Broker Lockton Advises Insurance Buyers to Expect Firming of Prices

April 16, 2009

  • April 16, 2009 at 10:50 am
    Ha ha ha ha !! says:
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    Lockton? HA! They’re one of the big houses that drove the danged thing into the dirt with all of their shopping! And now they’re going to sit and predcit hardening?

    C’mon. Now we’ve got the prostitutes calling the whores “trashy”.

  • April 16, 2009 at 12:43 pm
    Diane says:
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    Love your comments! – However, they are still touting programs to customers and prospects that are not available in a soft let alone an evolving hard market. This kind of marketing makes the “truthful” agents and brokers look bad – just a step above a used car salesman

  • April 16, 2009 at 1:01 am
    Farseer says:
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    Yep–Lockton has met the enemy and they are it. Overstaffed, overstuffed and with a feeling of over-importance. Now it is time to prey on their customers, just like the others did (and Lockton did too, imho, they just never got caught). All you risk managers moving to these bums–how do you feel now–in the crosshairs?

    If you want same or better results, not to mention service, use a regional broker or large urban agent, you know, someone like what Lockton USED TO BE.

    Lockton is just another bloated blimp looking for face-stuff food…

  • April 16, 2009 at 4:09 am
    JD says:
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    The start of the snowball at the top of the mountian-watch waht happens it will be an avalanche by mid mountain- we’re in for a hard market probably not seen since mid 1980s! Mark my words.

  • April 17, 2009 at 8:16 am
    John Scrader says:
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    “Michael Schwander and Ken Capone of Lockton Denver observe that in the area of financial and executive risks, the upward pressure on pricing is already a reality.”

    Frigg’n brillant observation. With the finacial services melt down and are old buddy Madoff. Seriously, my two year old could have predicted this.

  • April 17, 2009 at 9:25 am
    Correctamundo says:
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    You couldn’t be more correct. I worked there (past tense), 60-70 weeks were not unusual as did many beside me while managers came in late, left early and still couldn’t get anything done. Bloated at the top and starving at the bottom, fight for scraps. Glad I’m out and moving up to that deeelux apartment in the sky :)

  • April 17, 2009 at 9:57 am
    Scapegoat says:
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    Somebody should tell all the insureds who were handed high limits for peanuts, that their world is about to get flipped upside down. I for one welcome the hard market. It’ll be nice to see more cut rate carriers exit the market as a result of their lack of underwriting discipline.

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