Democratic Congress Productive But Unpopular

December 23, 2010

  • December 23, 2010 at 10:48 am
    DL 44 says:
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    A bill of rights for credit card (banker’s to the right)-(holders to the left),ok, find the song and see if it fits.

    providing new consumer protections [BBB inc. OBJECTION!) , including banning unfair rate increases, abusive fees and penalties. (Wells?)

    I, was also wondering if the Senate would consider an additive to the consumer bill of rights. One that would take on all /kÉ™nˈjÉ™NGktiv/ to the medical professionals. ” Criminal Investigations” Jack-Style. LOCK them UP too!

    Example: What Psychiatric Disorders Are Usually Contraindications for Living Organ Donation?

    The reason I’m bringing this up is: I get this call from the Sheriffs department, wanting to know if I’d like to donate to their downed comrades disabilities? OK, first that’s a contra indicative answer on my part, I’m disabled and have received no support! –Justifiable against ongoing abusers which include law enforcement. Hello! Why can’t they act as Peace officer’s toward me, as an injured-bodily disabled person & ONLY the god give higher power of Doctor Give’s a ****, best known for as follows: injured component nearest I can get paid a large sum of money for is “Psychiatric -syndrome -etiology -unknown” No, follow-up appointment is needed.

    Just in case any verdict outburst, yet, is my very critical observation of such; through monetary gains from corrupt “Professional Organization” HMO, AHA, OSHA, & Doctor’s Association’s, just to mention a few amazon’s of these and more of their trades reading?

    So, my intent is as follows: Why would I be considered an “Organ Donor” at anytime in the near future. Hum! just one more illogical side effect produced by CEO (SIR)Edward B. Rust JR. of State Farm Mutual.

    He himself, I believe is delusional, by to power’s of “Congress & the House of Representatives” to produce an ill effect of total Supreme Beings,

    Final or last in your life or progress,

    Rust, have a jacked up Christmas.

  • December 23, 2010 at 11:02 am
    DL 44 says:
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    Getting ahead of myself Rust, No I haven’t scene the 1993 movie: Falling Down.

    But, I’m downloading it now ***-hole

  • December 23, 2010 at 12:25 pm
    Baxtor says:
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    “An $858-billion package of tax cuts and extension of unemployment benefits that Obama hopes will create new jobs.”

    Now tell me again how extending unemployment benefits creates new jobs? Now if they allowed them to expire, that would create more jobs because more people would want to work. The people that have been on it for the last few years have figured out how to survive on it. Either living with their parents again or extra roommates. If all the money were cut off, then living rent free wouldn’t be a benefit anymore because their spending money would be gone. It would be time to get a job. This government is against working Americans! It wants to keep it’s control over us and the handouts are working.

  • December 23, 2010 at 12:26 pm
    Compman says:
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    Usually reading crap from Reuters will make me throw up in my mouth a little. After reading the first paragraph, I was ready to spew all over my monitor. You would swear by reading this that this reporter is so far up Obama’s a$$ he can’t see daylight.

  • December 23, 2010 at 12:43 pm
    Bill the agent says:
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    Physicians and Surgeons of all kinds take a specific oath that says in summary – If you can’t make things better; leave the patient alone! The alternative is to allow that the “Patient, heal thyself!” Only in the USA of today, could it be concluded that simply the act of passing legislation is considered as “productive”. It is this type of “productive” thinking by our Congress and Senate, that is driving this country into the ground. We, our Congress and Senate, would do well to leave market forces alone, and let supply and demand (cold and callous as it is) make the adjustments to meet our needs. If our Congress cannot “fix” our problems (and it has proven again and again, that it absolutely cannot!), then the most “productive” thing it can do, is do nothing. Like the oath says “Do no harm.”

  • December 23, 2010 at 12:58 pm
    Sarah says:
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    It is so funny to see the media baffled by the US voters not accepting their slant of reality. The left leaning biased media is not able to understand why voters are taking in the facts and drawing their own conclusions without just taking the position of the elite media. November 2nd was a great example of this. Come November of 2012 it will happen again unless Obama and Ried stops being so arrogant as to not listen to the people.

