Key Senator Reports Compromise Reached on U.S. Patent Reform

By | February 26, 2010

  • February 27, 2010 at 10:44 am
    staff says:
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    “…lawmakers have reached a tentative agreement to reform the nation’s patent system”

    The definition of reform is to “make changes in (something) in order to improve it.” Little if anything in this bill will improve the patent system. The objective of these large firms and their puppets in Congress who are behind this bill is not to fix the patent system, but to destroy it or pervert it so only they may obtain and defend patents; to make it a sport of kings.

    Patent reform is a fraud on America. It is patently un-American.
    Please see for a different/opposing view on patent reform.

  • March 1, 2010 at 8:54 am
    matt says:
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    Agreed, patents are a plague on our nation’s productivity and innovation.

    There is zero hard evidence that shows patents encourage innovation. There’s a plethora of examples showing companies abusing patents to keep other companies from innovating and competing.

    Patents are monopolies– artificial, government-granted monopolies. They can be quite arbitrary– for example a patent which was finally overturned for embedding a .jpeg image in a web site. This patent allowed someone, through various shell entities, to sue TONS of mega corporations for doing something that is exceedingly obvious.

    Facebook was just granted a patent for “a news feed in a social media environment” — if that isn’t an extremely obvious software-only non-innovation then I don’t know what is.

    Insurance companies have wrestled with the idea of “business model” patents where underwriting philosophies could be patented.

    A huge % of tech patents are filed in the “rocket docket” Eastern District of Texas (even when both parties are Cali-based tech companies!).

    Our current patent system has brought us the rise of the “NPE” (non-practicing entity) — a shell corporation which holds patents for the SOLE PURPOSE of suing other businesses — they make no product, they offer no service, they exist only to bring suits based on some obscure patent they bought somewhere. How is this fostering innovation in America? Hint: It Absolutely Doesn’t.

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