House Rejects Wall Street Bailout in Surprise 228-205 Vote

By | September 29, 2008

  • September 29, 2008 at 2:52 am
    RS says:
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    Good! Maybe the market/economy will just have to correct itself without the artifical “fix” congress was looking at. We will just have to suffer through it. How Greenspan and then Bernanke thought lowing the interst rates to drive up the cost of housing (and everything else) was good for Americans, I do not know.
    Of course now we have politicians pointing fingures at each other about this mess but I didn’t see any of them getting in front of it before it happened. The idiot, Nancy Pelosi, completely blames the republicans (I blame both party idiots) – where was she when the meltdown was occuring? The only politicians with lower ratings than Bush’s is the senate and the house of representatives. We really do need to get these clowns out of there but then maybe we will have an even worse group of clowns in their place.

  • September 29, 2008 at 3:22 am
    D says:
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    When there is no credit available we will all feel the effects. The average american didn’t cause this mess, but we are all going to feel the results of it.

    I personally hate the idea of the government stepping in, but in order to help stabalize our market and markets globally, we need to do this.

    Lack of oversight and a political preasures to banks helped cause this mess.

    Profit driven Wall street firms didn’t do their due dilligence in eating up these mortgage back securities which helped cause this mess.

    Profit driven lenders threw all common sense out the window and let people in homes who should not be in those homes, which helped cause this mess.

    Home buyers expecting to see the marketplace continue to drive up the price of thier homes thus giving them the idea that a ARM loan was affordable, helped cause this mess.

    The problem is here. Most of us didn’t contribute to it. But, we will all suffer the systemic consequences if no action is taken.

  • September 29, 2008 at 4:12 am
    RS says:
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    So be it. If it causes a return to “slow and steady” being a good investment, that’s fine. I’m not all convinced this debacle will have the desired effect (actually underwriting loans properly) on banks/wall street unless they are allowed to burn. I only see a blank check for 700 billon for some fool to dole out without proper oversight or regulatory reforms. Credit issuers such as banks, credit card companies, mortage companies etc. are freely charging outrageous fees and interest and that kind of greed must be addressed and so far the only way to do that is to let them go under. The hell with them. I say this knowing I could quite possibly end up out of a job too. I’ll just deal with it.

  • September 29, 2008 at 4:44 am
    Nick P. says:
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    If you’re really interested in finding out the true cause of the collapse, check out:–o

  • September 29, 2008 at 4:49 am
    wudchuck says:
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    i don’t see it as a failure, because was truly going to help the market? the banks were the ones giving the loans and they were looking at some bad loans. they took too many of them, that they started losing money. it’s like an investor and the company lost money. are you going to recoup the investor? NO! so why should we do the same here? now, the money that i have in the bank is secured by the FDIC, but here’s the question. Is the bank using my money to secure the purchase of the bad investing? that is the question you have to ask – because why are they allowed to do that? because they know that my funds are secure from the FDIC!!! interesting enough is that the insurance side of the house requires that we be solvent. why has the banking industry (fed reg), not done the same thing? why should they be any different in solvency? i think as a bank, this would leave me more financially strong. afterall, if i can be solvent, i would have money available to lend!

  • September 29, 2008 at 6:20 am
    Agreed says:
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    Someone somewhere, greedy s.o.b.’s made alot of money and it is all hidden away offshore somewhere, so yes, now give those same guys a 700 billion dollar chk…it will all fall apart in the long run…let them file bankruptcy protection, have a fire sale and try to stay in business, let the banks deal with the mess thay created. I as a tax payer do not want to have this hanging over my head for a long, long time. What happens next time? Kiss our social security and any medical benefits goodbye! Your kids will be standing in a ration line for food and gas in the future.

  • September 30, 2008 at 8:23 am
    Just an employee says:
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    I know this may be a harsh comment but I truly do not feel the world will stop spinning if this bailout does not happen. Sure there will be Copanies that go under – maybe they should go under if they made so many bad loans or other bad decisions. If these execs spent more time worrying about their companies instead of their golden parachutes and enormous bonus programs, or better yet, were paid based on the success of their company, maybe none of this would have happened. We taxpayer should not be responsible for the poor management of certain companies. If a company has some good assets and good people, it is likely that someone will buy them. If not, maybe they should be allowed to fail. I feel there are plenty of solid companies that would be happy to help the deserving customers and clients. If a person can not pay their bills they are forceed to file bankruptcy so why shouldn’t these mega companies be treated litlle us little people. You screw up, you pay the price. What will happen to all the people that will lose their jobs because their companies, now this may be a place for the government to step in to help the little guy who was not making the decisions that cause these huge deficits. To me, that would be money much better spend. Screw the extremely high paid execs and let them feel what it is like for the little guy when they make mistakes.

