Toyota Facing Possible Triple Damages in Consumer Resale Value Suits

By | March 18, 2010

  • March 18, 2010 at 12:29 pm
    John says:
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    “diminution in value” is a concept that isn’t recognized by all states. It is an argument that vehicle owners use when their car has been repaired in a body shop. They whine because they think their trade in value will be less. It probably will be but that’s life. The concept also “assumes” the owner will try to offload the vehicle when it’s still relatively new. On older cars it makes little difference as the values stabilize.

    Problem is, nobody can forecast how much, if any value, will be lost until the owner sells or trades the car. People who haven’t experienced a problem by now probably won’t. They don’t deserve any “Disneyland Money”.

  • March 18, 2010 at 12:33 pm
    Brandon Keenan says:
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    Really, Toyota has delivered top resale for 30 plus years, wheras American car mnfrs have delivered over priced crap. You notice they never mention resale value in any of their commercials. Thats because we know how soft the secondary mkt is for their cars.

  • March 18, 2010 at 12:35 pm
    Claims guy says:
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    All true. Also, couldn’t treble damages be considered punitive and therefore not covered under policies in many states? It never ceases to amaze me that people who join these bogus class actions don’t realize the only people making money from them are the lawyers. The sleazier members of the plaintiffs’ bar certainly don’t waste any time filing them as soon as there’s the slightest hint of anything even remotely actionable.

  • March 18, 2010 at 12:59 pm
    DJ says:
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    What’s a 100 lawyers at the bottom of the ocean????

    A good start!!

  • March 18, 2010 at 1:20 am
    Eli says:
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    You can bet the hired guns for the american auto manufacturers and the autoworkers union are piling on to cause as much bad press for Toyota as possible in hopes people will forget about how all failed miserably. During his recent appearance before the senate, the president of Toyota should have told the Washington pus bags to piss off and solve their own problems. Toyota coined the concept of Total Quality, a concept this country never did. It will fix it’s problems and hopefully come back to bury american competition.

  • March 18, 2010 at 1:34 am
    Mike says:
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    Punitive damages or not, i don’t think they have coverage for these types of claims as the GL policies exclude property damage to your product.

  • March 18, 2010 at 1:52 am
    Chad Balaamaba says:
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    hey, I’m in the market for a car, and I thought this would be a great time to pick up a Toyota on the cheap…but from what I’ve seen, the prices have only declined about 2% on average…so it appears this is a media made issue where the majority of people are not ditching the product; I know Toyota owners; they consider this bunk; I’ve been in the auto insurance claims bidness for 20 years…do you know how many claims I’ve seen (for all brands!) where the driver hits the gas instead of the brake! Never felt the need to keep count, but this happens allot more than people want to admit…

    remember, if an evil Toyota accelerator sticks on you, you can still:
    1. hit the brake…hard if necessary
    2. place the veh in neutral, or downshift and let the tranny drag slow you down
    3. turn it off at the ignition
    4. hit one of the buttons on the steering column, use the one that make the circular saws come out, so you can cut thru anything in your path before you remember to try steps 1, 2, or 3 above
    5. since you’ve reached step 5, you are really desparate, so slam the vehicle in park while jamming the parking brake on full…the transmission may fly out but the vehicle will eventually come to a stop…true, the dealer probably won’t want to cover the engine/tranny damage, but you’ll still live to talk about the first 4 steps not working for you…
    6. stop looking at your GPS, and remember, right pedal gas, left pedal brake…usually the wide pedal…if you have a stick shift…use it and push the brake in again…
    7. At this point, we’ve reached the conclusion you simply are involved in this because you desparately are seeking attention; perhaps you have not had your 15 minutes of fame…perhaps it’s a slow news day and they’ll want to interview you on local tv…this is your chance for a semi high speed car chase…get the police to follow you around for about 20 minutes…(be sure to turn off the portable dvd player you’ve been watching, but if you have one of those portable tv’s, don’t turn it off before you’ve seen yourself…if they get a tight shot of you…wave and say “hi Mom!”)…then prepare the the police to kindly help you stop your runaway train…
    8. no, you cannot sell your personal story to the producers of “Speed”…maybe you’ll get a shot at being on Jerry Springer, however.
    9. go ahead and remove your foot from the gas pedal…now use the brake pedal. Whew! Lather, rinse, repeat.

  • March 18, 2010 at 2:10 am
    LARRY LOGIC says:
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  • March 18, 2010 at 2:37 am
    Yeah, that's it says:
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    Keep poking them in the butt with a sharp stick! Attorneys need the work apparently. Hey, maybe they could hire the bankruptcy attorneys from ads I hear on the radio.