    End of an Error 2012!

  • December 24, 2010 at 12:59 pm
    DL 44 says:
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    “economically viable”, from the movie Falling Down. Those Certain Banks of predatory lending sure were on the turn around — To WAY VIABLE Then & Now.

    Edward Rust B. Jr., as did you know in 1998 how that also fits into welfare fraud & your Steelers Wheel fortune in the Wain,
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    County of Santa Clara Insurance Fraud, you knew it, and you also knew by the State Disability Office in Santa Clara Counties past, would do NOTHING ( to lose ) BY Standing by.

    .by (also from Wikipeda)

  • December 23, 2010 at 1:16 am
    Had Enough says:
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    Reuters has got their head in the sand here. For the past several weeks the LEFT mainstream media has been saying that the outgoing congress was the worst on record. Kind of makes you scratch your head when such a large and so called trusted information source (Reuters) makes a statement that is a 180 degrees from everyone else. I wonder who prompted them to write this junk???? I agree with many of the other statements. We, Americans, have spoken. It happened on Nov. 2 and we’ll be back in 2012. And, what we want you to remember that we are listening to what comes out of your mouths and if your votes done follow and we’ll happy to vote you out too. Embrace the will of the people. I really feel like congress and the senate should have been working on is term limits for themselves. Half the bums have been in Washington too long and need to see what it is like in the real world. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!

  • December 23, 2010 at 1:24 am
    libra says:
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    I have no problem with your theory other than is ignorant. People do tighten their belts to deal with unemployment. When I was unemployed in 2002 I lost a $52k salary with benefts. So, worked as a temp for $12/hr and tapped my 401K. I sold off some of my persnal property. Even so, I fell further behind on bills. Unemployment insurace was a help, between temp assignments, but it certainly did not replace my mid-management income or even the cost of my COBRA insurance. It took me more than a year to get a real job, and then it took several years to repay my retiremen savigs. I understand that in today’s market, temp jobs are hard to get, so have some compassion for people who are running out of resources.

  • December 23, 2010 at 1:36 am
    Upchuck says:
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    Someone please tell me that if this Congress was doing the right thing for the folks, why does it have a 13% approval rating? Passing numerous expensive Progressive Socialist bills is not my idea of doing the right thing, especially if it is ruining the economy. Instead of addressing the main problem of jobs, they had to ram through their agenda against our will. Good riddance lame ducks. The new Congress promises to be more responsible. If they aren’t, they will be shown the door like many were on 11-2.

  • December 23, 2010 at 1:46 am
    xena says:
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    Geez. I heard George Steponapolis say just this morning that the approval rate for Owebama was at 53% for all the wonderful things he and his cronies just passed… how could this article be 40% off? Don’t you just love the media? I’m with the 13%.. O’s gotta GO!

  • December 23, 2010 at 2:09 am
    Baxtor says:
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    You are the exception and you are the ones that unemployment is for, it’s the others that abuse it. Unemployment is for the people that unfortunately lose their job and need a help to get by until another job opens up. I’ve known people that have been unemployed for years. I’ve given them leads on jobs. Their reply is, “It won’t work for me, or there are too many people going to apply for it.” These were not government jobs as I could rationalize his thoughts, it was inside information on jobs and he wouldn’t even apply or call. I know others on it for three years. These individuals are not degree graduates. They are the working class, but don’t want to work. A friend of mine told me that this lady he knows has been on unemployment for three years and she loves it. Her husband makes good money and she used to work for spending money for herself. Now she doesn’t have to because the government keeps extending it. She hopes they do this forever so she never has to work again. Is this fair for the taxpayers of this country? I think not. It definitely does not create jobs like the article states.