  • September 30, 2008 at 12:24 pm
    Some Dude Who Happened By says:
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    As H.L. Mencken said: “The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.” Thus we see the scum, er, I mean government, yelling in our faces that if they don’t take decisive action…NOW!..the world will end. The best thing they can do is go home forever, lock up Washington D.C. and leave us alone; the best thing we can do is realize that “government” is nothing more than a group of individual men and women who get their revenue with guns and never take anything they say seriously again.

  • September 30, 2008 at 12:40 pm
    OR girl says:
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    without the bailout, banks are not going to be able to lend money. Businesses need loans, especially coming in to the holiday season. We are going to see businesses that were barely hanging in there going under. Unemployement will go up. It’s not looking good.

  • September 30, 2008 at 1:08 am
    Sick says:
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    Yeah. Blame Pelosi. It’s all her fault…She is such a meany. She hurt the feelings of all those poor rich, fat Republicans so they grabbed their toys and went home. Bunch of big babies!

  • September 30, 2008 at 1:19 am
    Mark says:
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    Amen, Dude!!!

  • September 30, 2008 at 1:39 am
    Airhead says:
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    Golly, Sarah knows all about banks. She snow mobiles all over them near her home! They’re so fragile, how can we insure them? And they’re only made of snow–especially the ones in Miami and along our southern border.

    John has been such a great deregulator for decades! He knows just how to throw those switches in reverse.

    Now let’s all suspend our brains like they patriotically suspended their campaigns and vote for them and more of the same.

    I mean golly, this is what talk radio and Rush are telling me to do. Can Ronnie run again, or maybe his son, just like W did?

    I am so confused but I know right is right. Got to go now–I hear those big box stores may be selling Chinese milk products for real cheap. Our FDA hasn’t said they’re bad, so they must be good. Oh, I just love deregulation….

  • September 30, 2008 at 2:13 am
    BG says:
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    This goes back to the Clinton Admin. trying give homes to people on welfare, illegal’s and anyone else unable to afford a home. Pelosi and her gang were all for it. When McCain filed a bill to stop it, the Dems shot it down. Obama took money from Fannie Mae and Freddie and he blames Big gov and the Reps. Right… The people that saw it coming got labeled as mean spirited and we will all pay the tab.

  • September 30, 2008 at 2:14 am
    nobody important says:
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    Your message is a prime example of the Bush Derangement Syndrome. Be aware of the symptoms.
    1) Incoherent messages
    2) Hatred of people because of party affilliation only
    3) Inability to understand that Bush isn’t actually running for office this year.

    If you have any of these symptoms you will probably vote for Obama even if you have no clue what he stands for or even completely disagree with his politics.

    The current situation has all kinds of progenitors. All of the politicians in Washington share in the blame. This may actually be the first congress to have a zero approval rating. I bet Bush wants to be out as much or more than you want him out. Nobody could stand to be hated as much as deranged people like you hate him.

  • September 30, 2008 at 2:15 am
    Bush has become and Idiot! says:
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    You’re as smart as Paulson. “Everything is okay with the financial institutions.” That’s what he said in March. Now it’s a mess and he thinks he can fix it. Absolutely not!! They will prolong the inevitable and then what will us taxpayers do? We’ll be on the hook for hundreds of billions of dollars and losing our jobs. Then what are you going to do? Ask the government to pump hundreds of trillions of dollars into the economy. You make me laugh. The banks are buying each other right now as we speak. They’ll be fine and the ones that crash will make other businesses stronger as they grow. And every American that has credit most likely has maxed it out so they need to start paying it off, not getting more. That only creates more bankruptcy. Don’t you see the trend? Wake up and pay all your debt off today, that’ll help the economy. Oh wait you can’t because you don’t have enough money. So go out and get more credit so I can pay for it when you file bankruptcy. Get real!

  • September 30, 2008 at 2:16 am
    Gussie says:
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    Do the powers that be even know if the prospective bailout will work? I don’t think so. Also, why do they think $700B is the magic #. Who arrived at that?

    The govt is always saying that we (Americans in general) are overextended, spend too much. What are they doing? And they are attempting to do it with our money and that of future generations. What happens if they throw $700B of our $ at the problem and it does not solve it? Do they throw another $700B at it? This is ridiculous. They need to get people up there who have some semblance of intelligence. Obviously, the measures Bush is submitting are deeply flawed and this is why there is such resistance.

