Federal Reserve in Uncharted, Risky Territory with AIG Investment

March 3, 2009

  • March 3, 2009 at 9:03 am
    Baxtor is right says:
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    If you are putting your faith in the government or the CEOs to save us…your faith is in the wrong place. Don’t be afraid…just realize that things may be changing. It is finally time to re-assess our priorities. Greed and pride have put this country into sad shape. It is time to put our faith where faith belongs.

  • March 3, 2009 at 2:34 am
    Apple says:
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    I was against the bailout to begin with, but I knew the gov would do it because they would feel they had no other choice. I sat back and watched thinking maybe this will all work out and I should let our government do its thing. The result is that world markets are still threatened just as they were before the bailout, our governement is throwing money into a black hole, and the gov is now faced with responsibilities it has no experience with (or very little)…I’m just horrified. And terrified. When oh when is this going to end?

  • March 3, 2009 at 2:51 am
    Joe says:
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    If we don’t provide the money to the bail out, we will spend twice as much for unemployment and foreclosures etc for all of the employees that will be jobless if we make them close their doors.

    I think maybe if we sit back and wait, it may begin to work itself out. Or should I say I hope.

  • March 3, 2009 at 4:47 am
    Bela says:
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    Joe: you’ve got it right.
    Apple: stop watching Dr Phil & Oprah.

  • March 3, 2009 at 6:43 am
    Baxtor says:
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    Bela and Joe are idiot politicians or CEO’s that want your money Apple. Don’t let them have it. You are correct to be scared but what is good about you is that you have a good head on your shoulders, unlike Bela the bear and Joe the addict. When corrupt companies like AIG should collapse, good reputable companies grow and take over. Our corrupt government is not allowing their CEO friends that destroyed these companies take any blame and are bailing them out. Have you seen one CEO tried for all this mess yet? Exactly. Our government still has a few people brain washed, but not you Apple. I’m calling my friends in China and ask them to start calling in their US debt. That way, maybe Iraq will come over here and be our military for awhile until we can start up a new government. I have an idea, it could be one government for the people. Wow wouldn’t that be amazing. A little different than it is now, where it’s one government for the wealthy CEO’s and Politicians. I bet Bela and Joe had no clue that their government officials gave themselves raises about a month ago. And their laughing all the way to the bank and the taxpayer because they think we’re stupid to see it. And by the way we vote at each election, they’re 100% correct. Just ask Bela and Joe!

  • March 4, 2009 at 9:04 am
    Nancy says:
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    I have read the posts and find that AIG is just one small part of how the new administration is looking to take control of every aspect of our lives. Just this week, Bernanke said we should have national health care. Why doesn’t he stick to running the fed. Or, maybe he is in over his head and is mixing things up.

    You should be scared. I am as I look around and see how many people have yet to realize that the change we are getting is most likely not the change they expected.

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