Marsh Settles Insurance Bid-Rigging Charges with 9 States for $7 Million

January 6, 2009

  • January 7, 2009 at 12:31 pm
    noman says:
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    The root cuase is too many layers of management in these big broker firms that are not productive, sitting around thinking of ways to “enhance income.”

    There are no short cuts boys. Get to work and make an honest living. Quit living off the efforts of others and making their lives miserable to boot.

  • January 12, 2009 at 10:45 am
    Papalii Natuitasina Tugaga says:
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    Kindly request whether such rigging of insurance premium by Marsh affects their offices operating in the South Pacific thus including Australia,NewZealand, Fiji & Samoa.
    Appreciate your comment as it should be a public notice for either way for the confidence of the public

  • January 12, 2009 at 11:30 am
    Russ Vollmer says:
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    The writer of the article should be careful comparing what brokers like Marsh were receiving from companies in the form of a “placment fee” to actual contingent commissions which are based on profit sharing and are only paid after the fact and only if there is a profit. Each time those two are confused or lumped together, more fuel is added to the fire about contingent commissions which themsselves are not illegal or bad. It was the placement fee, along with actual bid rigging, that did so many large brokers in.

  • September 3, 2021 at 10:02 am
    Crystal Threat says:
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    I do you know if you was affected by this insurance fraud?

    Please email me if it is at all possible at this late and date.

    Thank you

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