Workers’ Compensation Patients Benefit Less from Back Surgery

February 4, 2010

  • February 4, 2010 at 1:20 am
    esquire says:
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    my theory is there’s no incentive to get better in many cases involving a WC claim. the victimization culture is alive and well.

  • February 4, 2010 at 2:01 am
    Charlie says:
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  • February 4, 2010 at 2:15 am
    Reagan says:
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    How much time and money did they waste on this “study”? I’ve done comp for 13 years in various jursidictions. They NEVER get better, until the check clears!

  • February 4, 2010 at 3:21 am
    Claimsdiva says:
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    I’ve discovered after 26 years in Worker’s Comp, a good settlement check usally will “cure” a W.C. back injury in no time flat. Recovery is nothing short of “Miraculous”.

  • February 5, 2010 at 9:42 am
    Izell says:
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    I.m in La. Been injuried for a lil over 2yrs. now. Cervical strain, bursitis both shoulders, ulnar and median nerves entrapment both arms and hands. Claim accepted but denied treatment. What the possiblity of permanent damage? Strongely. Was told by choice of physician(only 2 visit allowed) that I can’t do the type of work(CDL-class~A~) anymore. What the h*ll!! Have not rec’d any type of indemnity benefits in17mths. Presently living in homeless shelter now paid for by State. Did I ask for this? No. I love my job. If I would have rec’d properly and adequately medical treatment. I believed that I would have retained my ability to maintained an commercial vehicle. And to not have to suffer from daily chronic pain. It’s debilitating. Believe me. If not for the I/C”s desparite need to increase and maintain their bottom lin, a whole lot of injuried people(including myself) would not have to suffer. What would I preferred? A check from settlement? A chance to possible driving again? I will choose the latter one. I believe the one to ask is the injuried one. If you have not experienced an job-related injury and been denied medical treatment to the point of not re-injuring yourself, your reply is not useful.I miss being able to do the things I use to do. The type of research needed is why are injuried workers being denied medical treatment when needed. Who should really be in control of making that decision. Is the amount being paid to injuried workers, if they are fortunely enough to get an settlement, enough for them to survived due to the inability to perform their trained professions. I wish that the Obama administration see the need to overhaul the workers comp. system.

  • October 5, 2012 at 10:24 am
    Bestesmom says:
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    The doctors workers comp uses are experts at what they do and aren’t going to let the phonies slide by. I can appreciate and rest in knowing this. They do test that easily find the phonies. But I was an extreme case w/ residual affects lingering, unfortunately 3 months after 2 level fusion, and I’m scared I will suffer the rest of my life, as will my husband and two young children as they support me thanks to my employers lack of care.

  • June 22, 2018 at 11:46 am
    Itmakessense says:
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    It makes sense. Workers are going back to the same conditions that more than likely caused the injury in the first place. At home you have more control over what you will or will not do.

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