U.S. Appeals Court Hears Arguments Over Healthcare Mandate Today

By and | May 10, 2011

  • May 10, 2011 at 2:18 pm
    agent says:
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    The quicker this case gets to the Supreme Court, the better. The Progressives seek to delay, appeal and delay some more hoping that the law will gain too much momentum to be stopped and ruled unconstitutional. No doubt it is unconstitutional to mandate that a person buy a product or service or face a fine or tax.

  • May 10, 2011 at 2:40 pm
    Norm CT says:
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    I can’t wait to see how they rule. Of the 3 judges picked, all were appointed by democratic presidents, 2 by Obama. I will always wonder if the reason they wanted to go through the appeals process was to take as long as possible in case he got to make another appointment to the Supreme Court. No, a politician with an agenda wouldn’t do that would he?

    • May 10, 2011 at 4:18 pm
      The Other Point of View says:
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      agent: Are you required to purchase car insurance for your car? You say there’s “No doubt” but two courts have already ruled it Constutional, two courts have ruled it’s not Constitutional. Obviously, it’s not “clear.” One thing they teach you in law school is that when someone starts saying that it’s “clear” it usually means it’s not.

      Norm: If any current serving justice on the Supreme Court resigns or retires, or dies, the most likely candidate for that to happen is the elderly, and frail of health Ruth Bader Ginsburg. So, why would the President be trying to delay the case? So that he can replace a liberal justice with another liberal justice? What does that get you?

      The law isn’t gaining momentum. In fact many state legislatures are refusing to implement it. Bills in Congress are being passed to prohibit funding of the law. Delays only prolong the ultimate implementation of the law, so Progressives don’t want a delay.

      You know, the same mandate to purchase health insurance is currently the law in Massachusetts, thanks to Mitt Romney, and guess what? People love the law. Almost everyone is insured.

      • May 10, 2011 at 4:40 pm
        agent says:
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        Hey Other. I’ve got some news for you. There are several million people in this country who don’t own a car. Would you mandate they buy car insurance even if they don’t have a car to insure?
        This President is fond of saying “Let me be perfectly clear” and then he lies and muddies the water over and over. Where is the transparency he promised? Romneycare is as a colossal failure in Massachusetts and the mill stone aroung Romney’s neck. It is bankrupting that state just like Obamacare will bankrupt the country. The entitlement people probably like it because they have little skin in the game.

        • May 10, 2011 at 5:07 pm
          The Other Point of View says:
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          No, I would not mandate that someone who does not own a car should have to buy car insurance. But if you buy a car you have to buy car insurance. You will agree with that won’t you? The argument for forced pruchase of health insurance is that EVERYONE in this country uses health care. At some point, they will have to go to a doctor or a hospital, or they’ll have an accident and be taken to the emergency room. Everyone uses the system, so everyone should be insured.

          Romneycare is very popular in Massachusetts. It’s a milstoen around hsi neck because he’s running for President and Republican voters don’t like it. It’s not a milstone because it doesn’t work.

      • May 10, 2011 at 5:07 pm
        Norm CT says:
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        I have a son-in-law living in MA. Was lower management in a CTsupermarket that gave everyone a buyout (W healthcare) cause they were closing stores. 2 weeks later they filed chapter 7 and now only the unions get the buyout and MA is fineing him for not being able to afford healthcare. A retired friend moved to MA last year, bought the required package then got fined 1000 for not purchasing mental health coverage. Many MA residents do not “love the law” Oh yes, don’t forget it is a program designed for the residents with their imput. Now they don’t know how to pay for it either. Obamacare is a federal plan back-doored into law that you could “read it after you pass it” Don’t think MA took 500 billion out of medicare to make it look affordable either.

  • May 10, 2011 at 5:19 pm
    The Other Point of View says:
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    There’s the article from Reuters. 84% of people in Massachusetts like the plan.

    You know, the funny thing about the mandate is that the idea was first raised by Republicans during the Clinton presidency, because Republicans loved the idea of forcing people to buy insurance from private health insurance companies. That was in response to the Democratic plan at that time to create a single-payer government run system. Now that Democrats have embraced the Republican idea, all of a sudden, Republicans don’t like it.

