‘Global’ Payments for Doctors, Hospitals Seen As Way to Curb Medical Costs

By Erin Kutz | July 23, 2009

  • July 23, 2009 at 9:35 am
    Roc says:
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    “Advocates see the Massachusetts idea, which has yet to be included in legislation, as a way to curb costs, but they also are concerned about how long it would take to realize those savings”. Med providers would have a clear incentive under this “remedy” to reduce treatment to get more cash in their pocket.
    After watching “O” last night, it is abundantly clear he does not have a clue how to “reform” health care. Basically he just wants to say he did, regardless of how bad a program congress passes. It appears reform is needed but someone needs to be involved that actually knows what they are doing which is an awful lot to ask of our politicians.

  • July 23, 2009 at 9:47 am
    Hooray for Capitalism says:
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    Yep, flat rates to doctors will result in less treatment. This is where Kennedy is from. Of course Kennedy doesn’t have to live by it, or die by it.

  • July 23, 2009 at 12:15 pm
    Brian says:
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    What a marvelous way of hiding the true intent – ration health care. Too bad if you’re obsolete, i.e. over 65 or-if you’re lucky- 70. No reason to treat you – you’re going to die soon anyway. Let’s hear it for Socialism. Perhaps we can be just like Denmark where physicians are allowed to kill their patients – apparently without their consent.

  • July 23, 2009 at 12:28 pm
    Realist says:
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    On their new plan, that is………

  • July 23, 2009 at 1:25 am
    riverrat says:
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    Absolutely Roc…pass anything is the objective now. They are loosing ground fast and the blind voters are even getting wiser.
    Obamanomics is dead on arrival and with the Grace of God these clowns will fail miserably. Then…..hopefully….a clean slate with elected officials on notice WE will not stand for anymore nonsense as regards liberal agenda’s.

  • July 23, 2009 at 1:32 am
    Bill says:
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    Much of the impetus that Congress act to “reform” healthcare is that now “they can”! Where Hillary failed in her first attempt to force through a system that would penalize private-pay patients and criminalize doctors caring for those who might want something different or better than Hillarycare; the Democrat majority “can” pass virtually anything, as recent history indicates; however, a few who have some common sense know that a failing plan is better than a plan that is “designed to fail”. With all of the mandates the White House and Congress seem to be championing, it seems they could champion the following: Mandate a basic workplace-based exercise program- 30 minutes/day. Mandate annual or periodic screenings (to qualify those who will benefit from this “free” healthcare)before minor or early stage illness or injury becomes major (and very expensive); mandate that the LEGAL system back off! People get sick and ALL die. It’s not always the physician, nurse or hospital’s fault. And the fact of sickness and death shouldn’t be a grounds to sue, and certainly shouldn’t be the driving force behind the use of “useless” defensive medicine. Finally, it should be “mandated” that Congress use the same healthcare plan they are shoving down our throats. We can fix the system, but the folks who have the “mandate” don’t have the guts to do what it takes. Either way, Main Street America always picks up the tab.

  • July 23, 2009 at 2:09 am
    Healthcare Person says:
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    The author of this article is clueless. HMO capitation is exactly the same. It has been around for many years. I am laughing that this is called a new idea. That is a good one.

  • July 23, 2009 at 3:00 am
    Healthcare person #2 says:
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    As I read the article also thought “that’s capitation..been around for years”. However, when we were capitating physicians in the mid-1980’s we didn’t have the advanced data analysis we do today. Just might work.

  • July 23, 2009 at 3:12 am
    Bill says:
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    Welcome to The United Socialist States of America.

    In Russia, Communism sounded good. In Cuba the people revolted and got Castro. In Venezuela they got what they wanted in Chavez….. And we got Barrack Hussien Obama.

    Elections have consequences! Congratulations to all those who wanted change with knowing what it was going to be.

  • July 23, 2009 at 3:24 am
    Russ Vollmer says:
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    This comment reminded me of the old
    “Twilight Zone” episode entitled, “The Obsolete Man”, where the character (played by Burgess Meredith) is sentenced to death by the dictator (played by Fritz Weaver) for becoming obsolete. That episode is proving to be a frightening prophecy, given today’s effort to provide health care coverage for everyone that will inevitably lead to rationing such care for the elderly, resulting in their earlier than normal deaths. Coupling that with the currently liberal abortion policy and the ultimate goal of government control over people’s lives will be achieved a/k/a population control.