  • September 30, 2008 at 2:32 am
    Baxtor says:
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    Okay, everyone (almost) was complaining that the government needs to do something to lower gas prices. Well guess what? They didn’t do anything and gas is below $100 a barrel. So if they just leave this alone, we’ll have low gas prices AND a better economy. Okay, maybe not today, but in a year or so. I’d rather wait a year or so, then be stuck with a worthless package that we’ll be paying on for years and years when it fails. The only ones that will benefit are the corrupt board of directors and the CEO’s. If they fail, maybe CEO’s won’t get the millions to drive companies into the ground. Let’s not reward idioacracy. Of course our very wealthy politicians will lose some of their stock investments when their stock becomes worthless, but hey, that’s their problem, not the United States Taxpayer. So there is a BIG CONFLICT OF INTEREST by our politicians. Not one of them that has stock should be able to vote on this package because they will benefit the most. And if you don’t agree with any of this, then you pay for it and leave us alone that want nothing to do with it. And stop already with regulations and accountability. Our government doesn’t need to get any bigger monitoring every dollar spent. If you’re greedy, you’ll bring your business to it’s knees and then be out of a job, unless our government passes this garbage and bails out the corrupt.

  • September 30, 2008 at 2:34 am
    Airhead says:
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    Well, golly, there you go again, Mr. “nobody important!” I didn’t even mention Bush, just Rush. I think you must be thinking too much about Bush and suffering from this derangement stuff you try to put on me.

    Well it looks like it is all on you, smarty pants! You’re not so smart after all. But don’t worry, I can see we are soul mates and I’ll be voting just like you. Now go back and review your talking points from Rove-central. That derangement thing is supposed to be about our Sarah. Oh, I would never beleive that!

  • September 30, 2008 at 2:37 am
    Vlad says:
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    Can I get some of what you’re smoking?

  • September 30, 2008 at 2:57 am
    wudchuck says:
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    see folks, we like to always blame someone for failure even though we might have contributed to it. look how easy it was for everyone to blame a vote because of a speech? did not more than one person give a speech? did not more than one person vote? if you think that this extends back from the Clinton administration, then think how many of those same congressman and senators are in office now. why do we keep putting the same people in office and allow them to not change. afterall, obama and mccain are both in the the senate now! if you listen to the both, they are blaming each other for the same thing. everyone is quick to blame the Bush administration, but in reality – it’s congress. remember that the president has to sign the legislation that comes from the congressional leaders. so, who do you blame now? i think we need to blame the ceo’s of companies that fail! they take the money and run, because of the contract signed between them and the company. the shareholders allow there companies to create failure. why does the federal government have to step in? THEY DON’T! if banks are making bad loans, then they need to write them off — afterall, did not the government on loans to some foreign countries? so, why should our deficit keep going out of control? if we want to secure funds in our banks up to $250k, who does it benefit? the middle class? i don’t think so, another benefit for the upperclass. why do we think that we seem to help the middle to lower end of the spectrum. we don’t! think about this, if we allow the $250k protected by the FDIC, does that not allow the bank to use your money again! if it’s a bad investment, they lose the money but is that not technically your money – oooooh, but it’s insured to $250k. where is the solvency in that? think about it folks. why are taking a bunch of experts word on what is or is not going to work. afterall, don’t they have money invested somewhere? what makes them think they know more about what is going to happen? afterall, did they not predict that the bailout was going to pass — and walla — it did not…so where is your money going?

  • September 30, 2008 at 3:10 am
    Gill Fin says:
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    Most here don’t want a bailout, but half here will vote for an admitted socialist.
    There’s a dose of ‘pretzel logic’ for you. Or should it be ‘can’t buy a thrill’.

    For the record, one CAN buy a thrill.

  • September 30, 2008 at 3:12 am
    lastbat says:
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    wudchuck, I’m with you that there is more than enough blame to go around should one wish to do so. The question now becomes – how to move forward?

    From what the market has been doing the past couple of days, and I haven’t even been able to follow 1% of it, we seem to be doing better than predicted. There will be some pain but I don’t think we’ll see the blood in the streets that Paulson said was going to flow. Banks are merging, capital is there to be had if you can afford it, business goes on. Heck, the DOW dropped 777 points yesterday and rebounded today. We need to keep our eyes on our business and our tax money where it belongs.

    *This message brought to you by non-partisans for sanity.

  • September 30, 2008 at 3:28 am
    nobody importan says:
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    Sorry, it was hard to decipher any acutal information from your incoherent posting. I don’t defend anyone in my post. I think all of the politicians in Washington should be out of work soon. By the way, I don’t post talking points. You do. I don’t listen to Rush, I have my own thoughts, you don’t. One last suggestion, take a writing course so that those of us wasting our time reading your posts can actually follow your intended thoughts.

  • September 30, 2008 at 3:40 am
    Mmmm says:
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    Yeah – John & Sarah will do a much better job at fixing this mess than Obama, who was one of the Politicians that got $ off this scam & hasn’t offered to pay any of it back either!

    BTW, Obama has appointed three of the top dogs that were in charge of this fiasco to help him fix it – do you trust the ones that caused it & got extremely rich off the mess to clean it up or do you think that they will just pull a check now & let it keep rotting away?