  • December 23, 2010 at 2:22 am
    Upchuck says:
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    Xena, I think George S was referring to Obummer’s personal approval rating which is a lot different than the Pelosi/Reid Congress. The lame stream media still loves him and he cannot do any wrong in their eyes. Obummer’s rating has been hovering at 40% in prior months. He will get a temporary boost due to these bills he signed, but when he starts vetoing the budget cut bills sent next year, he will plummet to GW’s numbers. He better enjoy his vacation and golf while he can because 2011 is going to be a bumpy ride.

  • December 23, 2010 at 2:49 am
    John Cantrill says:
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    Reading comments in the on-line Insurance Journal is like attending a tea party convention. Are there no critical thinkers in the insurance industry?

  • December 23, 2010 at 2:53 am
    xena says:
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    Thank you Upchuck for explaining that to me. Yes, I would agree, a bumpy road indeed. Why the media still has on those rose-colored glasses is still a mystery to me. After last November, you would think that they would have come to their senses. Fox news at least gives more accurate reporting. At least in my opinion. I heard GS on a local news channel here in Chicago. Explains a lot.

  • December 23, 2010 at 3:34 am
    ComradeAnon says:
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    Amen brother. And this article doesn’t help. Saying that this Congress was controlled by Obama is like saying the Dems could pass a bill with a simple majority. And the American Enterprise Institute isn’t a congressional scholar. Its a conservative think tank. And If I hear “liberal media” one more time, I’m going to laugh a tooth loose.

  • December 23, 2010 at 3:44 am
    Gep says:
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    Productive? Wrong word. What a misnomer to describe this congress. “INCOMPETENT” is much better adjective to describe them.

  • December 23, 2010 at 4:01 am
    Wondering says:
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    There are however lots of “unemployed” that work for pay under the table. This encourages these leeches to take full advantage of 99 weeks of partime vacation.

  • December 23, 2010 at 5:47 am
    nobody important says:
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    Yes there are Cantrill. They, unlike progressives, live in the real world. Not some liberal paradise. Liberals such as yourself always assume that they are the smartest kids in the room and usually aren’t. When a Congress and President can cram through a wish list of legislation at the last minute that they had two years to pass I have to wonder what kind of nightmares are lurking in the unread wording.

  • December 24, 2010 at 7:52 am
    nobody important says:
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    Good grief, the State Farm hater is back. Merry Christmas insane person. We would ask you to stay, but it would keep you from going.

  • December 24, 2010 at 7:57 am
    ComradeAnon says:
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    You’re proving his point.

  • December 24, 2010 at 10:13 am
    Sarah says:
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    The problem with the hypocritical ivy league elite’s who claim to be for the oppressed poor. In reality they are lazy students who never grew up and faced the world as it is, but rather sat on their a*s and wished for a utopia. They always have worked for others and blamed capitalism for their fear of risk based failures in life. So lets get back to their claims of critical thinking. As Ronald Reagan said, “Its not that liberals are not smart, its that they know so much about what isnt true.” They live in a world that does not exist.

    When faced with facts reason and logic, they always revert to an emotional outburst filled with factless ridicule and name calling. Its funny, Just read their posts.


  • December 24, 2010 at 10:20 am
    DL 44 says:
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    Crazy / Who Can I Count On

    For Support — give a big cheer on 5 for this (P.O.S.) State Farm Insurance – Pro’ this of Washington WAC?

    Glad to have left under such hostile hospitality, and plan not to have any reservations about coming back.

  • December 24, 2010 at 11:24 am
    ComradeAnon says:
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    Please grace us with some of your facts.

  • December 24, 2010 at 4:08 am
    nobody important says:
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    What point? You and the Ed Rust hater have no actual points.

  • December 27, 2010 at 9:52 am
    Upchuck says:
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    And now our wonderful federal government is bringing back the “Death Panel” to Obamacare wanting coverage for end of life visits with doctors. Remember when they had to back off of that when it was protested nationwide? They are determined to resurrect it. Hey Seniors! Take a pain pill because your life doesn’t mean anything anymore and you are not allowed to have a hip replacement or any surgery.