  • July 23, 2009 at 4:38 am
    Bubba says:
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    President Obama pretty much said that rationing or control over end of life decisions would be part of the plan. He was asked by someone whose grandmother got a pacemaker at age 100, after a second opinion, if under the Obama plan their grandmother would be denied the pacemaker. He didn’t directly answer the question. I’m sure it’s on youtube. His answer came across as saying some people will be told no surgery or whatever, stay on the pain medicine and die. No second opinion, just the opinion of some gov’t run board.

    If you dig deeper on this it looks like he’s trying to push through a backdoor form of reparations. There’s a clip of him saying he is against reparations because he doesn’t want to take away the ability to play the race card politically. He said that if you did reparations people would say that there was no longer an obligation toward minorities, and therefore you could no longer play the race card. If you look at the organizational chart for his health plan, there would be some gov’t health offices related to civil rights and minorities. He also said something about money for medical school to get more doctors in the system, but only for colleges that show preference to minority admissions. Besides building a socialist, progressive framework, he’s potentially building a framework that will favor minorities.
    Whatever his motives are with the healthcare plan, it’s not about the real issue which is how to pay for care. Generally speaking, in comparison to other countries, no one is being denied treatment. It’s how to deal with the bills after the fact that is a problem.
    Someone pointed out that with the money that is already set aside, the Gov’t could buy insurance for one year for everyone that wants it but can’t afford it. Why is the answer from Gov’t always a new Gov’t program and more taxes? Plus, we shouldn’t even be discussing any new program when we can’t afford what we already have.
    Plus, why is the status quo unsustainable. To be called the status quo it has to have been around awhile. If it was so bad, it would have been fixed long ago. That’s how it works in free, capitalist society.
    He might say now that he’s not interested in Gov’t taking over healthcare, but, he didn’t want to take over the auto industry either. He argued that there was no other choice. I think what he proposes for healthcare will wreck what we have now just enough to make a Gov’t takeover unavoidable.

  • July 23, 2009 at 5:22 am
    Realist says:
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    BHO’s true colors continue to show through a little more in regards to the Gates racial comments of calling the Police “stupid”. Stiring the racial pot like so many before him, these people with chips on their shoulders are dangerous. I have seen them operate in hotels, restaurants and public events, acting like someone owes them something and showing no one respect.
    Wake up America, Rev Wright will soon be the Nation’s Chaplain. On par with Colin Powell declaring he is a Republican while backing his fellow black man for Presidency, BHO.
    A black man can murder his wife in America by slitting her throat from ear to ear and then get acquitted. All the while the whole country knowing he’s guilty!

  • July 24, 2009 at 8:16 am
    Water Bug says:
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    You must be joking Realist. Stupidity and ignorance come in all colors. While I believe that Barry Obama is a destructive angry Marxist, his skin color has nothing to do with it. There were plenty of goofy white people, Latinos, and others who voted Mr. Obama into office. Let’s not go off sounding like Lester Maddox. I deal with and work with competent hard working honest black people every day.

  • July 30, 2009 at 9:07 am
    Hooray for Capitalism says:
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    Bubba’s dead on right….Obama’s ideas for health reform include favoring blacks and minorities. You haven’t seen the little provisions yet, but they’re in there. Just like in the Energy legislation where’s there’s little provisions to “reimburse the lower income an amount equal to their loss of purchasing power that results from the act”. Equalizing man, that’s his goal. He’s ripped and criticized most of what we value…..all while unemployed blacks with cell phones get twitters from Obama…..yep, he’s their man alright!

    White working folk, you better pay attention, because you are NOT OF ANY CONCERN TO BARRY O.

  • August 5, 2009 at 9:59 am
    David Farzan says:
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    Global capitation as it is described in the article is not a new idea. As a physician in Massachusetts for the past 18 years I have seen several health care plans in the 1990s attempt to use this model. Secure Horizons was a senior program which took the place the Medicare and promised the preventive care to its enrollees. What was not disclosed to do patients is that the doctor had a strong financial disincentive to withhold referrals, expensive prescriptions, skilled nursing facility care and hospital care.

    As I heard it described to me by a Kaiser Permanente physicians/salesman. “If you make a referral for Mrs. Jones to the dermatologist, consider it like you reached into your back pocket, took out your wallet and stapled a $100 bill to that referral form.” After all, with global capitation the primary care physician keeps any leftover funds as his fee.

    After many patients found out about this perverse of for incentive the program finally died out.

    Imagine having to beg your primary care physician for the care you think you need. Some patients would even feel guilty about asking for referrals because they new it was taking money out of their physician’s pocket. Others did not want to come in for visits because they knew the doctor would be reimbursed nothing for the visit.

    I cannot even begin to address the questionable decisions that I observed by my fellow physicians at that time.

    For those wishing to control cost, I applaud, but this idea will fold under the light of day

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