Brooke Corp. Fines Pale Next to Pain Caused by Franchise Scheme

By Heather Hollingsowrth | May 16, 2011

  • May 16, 2011 at 1:59 pm
    AZInsMan says:
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    I actually flew to Overland Park/Kansas City for a meeting with Lowry and several other of these clowns.

    The purpose for the meeting changed entirely once I was in their conference room. These idiots were the most arrogant thieves I had ever met. They tried to push me into a deal whereby I would give up all my assets for a “promise”.

    I stood up in a conference room of 20+ thieves and told them to F themselves. They were thieves and their HOUSE of CARDS would be unraveling very soon.

    There SHOULD be jail sentences as everyone of these guys KNEW what was happening and HOW they were stealing from innocent victims in order to continue their sham.

    JAIL AND money should go to victims NOT the SEC. The SEC did not lose any money…

  • May 16, 2011 at 2:51 pm
    CompanyGuy says:
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    Millions missing and the SEC fines are 400K, 250K and less. Great job SEC, this will be a real deterrent to future grifters. The missing money is all in off-shore accounts and Brooke executives can now pay their traffic ticket fine and go enjoy their stolen loot while everyone from insurers doing business with Brooke agencies, the agency owners and producers as well as the policyholders paid the price. A second crime has now been committed, this time by the SEC. Unfortunately white collar crime apparently does pay and the SEC may as well not exist.

  • May 17, 2011 at 10:26 am
    Erin B says:
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    Yeah, yeah – Robert Orr blames it on the ‘credit crisis’. NOT! The downfall of Brooke was plain, simple and a common denominator in all white collar crimes….GREED AND EGO! The regulatory agencies WERE notified but failed to protect. I know for a FACT that the FTC, IRS, FBI, SEC, US ATTORNEY GENERAL, STATE AG’s OFFICES AND STATE DOI’s were notified and complaint forms filed and NOTHING was done. If the regulatory agencies would have done thier jobs these crooks would not have hurt nearly the number of agents. This sounds like the perfect episode for American Greed. Email me and I’ll be happy to share my evidence and proof!

    • May 21, 2011 at 10:51 am
      tom says:
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      I was on the company side working with these crooks. I have never experienced such a bunch of ego driven losers in my 30 yr ins career.

      The sad part is the agents that bought into this scam. I ‘m sorry for your loss Erin, please tell me more.

      • May 28, 2011 at 10:38 pm
        Erin B says:
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        When the agents were ‘sold’ on the system during about 2003 through 2005 there were no negative comments to be found. Brooke ‘stong armed’ agents in speaking highly and the stock looked good without complaints…..agents were literally threatened by Brooke execs and regulatory agencies ignored complaints that were properly filed (in writing on proper forms). In my prior post I listed the agencies that were notified (properly and more than once by numerous victims)….they sure disappointed! Email and I can give you more information.

  • June 16, 2011 at 3:39 pm
    brett says:
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    does anyone know how stockton national bank was involved as vice president wilderman and president beougher both found new jobs by the end of may. i know they had lost money from dealings with BROOKE as it was in the paper or something back when it filed for bankruptcy ! huuum the mystery

    • August 6, 2012 at 11:48 am
      Michele says:
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      What did you ever find out?

  • December 23, 2011 at 10:09 am
    Bill says:
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    I was involved with these people in my funeral home business, they would charge me different interest rates every month, I was forced to sign a management agreement,any they forced me right out the door, They are Greedy lying crooks, I hope they all serve time,

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