Insurance Expert to Testify at Hearing on Oil Spill Liability Today

June 9, 2010

  • June 9, 2010 at 1:56 am
    Serge Strong says:
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    Just 3 Questions;

    1. When does the Statute of limitations run out on blaming Bush?

    2. Cant we wait until at least the catastrophe is over until we start trying to find someone to blame?

    3. Doesnt it make since on “Day One” to get the best engineers together and give them a day or two to come to a concensus as to a solution and impliment it the very next day?

    True leadership does not work this way.

  • June 10, 2010 at 8:42 am
    Mike says:
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    Putting them on a list does not make your lies the truth:

    1. He hasnt even talked to the CEO of BP in 52 days.


    2. He could have assembled the top engineers to figure out a solution on DAY 2 of this disaster. HE DID

    3. He waited 9 days to say anything about it.
    Probably not true either but SO WHAT? You want speeches or action? make up your mind. People from the Administration and Coast Guard were on the scene.

    4. He still has only blamed BP and not taken any Federal steps to find a solution except send down Attorney General Holder to sue everyone he can.

    Lie. He has taken numerous federal steps including calling in every possible federal agency (NOAA, EPA, others) and the Coast Guard. It has been all hands on deck.

    5. Congress is meeting at the Capital to find blame even before the Oil stops flowing….. DUH… And this is Obama’s fault?

    6. This adminstration has not employed anyone else to find a solution except BP.

    Not true. Engineers from around the world have been called in to help.

    7, The President has had parties had basketball teams at the Whitehouse, even had a party for Paul McCartney. But hasn’t done a thing to find a solution. Oh he did say he was going to kick someones A*s though.

    Hasn’t done a thing to find a solution? That’s another lie.

  • June 10, 2010 at 11:39 am
    Mike says:
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    Can’t you stop lying about Obama every chance you get? Can’t you acknowledge the truth that he has done exactly what you say he should do and much more? You make it all sound so easy– just ask the engineers. What do you think they have been doing? Every “consensus” fix has been tried. If the cleanup is politicized it’s because of people like you, not Obama. Give us all a break and submit some serious insurance discussion sometime rather than your continued partisan carping.

  • June 10, 2010 at 12:33 pm
    Serge Strong says:
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    1. He hasnt even talked to the CEO of BP in 52 days.

    2. He could have assembled the top engineers to figure out a solution on DAY 2 of this disaster.

    3. He waited 9 days to say anything about it.

    4. He still has only blamed BP and not taken any Federal steps to find a solution except send down Attorney General Holder to sue everyone he can.

    5. Congress is meeting at the Capital to find blame even before the Oil stops flowing….. DUH…

    6. This adminstration has not employed anyone else to find a solution except BP.

    7, The President has had parties had basketball teams at the Whitehouse, even had a party for Paul McCartney. But hasnt done a thing to find a solution. Oh he did say he was going to kick someones A*s though.

    If Bush was bad in Katrina, Obama is Pathetic in the Gulf.

  • June 10, 2010 at 12:36 pm
    Sam says:
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    Mike, I thought all Liberals thought Government could solve all of our problems. Why not now?

    If they cant stop a leak, how can they provide our healthcare?

  • June 11, 2010 at 8:51 am
    Serge Strong says:
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    Because you call it a lie does not make it so.. Funny how when you argue with a liberal they always revert to an emotional outburst of factless ridicule.

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