    I think it should be thoroughly investigated & all $$’s returned from all sources it was distributed to – even if it means kicking the rich out on the streets & letting them see what it feels like to live under the freeway & stand in line at the soup kitchens for a while.

  • October 1, 2008 at 12:32 pm
    Joe Mama says:
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    Wait, I know whose fault this mess is: Bush’s! No, maybe it’s the Dems! No, it has to be the conservatives, and if it’s not them, than it has to be the liberals! SOMEBODY HAS TO PAY!

    Isn’t it amazing how we spend so much time worrying about who to blame when we should be working on FIXING THE PROBLEM???

  • October 1, 2008 at 1:05 am
    Dewey Cheatem & Howe says:
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    Then how about you offering up a suggestion, Joe Mama…

    It’s not a blame game, but rather an information sharing forum, so we can let others know who are either the actual idiots who thought they would get away with cheating the people or the real brains behind the idiots that actually did the cheating!

    Either way you slice it & dissect it you will find that there are way more democrats with their hands in this pie plate than any other party & there are way more republicans that offered up varying suggestions dating back from 2000 through 2004 mainly, asking for regulatory action to be taken immediately before it became a dangerous disaster to our economy.

    Who was it that was praising the folks that were scamming the US People??? The democrats… Not only those that had a hand in the pie, but those that thought they needed to show party loyalty & stand behind their party representatives. Sheep!

    My suggestion is to cut the hands off of those that steal, not literally, but find them out & eject them from office based on their lack of ethics! Then all involved should have to pay back what they took – bonuses & all! Time to clean out the whole house, dems & reps alike!

    WE DEFINITELY NEED A CHANGE but it’s not OBAMA!!! I really don’t think he wants to change much more than how much $ goes into his pocket & how much $ he can send to Africa, no matter the cost to the american people, so long as he gets his.

    We possibly have an Islamic Terrorist in disguise as a Presidential candidate! It is confirmed that his pastor & mentor is a Hate Monger has had years & years of pastoring & mentoring experience to pound into the entire Obama family to hate anyone of the anglo race & blame them for all the problems that the negros encountered throughout history. What a piece of work he is!!!

    Be sure to check out who is who on the short list of recipients from this scam, you might be really surprised!

  • October 1, 2008 at 1:24 am
    Joe Mama says:
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    you honestly don’t believe that crap, do you?

  • October 1, 2008 at 1:35 am
    Dewey Cheatem & Howe says:
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    What? No suggestions or real comments?

  • October 1, 2008 at 1:38 am
    Joe Mama says:
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    you got me, Dewey. Congratulations. I’m not an economist, so I have no idea how to fix this problem. Then again, that’s not my job. Must be yours, though, since you obviously know everything.

    What I do know is that pointing fingers or spouting parrotted rhetoric never fixed anything. Fix the problem now then worry about who was at fault later.

  • October 1, 2008 at 3:05 am
    Dewey Cheatem & Howe says:
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  • October 1, 2008 at 3:17 am
    Puzzled says:
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    Why are you shouting at us?

  • October 1, 2008 at 3:18 am
    Dewey Cheatem & Howe says:
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    My CAP LOCK button was down & I didn’t notice until close to the end – LOL

    Even old folks don’t always pay attention as good as they should.

    It ain’t personal though by any means!

  • October 1, 2008 at 3:31 am
    nobody important says:
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    You must need those brain exercises from Allstate.

  • October 1, 2008 at 3:36 am
    Dewey Cheatem & Howe says:
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    Nah, I don’t want nothing from Allstate – but it might be time to see the eye doc again – may need bifocals now…

  • October 2, 2008 at 9:29 am
    D says:
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    Typical answer from an ignorant fool. How is your 401K doing buddy? Watch what will happen if the House doesn’t pass this thing on Friday. This is not a bill to fix the problem as much as it is a bill to restore confidence in our marketplace and prevent a credit freeze. Partisan BS was the result of inaction. Pelosi is worthless. Roy Blunt was the house republican negotiator who helped come up with this bill. He is worthless.

    When market confidence is restored we can sit back and start our finger pointing about who is to blame for this.

    Paulson is not the one who caused this mess. He’s attempting to restore confidence in order to prevent an even larger mess.

    Hey “Rebublican” , I assume you voted for the party that has done nothing but spend, spend, spend. Why are you getting upset this time around? The republicans voted into office are not fiscal conservatives. They have been right there with the tax and spend Dems to put us in this deficit. Why now are you all of a sudden taking exception to it?

    I’m for capitalism, I’m a fiscal conservative, I’m for accountability. Your just a dumbsh** that has no clue…”They’ll be fine, leave them alone” Not this time buddy. Its not an ideal situation, but its what needs to happen.

    “Giving lessons to one ignorant person at a time”

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