Key Differences in Senate, House Health Bills

January 6, 2010

  • January 6, 2010 at 7:54 am
    hooray for capitalism says:
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    There are none. They’re all stupid self serving drones more concerned about having their John Hancock on “landmark legislation” to realize it’s the worst piece of law to hit the books in the history of the United States. Keep it up Dems, you’re on your way out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • January 6, 2010 at 12:42 pm
    Jason says:
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    Is a corporation considered to be an individual for the purposes of the 5.4% surtax? If so, what does this mean for small (and larger) businesses?

  • January 6, 2010 at 2:04 am
    no tolerance says:
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    A penalty for not participating? Quick math tells me it would be cheaper to pay the fine for not buying insurance as an individual or a corporation. You can bet that will be an option for most who don’t want to buy it in the first place (most young people under 35)
    However, all would have the option to buy it as they are being transported to the hospital since pre-existing conditions are outlawed under the House and Senate bills.
    Bottom line is premiums will escalate exponentially for the rest of us. Premiums will never go down no matter what is passed and certainly not since all the dead beats will continue to be deadbeats.
    Joke after Joke.

  • January 6, 2010 at 2:24 am
    KentU says:
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    Please correct me if I am wrong but, it does not state that there would be premium restrictions for those with pre-existing conditions. If so, carriers could come up with an actuarial supported premium – extremelly high – those someone with pre-existing conditions but, they just can’t decline to accept the risk.

  • January 6, 2010 at 2:56 am
    Ratemaker says:
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    Maybe there’s no explicit restriction, but the actuarially appropriate premium to cover a preexisting condition would be greater than the cost for that individual to just cover the bills for that condition out of pocket.

    The appropriate premium would be:
    Cost of treating pre-ex condition
    + Cost of anything else that may pop up during the policy period
    + Expense of issuing policy
    + reasonable profit provision.

  • January 6, 2010 at 4:06 am
    KentU says:
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    Ratemaker, from an actuarial standpoint we must also consider the probability that the pre-existing condition may not reoccur. Example: The pre-existing condition may be a heart attack or cancer – not a current condition but, a prior condition. There are many conditions considered as pre-existing that may or may not ever reoccur. Carriers may currently decline these risk but, not in the future if this version of the bill becomes law. In the end the carrier will be able to justify a high premium for the risk.

  • January 7, 2010 at 7:07 am
    Ratemaker says:
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    True. I was considering mostly the chronic or ongoing variety of pre-ex conditions — diabetes, cancers not in remission, or a current pregnancy — which will certainly cause medical expenses in the immediate future.

  • January 7, 2010 at 9:22 am
    Marty says:
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    Mr. “Hooray for Capitalism”, you are right on target. This “Obamacare” is not about helping the American Citizens, this is about Obama going down in history as the “Healthcare King”. Otherwise, why would the Republicans be “locked out” of any discussion and why is Obama rushing this through with pork, bribes and payoffs? All members of Congress were elected by American Citizens, how can the government exclude even one congressman or representative? This is illegal and unconstitutional. And the pricetag on this bill is unbelievable. When will the American public figure this out!

  • January 7, 2010 at 11:16 am
    Bill says:
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    Funny to watch people without any grip on financial realities try to run a Government.

    Healthcare for free!! LOL

  • January 7, 2010 at 11:19 am
    Bill says:
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    Just wondering? Obama promised us it would be on TV, CSPAN. Last I looked, The only thing I saw on TV was a bunch of old senators coming out a smoke filled room.

  • January 8, 2010 at 5:04 am
    Hooray for Capitalism!!! says:
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    You know, I’ve never worked for the government, but have occasionally come across Job Requirements for government positions. Seems as if even the most lowly paid government positions have a laundry list of things you must bring to the table if you want to be considered for the position.

    So, I got to wondering, what exactly are the Job Requirements for President of the USA?? Does anyone know?

    After all, the President serves as top budget maker, leader of millions of people, responsible for the direction of policies which impact the success or failure of the largest economy in the world (ie the financial success of the good ole USA), “liaison” to the rest of the world, act as top military commander (!), personally responsible for ensuring the safety of Americans against terrorist attacks, blah blah blah….

    Does it not seem reasonable, that the President should be expected to have spent, say, at least 10 years, in private industry? Preferably in some form of MANAGERIAL ROLE? Since he will soon preside over major decisions that impact private industry? What about the requirement of at least some form of military experience?

