Justice Department to Appeal Virginia Healthcare Ruling

December 14, 2010

  • December 14, 2010 at 1:43 am
    wudchuck says:
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    so, if they mandate we have to have health insurance… let’s put something into light…

    my daughter had my first grandson and applied for medicaid for the little one. she was told that w/in 3 months she should have an approval and be eligible for WIC. it’s now been six months and no medicaid which means not WIC. so, medical bills are piling up with no end in sight. now remember as kids, they have to have shots, so grandpa/ma are trying to help so he can have those shots – in hopes that we get refunded based on the fed’s supposed to have covered for this under medicaid. it’s getting ridiculous… i am just about ready to send a lawsuit for some dough…

  • December 15, 2010 at 9:21 am
    kpop says:
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    This case and all others like it should go directly to the Supreme Court. Quit wasting time in state courts because ultimately they will all end up in the Supreme Court. Whatever the outcome somebody is going to be mad. Get it over with already.

  • December 15, 2010 at 12:42 pm
    taxpayer says:
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    your daughter should not have had a child unless she could afford it and not depend on medicaid. Period. Tell her she is welcome for me fronting the bill through my tax dollars.

  • December 15, 2010 at 12:47 pm
    Baxtor says:
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    Is this really what our government was set up for? Or was it to protect us from people that interfere with our life, liberty and justice (freedom)?
    1) It’s unconstitutional.
    2) If I don’t want to have it, why should I pay for it? Some people don’t like medicine or medical help. Maybe if they get cancer they don’t want treatment and they want to die from it. Who are we to tell them they have to pay for something they refuse to use?
    3) I think, and this is sad to say, that we should go back to the time that ambulances and hospitals checked if you had insurance. If you don’t, they don’t take you. I know this is hard core, but why is the Federal government telling them to take everyone? That’s why are health insurance is out of control.
    4) Let the states control Access (assisted) coverage and be it only for children, while the adults who can’t afford it will have to pay something to have it, even if it’s $20 a month, until they get on their feet.

    I know this seems tough, but someone in WA needs to get the balls together and just do it already. When did we become land of the taxed and home of the social welfare?

  • December 15, 2010 at 12:47 pm
    Brends says:
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    And if she has a job that doesn’t offer insurance, tough toe nails. Why do I have to pay for your grandaughter’s shots?

    Liberty before socialism.

  • December 15, 2010 at 1:00 am
    CJ says:
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    I have to agree with Brends & taxpayer. If you can’t afford a child, don’t have it. That’s whats wrong with kids today – they all feel that the US owns them a living. Get off your dead _ss and work first. I don’t mind my tax dollars helping someone who has tried to help themselves, but it appears your daughter just assumed she’d get help. not a very good job of raising the child, was it?

  • December 15, 2010 at 1:13 am
    Marc says:
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    I am with them wudchuck. No twist here. She and you are trying to beat the system with the rest of the bottom feeders!

    I to am tired of working to pay for those who don’t want to! I am also tired of paying for the uninsured. Not sure what the fix would be.

  • December 15, 2010 at 1:16 am
    Tom says:
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    My first daughter was born while I was in college with no insurance. I arranged with the doctor and the hospital to make payments. It took several years to get it paid off, along with a small “student” loan. I am just saying…….

  • December 15, 2010 at 1:24 am
    Mandate Challenge says:
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    Eric Holder needs to resign for the good of the country. He is nothing but a political hack of the far left and his priorities are the opposite of doing the right thing. Hopefully, the big Florida case with the 20 states will send another message to the Obamaminions that America doesn’t want their Socialist Plan for healthcare.

  • December 15, 2010 at 1:28 am
    Tom says:
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    This mandate will not stand Constitutional scrutiny and when that occurs, the rest of this mess of a law will begin to unravel. 9 months after having this forced down our throats, this bill remains very unpopular with a majority favoring repeal. The trend is that the more people learn about this bill, the more they favor repeal. That trend will have a political effect on all branches of the government, including the Supreme Court. This Pres is learning that there is a price to be paid for arrogance and the purely ideological use of power in absence of support from the American people. Oddly, he will become an important historical figure, not for his policies, but as an example of how the goodwill of the American public was squandered, destroyed by the ideologues who cheered him on. This Pres is the emptiest of empty suits, and his legacy will be written in those terms.

  • December 15, 2010 at 1:37 am
    tommy paine says:
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    What I took from wudchuck’s post was not the details about his daughter. I think wudchuck was trying to point out the inefficient and ineffective manner that the federal govt. handles its current healthcare workload. If the new healthcare is not repealed, the federal government’s healthcare workload will increase 10 to 20 fold. If they can’t handle their responsibilty now, how much worse will their performance be when their trying to manage 1/6 of the US economy? How much worse will our healthcare system be with the government running it. People will die while their waiting for the government to respond. (Katrina & BP Oil Spill times a million.) Granted, our healthcare system isn’t perfect, but this new healthcare experiment will be a disaster. Why not tackle specific issues one by one? Why do we need to make a 180 degree shift?, so Obama can say he transformed us into a socialist country.

  • December 15, 2010 at 1:49 am
    Bean Counter says:
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    Let’s stop and look at the real pupose of the health insurance mandate. It is not to improve healthcare or the availability of it. The real purpose is to transfer the huge payments that the gov’t is now dishing out for medicaid.

