Key Features of Healthcare Reform Passed By House

March 22, 2010

  • March 22, 2010 at 10:13 am
    Kimberly Bennett-Brown says:
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    Back in 1994 while I was completing my Masters in Healthcare Administration, we were debating Universal Healthcare. At that time, 34 million Americans were uninsured, or under insured. And in 2010, things haven’t gotten much better. People should access to quality healthcare at an affordable cost. Going to the emergency room after one is already sick, it not access. It actually cost the healthcare industry more money than if these individuals had access to preventive care. I believe this new legislation is great for the country. While it will take getting used to, it is a step in the right direction. I firmly believe that the Obama administration truly cares about making things better for all of America.

  • March 22, 2010 at 11:17 am
    Gretchen says:
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    You, dear, are a moron. Obama does not care about Americans, Obama cares about power. And if you think this is a good thing, then clearly you did not learn anything getting your Masters degree. The ramifications of this bill, just like the bills that forced banks to give loans to individuals with insufficient income for mortgages, are the reason we are in the mess we are in. You need to start doing your homework to realize that government does not hold the answers. Government is not capable of managing a Burger King, let alone 1/6th of the U.S. economy. I am deeply saddened today – our government just told the American people to Ef off and that they don’t care what we want. Today is the beginning of the end of the leadership of this country in the free world. Mark my words – take notes, and watch it happen.

  • March 22, 2010 at 12:11 pm
    Kimberly Bennett-Brown says:
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    Your mama is a moron! How dare you take a personal shot at me because I share an opinion different from yours. If this country and pay their athletes and corporate CEO’s millions of dollars, they can provide healthcare to its citizens. We pay for everyone’s education and we should do the same for healthcare. Obviously you haven’t done your homework. President Obama is too good for this country. We haven’t had a president to come close to his intelligence. You are pissed because as usual he is a winner and people like you can’t stand it. Take your back woods red neck mentality back to cave where it originated.

  • March 22, 2010 at 12:46 pm
    Gretchen says:
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    LOL! Typical, typical liberal lunacy. Corporate executives makes millions therefore everyone should have health care…and the relationship of those two things are??? What in the world does one thing have to do with the other?

    You say my mama is a moron – and then ask how I take a shot at you? Seriously? Do you get how ridiculous you sound?

    Obama cares about one thing only – his power. He doesn’t care about you, He most certainly doesn’t care about this country. And if you think this guy is smart, well… then everything else you have said makes perfect sense.

  • March 22, 2010 at 1:28 am
    Bond says:
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    Kimberly, if this was such a great bill why did it take so many “back door” deals to get it passed? The democrats had the majority didn’t they? Oh, that’s right, our great democratic congressman got us some more water by holding out. I should be happy.

  • March 22, 2010 at 1:30 am
    MLM says:
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    Smash and grab politics. If I have a cash flow problem say with medicare. And, I can’t borrow the money cause I’m broke – I look across the street and see these ‘excessive profits’ and cash flow the Insurance Industry has. I can take them over and solve a cash flow problem and maybe bouy my program a few years with their profits. And, when the election passes – legislate more profits by reducing benefits – Why not! Gets Better – Don’t have to spend a dime of my money . Soon, we will see both parties admitting that medicare was the problem all the time and our focus was on healthcare. Once again – smoke and mirrors.
    What I think will be good about this?
    They will awaken Giants.
    Put your money in PHARMA – when they tell you no surgery for that hurtin hip – drugs are going to be better than hugs.

  • March 22, 2010 at 1:32 am
    TX Agentman says:
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    Now, I have to agree with Kim that the personal shot taken at her was uncalled for, but now I have to back up Gretchen. There is no link between paying pro athletes millions of dollars to health care for all American’s. If sports did not bring in billions of dollars in revanue a year, then they could not afford and would not pay the athletes millions of dollars a year. Thats econ 101.

  • March 22, 2010 at 1:34 am
    TX Agentman says:
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    The bigger question is “If this bill is so great, why isn’t Congress forced to have the health care that they are forcing upon Americans?” If its so great, why are they so hesitant to have their health insurance be on the single payer option?

  • March 22, 2010 at 1:42 am
    Ralphie says:
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    “But you ain’t got no legs, Lieutenant Dan!!!”

  • March 22, 2010 at 2:47 am
    Jeff says:
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    Little doubt that what we are seeing here is a divide between the growing percentage of Americans who are “have nots”, i.e. too young for medicare, not poor enough for medicaid, and either priced out of the market or saddled with a preexisting condition, and those who are haves. Everyone is upset because no one really believes that eliminating the use of ER’s by poor folks and pushing them into the normal system is going to yield enough savings to pay for the program. The greed and ugliness of the haves–especially the republicans in general, but also all the medicare recipients that would rather see their children die of cancer than pay for their stupid donut hole–is what also turned this biull into a moral imperative. Most Americans could care less if the ungrateful grannies who already have their own special benefit, and the arrogant ins co executives who have not a clue what it means to worry about next month’s rent, were forced to live in boxes on the street. Or, better yet, that the insurance co employees spend their lvies in prison. That is what you are dealing with here.

