Brownyard Launches New Web-Based Sales Tools for Producers

February 2, 2009

Brownyard Group, a program administrator providing specialized insurance coverage for select industry groups, has launched new customized web-based tools for the firm’s agents and brokers to help enhance sales.

The new online system called Customized Agency Sales Tools (CAST), is a product of Brownyard’s marketing firm, Vertibrands, and gives insurance agency producers customized web-based tools for selling its products. CAST is an easy-to-use way to personalize industry-specific sales literature with agency contact information and logos. Brownyard offers products through its Security Guard, Private Investigator, Pest Control, Alarm, Cosmetics, and Spa and Salon programs.

“We’re pleased to offer an innovative way for agency producers to enhance new business opportunities,” said Tory Brownyard, president of Brownyard Group. “CAST will enable our producers to be positioned as experts through the use of our industry brands and materials.”

To use CAST, producers simply visit a dedicated section of the Brownyard Web site, create a profile and personalize the sales tools they need. Once an industry and document has been chosen, documents can easily be saved for e-mailing to clients and prospects.

CAST is made available to Brownyard through its marketing agency of record, Vertibrands, a full-service marketing communications firm that serves insurance program administrators in non-competing vertical industries, retail agencies in non-competing geographic regions and other insurance entities on a selected basis.

Source: Brownyard Group,

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