    If this is to improve healthcare and costs why was it not tied to a tax cut for all the money that the Fed is saving on payments they will not have to pay once this Obama cure all for healthcare goes into effect?

  • December 15, 2010 at 2:03 am
    Uncle Sam says:
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    Tommy Paine,

    I don’t give a rat’s poop what wudchuck was trying to illustrate; he failed as a father, raising a leech on society.

    I’m tired of this poop.

  • December 15, 2010 at 2:14 am
    Mandate Challenge says:
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    Tom, you are exactly right about Obummer’s legacy. The only thing he did smart was knowing how to get elected. He has been campaigning for 2 years and never caught onto “governing” and seriously misjudged the folks. He had no clue and the first mistake was to let Pelosi & Reid craft this bill. Obviously, his efforts to sell it only make the folks more uncomfortable after 50+ speeches. Then, the effort to ram it down the folks throats has met with big time resistance. This is a prime example of Progressive Socialist arrogance and thinking they know best for us and we are supposed to sit down and shut up. Guess what, we aren’t and he is in big trouble.

  • December 15, 2010 at 2:29 am
    Tom says:
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    MC, what American Progressives fail to note is that their paradigm is Europe and they think that most Americans want to be just like Europe. Unfortunately, they forget that those who emigrated from Europe wanted nothing to do with their system of resticted freedom. Progressives are poor historians, and this Pres is a prime example of being “smart” but having little practical intelligence.

    One only has to look at what is going on now in Greece, France, Ireland, Portugal and soon, Spain, to see how much smarter the American people are than this Pres and his party. They continue to want to spend and think we are too ignorant to notice that they are trying to grab as much money as they can before the hammer falls.

  • December 15, 2010 at 3:43 am
    MC says:
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    I agree. This arrogant President, along with his Progressive Socialist minions thought they had a mandate to do whatever they wanted after the election. The people gradually caught on and by the mid terms were so angry, they threw a bunch of the followers out except for a few areas of liberal fanatics on the East and Left coast. The Blue Dogs walked the plank for Pelosi & Reid and they paid the price for it. There is much work to do with the new Congress and the courts, but this disengaged President will find it rough going the remainder of his only term.

  • December 16, 2010 at 1:19 am
    anon the mouse says:
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    I am apalled! What embrionic moron at the justice department came up with that reason to appeal the VA ruling? 1. Show me one state that has the authority to pass an statute that applies to other states. 2. this is a states rights issue and the meathead at justice needs to learn how to pile their poop on the right table.

  • December 16, 2010 at 1:31 am
    MC says:
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    Anon, you have every right to be appalled at this Justice Dept and Eric Holder in particular. He is busy upholding the rights of foreigners instead of ours. Can anyone believe he is suing a school district for not allowing a Muslim teacher to take off in the middle of the school year for a month to go to Mecca? He is an idiot and a political hack of the left and calls in Congress for him to be replaced should be resounding in January.

  • December 18, 2010 at 12:06 pm
    wudchuck says:
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    1) what if she was raped? would you still say that?

    2) we are hoping that she goes back to school and continue her education so that she does get a great job…

  • December 18, 2010 at 12:16 pm
    wudchuck says:
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    if you knew details of every situation than you can say judge and jury about situations… but you’d rather have an opinion based on not all the facts about my daughter… she was in college when her event happened. while in college there were several shootings and fatalities, which told her or gave her the impression that it was not going to be safe… she was raped and decided to keep the child, at least she knew that life had a meaning.. but if you look at society today, how many folks are currently umemployed? how many folks truly need an education to get a job? how folks had a job with education and got laid off? i truly think you paint a picture without the paint. we are trying as grandparents to help her and the grandson, but as someone truly figured out the initial conversation — the gov’t can’t get it’s act together… what is put on the books to be done is not being done by the feds. good example is the immigration laws! how many illegals do we have today using our system when it’s supposed to be for legal citizens. i should have not needed to share the whole story about my daughter, but i think you are just basically ignorant of folks and what might have happened. imagine, how many folks are living on the gov’t’s money and don’t make an effort to get a job. at least my daughter is working a small job, but it’s basically part-time with no bene’s. so stop the hate. sounds like you would treat the homeless the same way. this time of the year deserves the love and care. most of all peace! if your still feeling this after reading this post, then i suggest you look into your own heart and find why it is so black and hard. last i heard, we have the compassion and understanding, especially during the most wonderful time of the year.


  • December 20, 2010 at 9:34 am
    LIBERTY says:
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    Oh boo hoo,

    Your family is leeching off of mine. You’re a socialist, comrade.

    Take care of your own.

  • December 20, 2010 at 11:03 am
    MC says:
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    I am all for helping those who truly need it due to unfortunate circumstances. However, there are many in our society who have learned how to game the system. The Demwits want to extend benefits to all those who don’t want to work, want free healthcare for as long as they live. This is a political war and votes are what they are after. It is all about wealth redistribution of taking from those that have and give it to the have nots. At some point we have a level playing field with everyone being poor and all are wards of the state. Free Enterprise is the only system that allows someone to excel and succeed and obtain a better life for themselves. Wudchuck, I hope your daughter does well, improves her education and succeeds.

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