Ratings: Allstate, Arrowhead, Nat’l. Lloyd’s/Summit, ISMIE Mutual, Greenville Casualty, Un. Farm Indiana

May 13, 2009

  • May 13, 2009 at 4:15 am
    curious says:
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    What happened to Arrowhead?

  • May 15, 2009 at 4:48 am
    Sally says:
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    They went in the tank after PK sold them to some investment group. His vision of establishing niche programs went out the window when the first loan payment was due!

  • May 28, 2009 at 10:30 am
    Terra says:
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    Allstate has fallen to the dogs. They used to stand for a good company but now just trying to get a policy is more headache than it’s worth. When you get it it isn’t what you wanted and when you cancel it, due to their inadequacies, the refund takes forever and is 1/2 what it should be.
    I can only be thankful that I only needed towing, that wasn’t provided on a policy that it was paid for on, and didn’t have any real problems.

    First they couldn’t issue a policy until I had provided them, in writing, with information all the other companies get from DMV. Then when I needed to add a car they couldn’t give me a quote because my file was ‘in process’. Which means I had to take what ever rate they gave me in the blind or not be insured. Next was the towing that wasn’t there when my car broke down. Then was the nasty girl on the phone and my cancellation 13 days after inception. It took 45 days to get a refund. I had paid 405.00 0n 4/1/09. I canceled on 4/13 and only got 137.85 back. You do the math.
    They claim that it became a ‘short term rate’ because of my early termination. But the cancellation happened due to the difficulties they created. So I still pay for the failure?
    You can rest assured that were it me who failed to perform and was late with money there would be fines and penalties.

  • November 18, 2010 at 2:11 am
    Lily Farnsworth says:
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    I am apalled at the treatment that I have been given from this company. After being a AAA member for ten years we couldn’t afford their insurance anymore, I guess you get what you pay for.

  • June 20, 2011 at 3:36 pm
    wanda garwood says:
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    I recently took out a homeowners policy with arrowhead. Is this company solid? The agent I talked to, said Arrowhead had an A+ rating. Is this true?
    Would you take out a hme owners pollicy with this company?

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