  • December 27, 2010 at 10:12 am
    MOAgent says:
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    Upchuck, you’re a complete and utter baffoon; just like Palin.

    These are not death panels and they don’t decide anyone’s treatment moron.

    In the past, Medicare refused to cover end of life consults with physicians for end of life planning for those with a terminal disease and for whom THEIR DOCTORS HAD ADVISED AGAINST FURTHER TREATMENT…

    You know, psychological counseling, helping you understand what is coming and how to prepare and working with the families of those in that unfortunate position.

    You really should leave the country and take the rest of your ilk with you. Our national IQ average will jump through the roof!

  • December 27, 2010 at 10:50 am
    Observer says:
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    Mo, how do you think this government is going to cut $500Bil out of Medicare unless they deny treatment and operations for seniors? They might get $100-200 Bil from fraud and waste (which no administration has ever done), but the problem with this bill and administration is that it is not cost efficient for seniors to receive treatment. To cover end of life visits will be less costly to them.

  • December 27, 2010 at 11:58 am
    Bill says:
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    Well stated. Marco Rubio seems to get it; part of his victory speech went:

    “…we make a grave mistake if we believe that tonight these results are somehow an embrace of the Republican Party. What they are is a second chance. A second chance for Republicans to be what they said they were going to be not so long ago.”

    We’ll see, soon enough.

  • December 27, 2010 at 1:09 am
    Observer says:
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    Rubio is a comer. I don’t know how much noise he can make as a junior senator, but McConnell better not make the mistake of discounting him. If I were McConnell, I would put Rubio in charge of a major committee and let him wreak havoc with the Demwits.

  • December 28, 2010 at 8:50 am
    MOAgent says:
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    Perfectly tuned nonsense amid the clutter Observer. Apples to oranges to spirit in our industry’s language.

    Fiscal projections are made and pushed without support and without any concept of how those projections will be met all the time; its politics 101.

    This bill is absolutely no different.

    Only the truly warped mind of the far right pundit drones can take an added benefit of “end of life counseling” and turn it into a fear mongering political hack tool.

    It disgusts me to no end that seemingly intelligent people will embrace political partisanship and then chase the rabbits hole to the end of the earth rather than see the light.

    Show us your data, show us the language from the bill….. No??? Why not???

    Because it doesn’t exists and you’re a simple pawn spewing more misconceptions rather than trying to be a part of the solution.

    I’ll here, laughing my head off in 2 more years when droves upon droves of supporters flock to Mitt Romney once again.

    Ever take a look at the legislation he pushed and signed into law in MA?

    Time to get enlightened if you’re still able to think for yourself without a political pundit telling you what to think.

  • December 28, 2010 at 10:12 am
    Tiresis says:
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    GO, MO!

    Well said. Also well said about the Marco Rubio comment: the GOP thinks it has a mandate, but I wonder how many people voted positively or negatively as a protest against all the shenanigans and lack of response of our congressional leaders. Unfortunately, in a solid two party system, we have no place else to go exept to the other party to register our voter protest. Either that, or not vote at all….

    We shall see what happens in 2012, but I would think that the “mandate” is not as strong as those on the right chose to think it is.

  • December 28, 2010 at 10:26 am
    Observer says:
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    Mo, You are the typical Progressive Liberal true believer in Obamacare and the redistribution of wealth scheme they are foisting on the American People. Had you been paying attention, you would know that after the outcry about the Death Panels, it was taken out of the language of the bill. Now, the administration and the Medicare Director has slipped it back in through the back door. Of course they didn’t want the folks to find out about it since it is an executive order. What part of Marxism/Socialism do you not understand? This is the challenge of Conservatives to keep this outlaw administration from doing things behind our back. They should be thoroughly investigated and demands for resignation of these bad actors.

  • December 28, 2010 at 11:54 am
    DL 44 says:
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    That would be a swell idea, 100-200 Bil+. back out of the Insures ^ & Wall Street^ backer’s, who profited *meant Prolifted — from Medi-cal/Medicare.

