments. One can only hope you put similar effort into your work.

  • July 23, 2008 at 12:13 pm
    Pud ? says:
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    Well I am sick and tired of people saying insurance premium increases are justified.IF YOU did your research then YOU would be able to recite the same!

    It’s obvious all you are out to do is screw people,if your in sales!

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