Financial Firms Sign Pact to Bar Lawsuits Over Employee Poaching

By Bob Margolis | December 3, 2008

  • December 3, 2008 at 1:10 am
    Producer with attitude says:
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    Oh, gee, then that might destroy agency value which is based on this form of slavery.

    Oh, but freedom is slavery and slavery is freedom.

    Onward into the (dying) agency future!!

    How ’bout letting the buyers decide?

  • December 3, 2008 at 2:17 am
    CSP says:
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    If your in sales and change jobs, go sell. Stop using the intellectual property of the past employer to go after his clients. If you were such a good salesman, you wouldn’t need your past employers client list.

  • December 3, 2008 at 2:47 am
    Einstien says:
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    If the client list belongs to the past employer then the list should be worthless, unless the client was doing business with the trust, experience, and knowledge of that said employee. Cold calls are the toughest part of sales, and the reason professional sales person will never be replaced.

  • December 3, 2008 at 3:43 am
    Karl Marx says:
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    It is all about the means of production. Unlike the factory situation where the boss owns the means of production (the machines), the insurance salesperson IS the means of production and all the agency owners have to rely on is their shaky slavery paperwork and their shaky agency plants with carriers. As the forces of big capital (the insurance companies) continue to disintermediate agencies by allowing alternate arrangements over the internet (MarketScout, etc. can provide access to these markets at a better “cut” to the salesperson than he can get from voluntary enslavement by greedy agency owners), salespeople obtain more freedom and power. Don’t blame me, Karl Marx, it is only Big Capital devouring itself–the creative destruction of markets, so admired by “free” market advocates.

    In sum, “Producer with Attitude” and people sharing the same thoughts of liberation, realize that you ARE the means of production. Free yourselves (using the new arrangements). You have only your chains to lose.

    Power to the Producers! Long live the fighters! Not the greedy ticks who own or married into agencies and have stopped working for themselves. From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs!

    (Play Marseillaise/Internationale anthem here! Cue Nazi bombers over Guernica, Spain, stage right!)

    In other words, newbie producers, get your thinking clear early and be ready to free youself early. Talk to other producers; explore the new arrangements. Put a pencil to them. Dream! There are more ways to get out of an oppressive situation than just a few years ago and it is going to get even better. Now that is incentive to produce new business! You are best off in any situation cultivating buyers that buy from you not some brand name. Good luck!

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