  • March 22, 2010 at 2:53 am
    Tom Kelly says:
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    Kimberly, You have clearly been brainwashed in your education process. Obviously you have never taken Economics in School or you would understand that we have just spent darn close to a Billion dollars on something that is not a “right” and this Country CANNOT AFFORD, nor can its people (unless you work in Washington for the Government-FYI Average income in US is $40,000. and since your Hero has been in office Washington Government Employees are at $80,000 on average)does that tell you anything 10% undemployment and more likely 18% before they wash the numbers, people scrambling to keep their houses, feed their families and the most important thing is to pass that idiots pet project! I believe that the Economy is much more of an issue that passing a tax and spend bill, lets get people back to work in the public sector. I think you will see some great changes happen in November and I have hopes that we can get this Great Country back on Track. I did not spend three tours in Viet Nam (I volunteered and was not drafted) so see it go down the drain as you have suggested! Have you ever seen a Government Program that was effectively run? Have you ever seen Federal Program that did not end up cost two to three times what was estimated? Have you actually read the estimates of cost and the “Chicago Accounting” that Mr. Obama spearheaded and pushed into the face of the people. The people are much more interested in creation of jobs, and not in the Government field. Incidentally since you are so educated do you realize that if you were to take all of the present profits of the Health Insurance Industry you might be able to purchase health coverage for two days, this is a fact.
    Do you ever see huge paychecks, like the buddies of Obama and Unions receive at our cost, in the Health Insurance Executive Ranks…Get back to reality and get the “lets take care of the world” Socialistic attitude out of the pea brained mind. You are obviously in the Industry and have access to this information so either get your information correct or join the ranks of the extremely highly paid in Washington for it seems as though you belong there!

  • March 22, 2010 at 2:53 am
    Gretchen says:
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    Please see previous posts! You just don’t get it.

  • March 22, 2010 at 3:38 am
    Jeff says:
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    Gretchen: Actually, I don’t disagree with your analysis of Obamas motives or the motives of liberals. But people who already have their own in this country really do not understand that the demographics have been changed by the economic downturn. There are far more have nots today and far fewer haves who do not feel insecure about the future. The mood is ugly on both sides of this debate. You should not be so certain that your anger will trump the anger of the people without access to healthcare. The Reagan years of false prosperity created by irresponsible tax cuts without cutting spending are over. Welcome to the second great depression. This battle was lost by the repubs because they got too greedy. It is a shame, because the health bill has major flaws just as you say. But you cannot win this fight by telling the less fortunate to eat cake. You got greedy and now you are going to suffer. Hungry people could give a d*** about principle. Thats just a fact.

  • March 22, 2010 at 3:59 am
    Kevin says:
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    There are a lot of personal attacks and such going on here. How about EVERYONE act like a grown-up…? Novel idea for insurance professionals and politics.

    Look, the bill isn’t perfect. I think even a bleeding heart liberal could admit that. But let’s not act like backroom deals and ear marks are new. For crying out loud, they have built DC and honestly, a ton of America. One man’s earmark is another man’s rescue package. The only difference is whether you are receiving the earmark or not.

    As it relates to insurance (that is why we are here, right??), how about the fact that you now have 32,000,000 more customers. Insurance company stocks are ALL at a 52 week high. You have no government option, no single payer, and you get these folks as customers…? What’s not to like about that part?

    For all of you that hate the government interfering, fine. Keep your insurance, stay the course and don’t worry about the po’ folks. But if you don’t like it since it’s a gov program, then I expect you ALL to refuse Social Sec and Medicare when you are eligible. For all the negativity about the Gov interfering with our lives, people never want to give up the entitlements they already have.

    So all in all, it’s not perfect, but it could be worse (public option). Also, NO the sky is not falling…calm down.

  • March 22, 2010 at 4:09 am
    Anonymous says:
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    Kevin: I agree with most of you what you said except that Medicare and SSI are entitlements. I am a middle aged person who still has at least 10 more years to work and unless I am seeing things (and have been seeing them for years)I AM PAYING for Medicare and SSI, so I think I will partake…if it’s still around…when my time comes

  • March 22, 2010 at 4:49 am
    Gretchen says:
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    Hey, Kevin, Your suggestion to look at this as an opportunity as an insurance professional kills me. You want to know why? Because UNDERWRITERS WON’T BE ABLE TO UNDERWRITE these 30 million new “customers.” And because the customers won’t have a choice whether to buy. And imagine being told that you had to write every building in your city and you couldn’t even make sure your company didn’t lose their shirts on it? Exactly how long do you think that company would stay in business? Are you really so naive to think that you can make the private sector a charity project and then still expect company’s to have a ROE and be a viable commodity in a free market? Honestly, use your brains, people!!! Think it through.

  • March 22, 2010 at 4:57 am
    Jeff says:
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    How ironic. We have traded the insecurities of folks who cannot access health care for their children for the insecurities of an agent having difficulty coping with change. Interestingly, the single payer advocates would agree with Gretchen. Wall Street does not. People need to read the bill more carefully.

  • March 22, 2010 at 5:06 am
    Gretchen says:
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    I’m so done with this discussion. Clearly, logic does not prevail — even in the insurance industry. You are naive, Jeff. Terribly, terribly naive. Mark this post somewhere, and when it happens — and I guarantee you it will – just remember, I tried to warn you and you were just too darn smart for all of us! Apparently 2+2 does not equal 4 in your world anymore than it does in Washington DC. Just remember, insisting 2+2=5 doesn’t make it so. Best of luck to you.

  • March 22, 2010 at 5:20 am
    Jack Artale says:
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    What was needed here was the Public Option and we would have had a first rate piece of legislation. The US has the most expensive health care of all of the industrializaed nations and we atually rank 37th. We still have a long way to go but we are at least getting there.

  • March 22, 2010 at 5:24 am
    Baxtor says:
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    the governemnt would take over Mexico and make it our 51st State. Then we could have a total controlled health care by Uncle Sam and just bill it through our sales tax. As of now, the illegals still are going to use our Hospitals and skip out on the bill. And if they still have families in Mexico, they will Western Union most of their paycheck down there. As of right now I haven’t read the 2,700 pages, which I’m sure our senators and house of reps haven’t either.
    I’m waiting for the One World Government, which Obama is heading in the right direction for. Can anyone say “The end times”?

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