House Extends Estate Tax But Senate Likely to Change

By | December 4, 2009

  • December 4, 2009 at 12:27 pm
    Baxtor says:
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    Since we are taxing you on the way out, lets start taxing on the way in. So when you’re born you already have a huge tax bill. What the heck, why not? Of course we still need to keep the illegals out of any of these taxes, coming in the country and exiting it.

  • December 4, 2009 at 12:38 pm
    jay says:
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    Whats WRONG with a Permanent Aristocracy! You idiots! If they can’t make it and keep it, why should I try to “make it” . I might has well go on welfare ! Idiots!

  • December 4, 2009 at 12:41 pm
    H.M.M. says:
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    . . . in the permanent aristocracy department. This is a shining example why term limits are needed.

  • December 4, 2009 at 12:48 pm
    bill says:
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    “Keeping the current rate would cost the government $234 billion of revenue over 10 years, according to a congressional tax committee.”

    The government does not pay taxes therefore it does not cost them anything! We pay taxes and it cost us money.

    Please get this right as it affends me to read what things cost the government, it cost all of the people who pay taxes not the Government.

  • December 4, 2009 at 12:52 pm
    Maxine says:
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    I agree – we’re the ones footing the bills and paying the tax, get real – look in your own backyard too. Politicans! what a racquet!!

  • December 4, 2009 at 1:34 am
    Joseph says:
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    Keeping the current rate would cost the government $234 billion of revenue over 10 years, according to a congressional tax committee.

    This statement from the srticle sums up the whole debate in our country. HOW IS THE GOVT LOSING MONEY, we are just limiting how much they can steal out of the pockets of dead people. If you are illegally taking 1 trillion and cant get an extra 234 billion , you arent LOSING anything. The govtis only going to take that money and give to foreign countries as “AID” or to back military intervention, and then wonder why everyone hates us

  • December 4, 2009 at 4:49 am
    JB says:
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    To expound on the previous post: it shouldn’t even matter whether the money is used to aid foreign countries, military intervention, or some other project to which we may object…let’s say my neighbor has plenty of money and I don’t; and my neighbor isn’t spending it on anything nice (purely subjective), or isn’t spending it at all: should it be all right for me to just take his/her money because I’m going to to do something nice with it??? I think not. Certainly we need to pay some taxes to support that which is absolutely necessary, AND is for the benefit of ALL (national defense; clean water; interstate roadways to name a few which most would agree fit into this category)
    Anyway,talk about losing money: I had a plan to get just $1.00 from 250 million taxpayers, but no one’s sent me any – I can’t believe it, I lost $250,000,000! Oh, wait a minute, I wanted it to be $2.00 each, which means I lost $500,000,000…or was it $10.00 each which means I lost…………..

  • December 7, 2009 at 7:25 am
    Former Status Quo says:
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    Who is John Galt?

  • December 7, 2009 at 9:15 am
    Giusta Schmo says:
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    “Death in and of itself should not be a taxable event,” said Dave Camp, a Michigan Republican.

    It’s not. The transfer of the estate to one’s heirs is the taxable event. If you put all your wealth in the box with you, and it stays there as the last shovelful of dirt is piled on top, no tax will be incurred. You silly Republican, you.

  • December 7, 2009 at 12:37 pm
    Joe says:
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    Your name says it all, you schmo. The point is that an estate transfer pursuant to death shouldn’t be a taxable event. For that matter, a living-trust/will estate transfer shouldn’t be a taxable event.

    Being a DemonRat, you probably have trouble with logic and quantative analysis.

  • December 7, 2009 at 3:20 am
    Giusta Schmo says:
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    Geez, Joe. I didn’t think that would go over anyone’s head. You must be very short.

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