President Obama Expected to Sign Food Safety Overhaul Bill

By | December 22, 2010

  • December 22, 2010 at 2:40 am
    Tx says:
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    What are we going to do, double the budget of the FDA so they can continue to waste resources? They are a joke just like the other departments. Are they going to monitore salad bars in restaurants to keep the Terrorists from poisoning us? Obama probably wants to hire an additional 20,000 Federal Inspectors on our dime to implement this.

  • December 22, 2010 at 4:03 am
    MtotheC says:
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    Watch “Food, Inc.”. You’ll see why there is a need for this. It’s scary.

  • December 23, 2010 at 7:19 am
    tiger says:
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    If you’re really a reporter (it looks like a “news” article) then you can’t have opinions like “The ailing US food safety system…” That’s your opinion and not the news. In my opinion I’ve made it to 50 years old eating all kinds of food in the US at gourmet restaurants and greasy spoons and because the food “safety system” is pretty good already. I know you’re in love with Barry O. and all but keep it to yourself kid, just report the facts.

  • December 23, 2010 at 8:29 am
    Tx says:
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    Reading the article, it looks like someone from the Obama Administration wrote it for him. Another Progressive program designed to regulate or control the folks at a big expense. They have been waiting 70 years to implement this kind of thing. Michelle is telling our kids they should eat carrots in their happy meals and childhood obesity is a “National Security” threat. This administration wants to control every facet of American life. The problem they have is this country has 300+ million people and there will be major push back starting in 11.

  • December 27, 2010 at 1:23 am
    Nick says:
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    Using your logic, then the economy with 9% unemployment isn’t “ailing” either since you still have your job.

  • December 27, 2010 at 2:55 am
    Tx says:
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    Hey Nick, Didn’t you hear that we came out of the recession in mid 09? That came straight from the White House and I believe it 100%, don’t you? They are all about creating more jobs (government jobs)which is sucking the life blood out of this economy. This country needs a big jolt of fiscal responsibility and a serious cutback of this monstrous government. The new Congress is charged with making these cuts. We will see how they perform.

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