SEC Rejects Madoff Customer Damage Claim for $1.7 Million; Lawsuit Likely

By | June 24, 2009

  • June 24, 2009 at 5:26 am
    Baxtor says:
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    The SEC is a bunch of overpaid political officials. Can someone explain to me how they can also allow corporations to sell millions of stock? Stock that they will never ever repay. So much stock that eventually they will collapse. I think the SEC should limit how much stock any corporation can have out at any one time. That way when the bottom falls out, maybe stock holders will get a little money back for their stake in the business. However, the SEC friends are the corporate CEO’s so it makes sense. Everyone in Washington has a price tag and is already bought out.

  • June 24, 2009 at 5:28 am
    Swindler says:
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    After this is won, then everyone that had GM, Chrysler, Worldcom, Kmart, etc…stock should also sue and win.

  • June 25, 2009 at 7:19 am
    Fred Hilpert says:
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    I think it is time to hold government responsible for all “oversight”.

    The Securities and Exchange Commission and is a beautiful example – authority with NO responsibility.

    If out federal, state, county, or cities governments bring into existence an “oversight” organization, we the people have the constitutional right to hold it accountable. The Bernard Madoff case shows that the SEC was just a bunch of lazy bureaucrats smoking and joking on my tax dollar.

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