    Fraud Money back into medicare/medi-cal, What’s the problem?

    Too many people would lose their “Gov John-Jobs” hehe “Private Sector/Gov Jobs?

    Would there actually be improvement to this shame of elder abuse & genuine oversight?

    Only way I suspect there would be is some serious jail time had now & before for their contempt.

    These Private Sector controlled criminals posers, working as Government? Just doesn’t add up! as examples for the people who protest against other Insurance Frauds either, Sarbanes Oxley Compliance.

    WOW! let the records open and those out of the closet, for that Act.

    A Short History of Medicaid

    Another viable OPTION. (Withholding & for dumping me into welfare & Medi-cal too.)

    Absolutely NO oversight to the Mr. Philip Driver’s responsibility as LIAR & Cheater salesman of State Farm insurance coverage.

    Makes me as an American, Proud! What about you Philip Daniel Drive the 3rd. Someone like your self who’s family is more Important, as that….by

    Bloomington, Illinois, of State Farm Auto Insurance?

  • December 29, 2010 at 8:46 am
    Upchuck says:
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    Wow DL, what have you been smoking? Your post is so rambling and disjointed, most people don’t even know what the point is you are trying to make.

    As an Independent, I have no use for State Farm. They seem to play be different rules from the other markets and routinely defy insurance departments in many states about rates etc. They write so many policies they figure they can run the market and the others will fall in behind.

  • January 3, 2011 at 10:41 am
    MOAgent says:
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    Had you been paying attention, you would know that after the outcry about the Death Panels, it was taken out of the language of the bill. Now, the administration and the Medicare Director has slipped it back in through the back door. Of course they didn’t want the folks to find out about it since it is an executive order”


    Come on, show us all the proof!!!!!

  • January 3, 2011 at 11:49 am
    nobody important says:
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    It’s not labeled death panels so it doesn’t exist. Liberals can’t see it unless it has a specific label.

  • January 3, 2011 at 1:28 am
    Observer says:
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    You are right Nobody. Mo doesn’t get it and hasn’t been paying attention. Anybody can see that putting back in the language that will pay doctors to have “end of life” consultations in this bill and cut Medicare by $500Bil to end treatments or ration their care will hasten their death. You don’t have to name it Death Panels to see the picture. Seniors are not cost efficient in this Healthcare fiasco so the sooner they go, the better it is to them.

  • January 4, 2011 at 8:26 am
    MOAgent says:
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    What you and nobody aren’t willing to discuss are the finer points.

    The “payment to Doctors for end of life services” doesn’t dictate the primary physician provide said services.

    In fact, the bill is quite clear that this is to cover services provided by physicians who are NOT involved in the primary care. Think psychological counseling, financial planning, etc.

    The bill has nothing to do with things like pain management, etc. because that treatment is already provided and paid for. You’re leaping to conclusions which are being directed to you by the far right tea baggers who want to manipulate you through fear.

    I’m not worried about there being a label kids. I want to see what you’re so pumped up about and you have nothing but supposition and wacky interpretation.

    Nothing more, nothing less.

  • January 4, 2011 at 8:30 am
    MOAgent says:
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    I wanted to add that it is unseemly and sad that the party of faith and Christian values is more worried about pushing science & medicine, even after a physician has concluded nothing more can be done to treat, then they are about providing compassion, love and respect for those who are leaving the earthly realm.

    Absolutely twisted logic, failed in every possible way and perfectly clear that political spew has overwhelmed even the most common of senses.

  • January 4, 2011 at 10:09 am
    Observer says:
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    Mo, we don’t need the government incentivizing doctors to tell patients about end of life decisions. A good doctor with a geriatric practice has been doing that for years and didn’t have the government telling him he can get paid more for giving advice. Many times, the family has to make decisions about their elderly parents about Nursing Homes, hospice, DNR living wills etc. We also don’t want doctors giving any advice on financial planning. Doctors are nortoriouly bad dealing with finances.

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