  • March 18, 2010 at 4:04 am
    Nobody says:
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    Go ahead cut the throat of the biggest manufacturing job provider in this Country.If you think Ford and Chevrolet haven’t pulled the same things with defective parts on their automobiles then you’re in lala land!
    Ford is notorious for having bad brake rotors on the front of the Taurus for years.The front end would shake out of control when the rotors got thin enough just from average useage.The metalic material in the brake pads would actually wear the rotors down to the point you could never machine them but nobody got on their tail for that one.The F-150 had and likely still has rear shackles that rust out and leave the rear end dragging in areas that use salt on the roads during the winter months.
    Chevrolet had problems with alternators and still does,ever drive a car that died and has no power steering or brakes? I have!
    All manufacturers are guilty of pulling this crap on the consumers.Manufacturers put out service bulletins at the dealerships for the people that have their cars serviced there.The people that don’t and go to their opwn repairman never see these bulletins unless there private mechanic has inside contacts that supply them with the information so don’t jump the gun on Toyota.They have put out a class A automobile for years and now everyone wants to shut them down because of what boils down to a handful of people that don’t know how to react in an emergency situation.
    I mean let’s get real.How can someone not have the smarts to turn the ignition key and shut the vehicle off,it’s better to coast to a stop than get killed running into something!
    Toyota is doing everything in their power to correct the problem but they can’t be let off the hook for selling these vehicles knowing they had these problems and not recalling these cars before the problem got out of hand.

  • March 18, 2010 at 5:02 am
    Little Frog says:
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    Obviously we have a Car Care Crisis which kills 1000s of people every day & affects National Security. We must have National Car Care Legislation NOW!
    Second verse, same as the first.

  • March 18, 2010 at 6:02 am
    Mrs. Brandon Keenan says:
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    You’re an idiot Honey, but I still love you! Just because my GMC has been in the shop once since we bought it and your Toy has been in 6 times +, don’t get all judgemental and take out your anger on these nice folks. Buy American, I did and Love it!

  • March 18, 2010 at 6:11 am
    Baxtor says:
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    I’ve never heard so many America bashers in one forum before. I guess I usually don’t look for people bashing my own country on-line. Here’s a thought, if you don’t like the USA, then move to Japan. And on a side note, if you buy only foriegn products, what will the USA be in a few years? China 2?? We can’t pay China back now, just think when we have no businesses here and no jobs and we are taxed 100%. Then you would have wished you took my advice now and moved to Japan!

  • March 19, 2010 at 7:16 am
    Nobody says:
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    It’s Japan not China that will own if not already does own much of this Country.Now we have a President that is elling them bonds to get our bung holes out of the astronomical debt he created.I am sure glad we have so many intelligent people in this Country..How could people be so stupid as to vote this man into office.The writing was nowhere! He said a bunch of nothing and is doing a bunch of disruoting of our government by bribing and extorting affiliates of his party to vote in this Health Care Bill. Hasn’t he created enough problems?I would love to see him impeached.He has no formal knowledge on how to run a business how can he run our government and Mr Kucinivich [spelling?] you have no spine.

    I say again that Toyota employs many people in this Country and the more you hit them the more you hit our own people.Many of the incidences that took place with these Toyota’s could have been prevented if the driver knew what to do in an emergency,to me it’s driver error in many of the cases if not all!
    Turning the ignition off or using the emergency brake ,which is why they call it that, would have possibly saved these peoples lives but I do agree that Toyota has to fess up to the fact they knew about the problem but turned their cheeks!

    So I have no clue where you claim that American bashing is going on.American built cars were junks for years because they had to reduce quality in order to pay CEO bonuses and the Union members however I think even the working Union Members are seeing now that their Union has not been run properly and needs an overhaul. Retiree’s of GM at least have it made but there is still time for our government to screw them up as well anything they place their hands on or get their noses into seems to become all screwed up and we end up holding the bill asd usual.I see no difference between the way that BinObama is running the Country than Clinton the only difference is Clinton was smart he did it intelligently and BinObama hasn’t a clue of what he is doing and acts on knee jerk reactions.He is costing us a fortuen and is selling us to Japan.

  • March 19, 2010 at 7:27 am
    John says:
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    We need to drop the term “foreign cars”. The UAW coined that term decades ago to make Americans feel guilty about buying them. In today’s market, they may be “foreign engineered”, but most of them are built and serviced by Americans. Why do Americans buy them? Because they’ve always been of better quality than the big 3 who aren’t very good at building a vehicle that will last beyond 80,000 miles. Planned obsolesence forces people to buy another car. The UAW and the big 3 are a big part of their own problem. Poor management and give-a-way benefit programs to un-skilled workers. I’ll buy American if it’s the best product at a competitive price. It’s a global economy and to blindy buy an American car to keep some UAW worker with a fat retirement program including lifetime medical employed is short-sighted. Toyota has beene the Quality standard for over 30 years. It suddenly has problems but will recover without a government bailout. Toyota should have told congress to shove it.

  • March 21, 2010 at 10:56 am
    KentU says:
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    There is no evidence that Toyota was ignoring the problem. I have a Prius and I was notified long ago that the floormat might be a problem – which it was! The problem continues and so does Toyota’s effort in fixing it. This lawsuit is a desperate attempt for greedy attorney to make money that they don’t deserve.

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