Judges Question Individual Mandate in Healthcare Law

By | June 10, 2011

  • June 10, 2011 at 9:17 am
    Tom French says:
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    When judges make decisions they must remember that decision affects maybe one person’s outcome or the entire nation’s outcome. In this case it is we the people who stand to lose with an incorrect decision. If the law is upheld it will force all of us to have to carry health insurance whether we want it or not even though we should be doing just that. That put simply is too much power for the federal government to have or even individual states. It puts us at the mercy of the insurance companies with no real competition to gain our services. Just look at automobile insurance requirements in the states. They vary from state to state with some states such as Kentucky where I live with fewer choices in auto insurance versus another state such as Ohio which has lower rates. When the government intervenes with requirements such as these the consumer always ends up losing.

  • June 10, 2011 at 1:47 pm
    Chuck says:
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    If you’re going mandate that everyone has a right to some basic level of emergency medical care, as this country has done, you need to mandate that everyone shoulder the responsibility to pay their share (or as close as they can) for that level of care. Once again, this country wants the benefits of a civilized country, but doesn’t want to pay the price. Whether it’s acheived through an individual mandate or a tax, it’s the only way to get people in this country to fulfill that responsibility. If you don’t want to pay for it, that basic level of care should not be guaranteed.

    • June 10, 2011 at 2:23 pm
      doyourpart says:
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      I agree! There are so many people that could afford to buy insurance but select to buy other non-necessities. Then when they get sick, or their child gets sick, they pass it on the us socially responsible people that HAVE purchased insurance when not covered through employment. I am tired of the people that tout individual rights, but when they need care they are the first in line screaming if they don’t get it, and they continue to not care, because the rest of us are forced to pay for them. People need to understand that medical insurance is necessary – period.

    • June 10, 2011 at 3:51 pm
      Mike N says:
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      No. Actually, the way to achieve this is through personal responsibility. For example, I pay for my health insurance. I also pay for my co-pays, coinsurance, and deductibles. My family has a friend who is very successful and wealthy. This person does not pay health insurance. Rather, this person pays doctors directly for their care. Everyone can do the exact same thing. However, there are many who do not pay their bills. Yet, what does the government do about those people? Do they stop every other form of public support, thereby forcing them to pay, like fathers who skip out on child support? No. My question is, why? And, of course there are guarantees of basic healtcare. It’s called Medicaid. So, this level is ALREADY being paid. The program is there, it is just mismanaged and corrupt. Like ALL government.

      • June 13, 2011 at 7:59 am
        Tawana says:
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        Key word Mike, is “wealthy” and do you define being successful with being wealthy???? Have you seen the cost of medical treatment?????? How are people who can barely make ends meet who don’t have medical coverage because there employer doesn’t offer or they can’t afford supposed to pay for medical treatment? An average doctor’s visit is in excess of $100 if you don’t have medical insurance yet that same visits cost your medical insurance company approxmiately $50-$60. Something has to be done about medical insurance in this country because there are too many working individuals who don’t have it and not because they choose not to have it. Medicaid is for the “poor” and senior as it is based on income eligibility. What about the middle class who pays for everything in this friggin’ country.

  • June 10, 2011 at 2:02 pm
    Wayne says:
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    The government will never know who has health insurance and who doesn’t. You make up a name and policy number and give them that info. It is logistically impossible to check; the states can’t do it with auto insurance and that is a much smaller program.

    • June 10, 2011 at 2:27 pm
      Fred says:
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      Wayne, They’d know very quickly. You go to the doctors office today, they ask for your insurance card and within a few minutes they’ve verified coverage.

  • June 10, 2011 at 2:04 pm
    No Free Lunch says:
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    I fail to see why Congress can’t just mandate that everyone is entitled to a certain amount of money. Or wait, they’ve basically done that. I work for a living, but see so many using cards to buy items I work for.

    What next? Illegal aliens are entitled to reduced tuition at state colleges that U.S. ictizens outside the state are not?

    Oops, that been done, and is legal.

    I guess I need to renounce my U.S. citizenship, get smuggled into the country illegally, and stay for long enough in Califexico, and get reduced tuition.

  • June 10, 2011 at 2:24 pm
    Fred says:
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    The Supreme Court may just rule that the penalty for not having insurance is a tax and sidestep the whole mandate issue. If this law is overturned, the only other way to restain cost would be to provide Medicare for all. We’d all pay a actuarially based premium in the form of a tax, gov’t would then pay all HC bills. That way one would not be obligated to buy private insurance but it would get everyone in the system. Also, if this law is overturned, what would be the impact on Medicare and SS? Both are in essence forced insurance programs.

    • June 13, 2011 at 8:02 am
      Tawana says:
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      Not to mention all those college grads who cannot find jobs and have thousands of dollars in student loans. At least they can now have medical coverage. What will happen to them if this law is overturned. While not the greatest “healthcare reform” option, it is better than nothing and instead of trying to overturn it, these politicians should be looking to enhance it with better terms for the people.

  • June 10, 2011 at 5:27 pm
    SLICKKK1 says:
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    One of the biggest threats to the constitution is politicians who are willing to sell our constitutional rights for political gain. I am amazed that I have not heard anyone indicate their concern that our Congress, which should be upholding the Constitution, would pass a law that could very well be found to be unconstitutional. Our president, who taught constitutional law signed it into law. Are these the kinds of folks we want representing us? The individual mandate exists because the Democrats did not want to raise taxes during an election year. The attitude seems to be: violate the constitution if it suits your political needs. How about this: Find a way to implement health care reform within the bounds of the constitution.

  • June 10, 2011 at 7:31 pm
    Drew says:
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    To all those people like Fred who think the government mandate will eliminate the uninsured…

    It will not eliminate the uninsured. Most of the uninsured do not go to a doctor’s office and admit they don’t have an insurance card. When they want medical care – whether it’s for a broken arm or a cold – they go to the nearest emergency room, where they cannot be turned away and do not pay a dime. The hospital has no realistic way of collecting from these people. And the government has no way of tracking most of them because they do not have valid social security numbers, drivers licenses or even addresses. So, the mandate will not eliminate the uninsured – it will just allow the government to take away another freedom from the rest of us.

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