At U.S. Dirt Race Tracks, Money Goes Into Cars, Not Insurance

By John Kekis | July 6, 2009

  • July 6, 2009 at 11:20 am
    DJones says:
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    @ Jimmy, Right on. I’m with you.

    Why do you think non racing Americans don’t have health insurance? Affordability. Now we’re going to be fined $1,000 if we don’t carry it? That’ll be cheaper than an annual policy. Better yet, I’ll go to prison instead of paying the fine. Free medical there. Dental too.

  • July 6, 2009 at 1:01 am
    jim says:
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    It is a good thing the pres. O is putting his universal plan into effect so we as tax payers can pay for all these dirt track divers injuries with thier new tires and motors

  • July 6, 2009 at 1:05 am
    Dread says:
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    These clowns should be REQUIRED to have their own medical coverage as a pre-requisite to being able to race. They want the thrill and the winnings but would rather short change their own health by paying for car parts instead of insurance. If they don’t care enough about themselves then why should anyone else? You know what happens. This idiots get in wreck and get taken to the nearest hospital that can’t refuse to treat them. They don’t pay their bill so more responsible people end up paying for it through balance billing and higher medical costs. They choose to race so they should pay the costs, not society.

  • July 6, 2009 at 1:26 am
    Jimmy says:
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    I would rather pay for this guys medical bills than for all of the illegal aliens and drop babies that I am paying for now.

    You take care of all of the illegals, I’ll take care of the racers.

  • July 6, 2009 at 1:31 am
    BALTO AGENT says:
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    We ALREADY pay for this- geez, I feel like a broken record….

  • July 6, 2009 at 1:36 am
    Dread says:
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    What are you smoking? Who said anything about paying medical bills for illegals? I don’t advocate paying for ANYBODY’S medical bills who are too ignorant to insure themselves. Race car drivers are like little kids who never grew up. They don’t want to “waste” their money on insurance. That’s fine….but don’t expect me to pay for that frivolous decision.

  • July 6, 2009 at 2:04 am
    Jimmy says:
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    Earth to Dread.

    You don’t think you pay higher medical bills and higher taxes because of all of the unisured illegal alliens getting medical treatment in this county?

    The few unisured racers are nothing in comparison.

  • July 6, 2009 at 4:33 am
    Mark says:
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    This ain’t NASCAR… most of these racers simply don’t have the cash on hand for racing AND insurance, and would be embarrassed to receive a government handout. And please remember, this is a free country; if they want to race, that’s their prerogitive.

    Also, most racers are not the type of people who leave their bills unpaid. They are proud individuals pursuing their dreams. Notice the story tells of McCreadie’s local community having a spagetti dinner to help with the bills; they’re not leaving the bills for the public to pay through taxes or higher hospital charges, they’re taking care of their own, like more of us in the USA should be doing. Then we wouldn’t have the Feds trying to take over more of our lives through Federal programs and mandates. It’s all about responsiblity; taking care of you and your neighbor. Next time your in a convenience store and there’s a jar with some person’s face taped to the outside asking for donations because their house burned down or the child has lukemia, try dopping a couple dollars in there and help out your neighbor. Maybe they didn’t have the cash on hand for insurance either.

  • July 7, 2009 at 7:52 am
    Nathan says:
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    It sounds like the majority of you are content to rollover on this issue just because Americans are taking it up the backside on the immingrant issue. Piling on boys with toys isn’t the answer. This country was founded on the premise of self-reliance……a concept that younger generations don’t understand. Anyone who thinks it’s OK for a race car driver to avoid personal responsibility and have medical coverage is part of the larger problem. Where does it stop? What happens when everybody decides to take advantage of the system to avoid doing the right thing? Dread has a point on this issue. These people have the right to race, but with every “right” comes a companion “responsibility”. If they’re out there with their little cars going around in circles at high speeds and get injured……taxpayers shouldn’t have to pay the consequences because they couldn’t afford, or didn’t want to spend money on medical coverage. And don’t tell me amateur racers won’t walk away from an astronomical medical bill. Eating medical bills for immigrants is bad enough, but when Americans start scamming their own country it’s a pathetic commentary on where this country is going.

  • July 7, 2009 at 9:46 am
    Stat Guy says:
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    DJones, you obviously have never been incarcerated. Everyone thinks that US prisons are country clubs where they sit around and watch TV and play cards, the old 3 hots and a cot….if you can tell the difference in quality for most consumer goods, cars, TVs, whatever, then you should think again about the level of medical or dental coverage available to prisoners: just about enough to keep you alive, no more, and possibly less. Most dental work in prisons is extractions, no drill and fill so that you can come back. As for medical, you won’t get back surgery, or cancer treatments, lucky to get any pain meds for sure. Just remember that there is NOTHING free in life, just someone else paying for it and not much too boot!

  • July 14, 2009 at 8:05 am
    Vxjehwpw says:
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  • September 15, 2009 at 10:59 am
    Ned says:
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    So a small town spaghetti dinner paid for $100,000 in back surgery??

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