    Does anyone actually review Presidential Candidates qualifications, in comparison to a Job Requirements List??? Is anyone ever disqualified on merit?? Lack of Experience? Do they check his references???

    All interesting questions when you consider that Obama was allowed to lead the United States. Makes you wonder if JUST ANYONE is allowed to lead the country, while that same person may not qualified for an entry level position to process Social Security Disability claims?

  • January 11, 2010 at 11:50 am
    B says:
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    well, if you consider that dubya bush was allowed to be president, the standards obviously aren’t much higher than a 2nd grade education.

  • January 11, 2010 at 11:52 am
    B says:
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    don’t worry, the american people will BAAAH like sheep just like they did when dubya bush ruined the U.S. constitution.

  • January 11, 2010 at 11:52 am
    B says:
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    don’t worry, the american people will BAAAH like sheep just like they did when dubya bush ruined the U.S. constitution.

  • January 11, 2010 at 12:53 pm
    Sarah says:
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    Well lets see?

    Healthcare – US Constitution – NAH
    Read it, “promote” the Wellfare does not include “provide” healthcare.

    Change Bankrupcy laws to allow GM Bondholders to go from the front of the line to the back. Union payback.

    Funny how the liberals selectively apply the requirement to comply with the US Constitution.

  • January 11, 2010 at 1:13 am
    Hooray for Capitalism!!! says:
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    That’s right Sarah…

    George Bush allegedly “trampled the constitution” wiretapping and waterboarding………..all in the name of keeping Americans safe. If you weren’t a criminal, you didn’t have too much to worry about.

    Obamas constitutional trampling is all about promoting welfare programs, taking away personal freedoms and destroying capitalism which built the country.

    I’d rather have George walk on my constitution any day of the week.

  • January 11, 2010 at 3:46 am
    B says:
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    heil hitler, or as he should have been called george scumbag bush trampled the U.S. constitution and harassed americans instead of daring to offend those “peaceful” muslims

    gwb keeping americans safe? yea right, good one. and don’t even get me started on the biggest waste of taxpayer money ever, (created by a “conservative” neocon scum by the way) – the department of homeland horse manure.

  • January 14, 2010 at 9:00 am
    Allan says:
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    Yeah, like the Military Commission Act of 2006 or the abuse of signing statements. Nevermind the Patriot Act. Those two alone are enough to scare the daylights out of most.

    The only ones who are standing up for W. are the ones who only recieve their info from the conservative side of the media and talk radio. And they’ll never bring any of those things to light.

  • January 15, 2010 at 1:16 am
    nobody important says:
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    Allen, true believer and B, moron, don’t you love them. Always good for an off topic discussion.

  • January 15, 2010 at 2:03 am
    Allan says:
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    Uhhhhh Ok, go put your head back in the sand like the good little ostrage you are…..Nobody Important.

    What a goof!

  • January 15, 2010 at 3:39 am
    sa says:
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    Allen, There is no liberal media bias?
    You wont hear about serious issues (truths) on CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC. Let me list them for you.

    1. The Nebraska lets make a deal.
    2. Floridas Medicare Advantage Deal.
    3. Harry Rieds racial gaff. Light skined with a turn it on Negro dialect.
    4. Bill Clintons racial gaff. Obama should be getting us coffee.
    5. Unions getting special exemption for the cadilac healthcare tax.
    6. 700 cubic metric tons of yellowcake uranium found in Iraq that was secretly shiped to canada. You know the same WMD that supposidly didnt exist. This is the same yellow cake uranium that Valerie Plames husband said Sadam was not trying to buy from Africa. You didnt see this on the news last year did you. google it!

    I could make the list as long as you want. so stop it with complaining about FOX or the right wing radio shows. They are the only place you will find the real truth like the above current and past issues.

    FACTS ALLEN! no factless emotional outburst of ridicule.

  • January 15, 2010 at 4:20 am
    Allan says:
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    Um, Sarah….no no…over here Sarah. Listen to me carefully. I’ve heard all of what you mentioned on all the media outlets(even Fox because I watch Fox and I listen to AM radio). The only acception is the whole yellow cake uranium deal you mentioned. I’ve never heard that story (and I do mean story) reported at all. I Googled it and didn’t find anything on it.

    Now, I know the ultra right wing has a reputation of lying and being hypocrites but, I always give them the benefit of the doubt first.

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