New AIG CEO Liddy: Insurer’s ‘Mess is Solvable’

September 19, 2008

  • September 19, 2008 at 8:44 am
    tiger says:
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    I personally think he totally f^@&*^ up Allstate so I’m not jumping for joy over his appointment.

  • September 19, 2008 at 2:46 am
    Sam says:
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    When I was at Allstate, I watched the stock go from $42.00 to $17 under Liddy’s reign so I am not too hopeful either!
    AIG will get some $ in their Fire Sale and the Gov’t will most likely come out ahead with it’s 12% rate but in the end AIG will fall.

  • September 19, 2008 at 2:53 am
    Ted says:
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    Was this not the CEO who insisted that Allstate go without reinsurance and insure every home under the sun at half the price of most other carriers? To clean up his mess, they non-renewed a ton of business, took huge increases, and are working under moratorium for who knows how long…..

  • September 20, 2008 at 12:08 pm
    Flop Watcher says:
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    Didn’t Allstate flop with Northbrook Insurance too? Trying to do business with Independent Agents?

  • September 20, 2008 at 2:18 am
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  • September 21, 2008 at 7:50 am
    Rick says:
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    AIG is a much more complex company than just the home & auto Allstate.

  • September 21, 2008 at 4:14 am
    JAMES says:
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    Talk about $45 down to $17 per share. How about $65 down to $45 again! He sold his million or so portfolio @ $65!! Then Tom Wilson was substituted in his place. Why didn’t the SEC investigate? Look at who’s heading it and the public is clamoring for his removal. Remember when AIG was looking for a Hostile takeover during Liddy’s reign @ Allstate. The guy came over from Sears and revamped Allstate’s financials. We know what his goal-line was… lower the price, increase revenues, sell when stocks respond to an artificial market….then bail out. That and whoever benefited from his politics made out and continue to make out like raped apes! Also don’t forget the 12,000 plus agents who challenged him for his attempt to make stock brokers out them with annuity products requirements, that depended on the market for returns as the market went over a cliff at that time. Whew, that free enterprise and politics woven into a mess. Now he says that he can fix AIG’s mess. He’s been thrown right into the briarpatch that he knows how to maneuver. He will expedite its demise just as he proved to have done with Allstate.

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