    • May 10, 2011 at 5:47 pm
      agent says:
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      You are talking about the RINO Republicans, aren’t you? The John McCain/Lindsey Graham’s of the world do not represent Conservative Republicans. They have been so busy reaching across the aisle buying into Progressivism, they lost touch with the folks. We certainly don’t need any more of these elitists in office.

    • May 10, 2011 at 6:58 pm
      Some Insurance Guy says:
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      It is so increadibly easy to manipulate polls to make them say whatever you want them to say. Here is a poll that says they have mixed feelings about it


  • May 10, 2011 at 5:57 pm
    Norm CT says:
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    Bottem line if it was such a great plan they wouldn’t have done the whole process in one party meetings and stuffing it down our throats. Oh, perhaps they wouldn’t have had to lie about all the ‘savings’ we would see from it. We wouldn’t have to plan on being taxed to death to pay for it. Only an idiot would beleive you cvan cover an additional 30 million people for less than the current costs. No tort reform so attorneys can keep suing the medical profession, hospitals etc and run up malpractice costs. Now the info is comming out about cutting what they pay for procedures to the caregivers. You can go on all you like, the less you pay, the less you get. Why do people from Canada and EU come here for procedures. I didn’t see anything in the mainstream media last year about the lady from England that was on a waiting list for a procedure, came here for the operation because her illness ws so advanced she would not have lived long enough to reach her scheduled date. The member of Parlament who came here, the Saudi who came nere… How long do you think we’ll have world class healthcare when we don’t fund it properly. We have a president and politicans trying control businesses and most of them have no clue what it is all about. Al they know how to do is tax and spend.

    They are borrowing .43 cents of every dollar they spend and they want the limit on their credit raised. God help our grandchildren !!!

    • May 11, 2011 at 9:40 am
      agent says:
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      Norm, You are right. The Progressive argument is always for more entitlements, more spending and wealth redistribution. They don’t live in reality and don’t really care that the country is flat broke, largely due to the entitlements they champion. The Healthcare issue could have been solved years ago by passing common sense solutions, but instead they opted for ramming the Progressive Utopian plan down America’s throat at a time of fiscal crisis. The economy is in the tank and they think they can add another trillion or so to the debt and everything will be great. America awakened from its slumber on 11-2-10 and the result was a rejection of Progressive solutions to problems. Conservatism is on the rise and spread to Canada and they just swept out the libtards there. Hopefully, the same will happen in the US in 12.

  • May 11, 2011 at 8:01 am
    NotOpinionatedJustRight says:
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    It’s simple…just like the helmet laws….it should be state mandated…then as an American..one can simply choose to move to a state that requires healthcare whether you are for or against it!

  • May 17, 2011 at 4:18 pm
    Rusty says:
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    I hope the panel of judges will shoot down the mandate as being unconstitutional because nowhere in the Constitution is there any specific power for the federal government to institute such a mandate on individuals. If they rule that the commerce clause is sufficiently ambiguous, or broad enough, to allow this, then we should be prepared to lose more and more of our freedoms, which, by the way, our brave military has shed many lives for, as the federal government reaches out for additional powers to control peoples’ lives.

    It is interesting that the as courts have been used so often to expand federal power beyond the intent of the Constitution, in absence of an ability to get a particular agenda issue into law, they are now called upon to actually limit federal power. Let’s see if it works both ways.

  • May 17, 2011 at 5:02 pm
    Amazed says:
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    Rusty, I agree with you that the Federal Government has overreached on this issue. I saw an interesting piece today on the internet that we are now up to 1,372 waivers granted from Obamacare. Only a few short months ago, it was a little over 200 corporations and unions wanting to be granted the waivers. The list grows ever longer and the State of Nevada (Dirty Harry’s state) has requested a waiver from implementing the law. If we needed further proof that the law is unworkable, this is it. Perhaps all 50 states should request a waiver as well. You shouldn’t be giving waivers for one state under the Equal Protection clause and not giving it to others. This law needs to go away and soon.

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