Accidents Involving Recalled Toyotas Still Have Coverage, Insurers Say

February 9, 2010

  • February 9, 2010 at 2:07 am
    S, Farm, kinda a good neighbor says:
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    unless they were flooded out by a broken levee or sumthin like dat and da waves came up and engulfed da car without actually collidin; more like a seapin’ kind of damage, and dey didun have da proper ‘rain and flood and seapin’ endorsement; we had a big problem wit dis durin dat katrina hurricane thingy way back when.

  • February 9, 2010 at 2:29 am
    cajun joe says:
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    that problem is only in one state, however – – –
    out in the real world they treat it like a “regular” claim

  • February 10, 2010 at 7:06 am
    wudchuck says:
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    ok, here’s the ultimate question… as a owner of a vehicle, and found out that it was not my fault because of a faulty vehicle, will state farm go after toyota for the money spent and then move the accident from at-fault to not-at-fault?

    probably not! state farm is making notes about this happening 3 yrs ago, but apparently toyota is not going 3 yrs ago… so is state farm trying to make itself look good, when actuallity if you look at the amount of accidents that happen, what is the supposedly percentage of those are caused by this event? probably so minute… it does not matter if the vehicle has been made in america or japan, so long as it’s a reliable car.

    now, if they want to sue anyone, why has anyone not sued AIG for their failure? afterall, they made bad decisions and the gov’t bailed them out… oh! more money lost and that money going to have to come from whom? UNCLE SAM! so was it an investment?

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