States to Learn Details of Health Insurance Exchanges Today

By and Andrew Seaman | July 11, 2011

  • July 11, 2011 at 2:35 pm
    Realist says:
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    Here’s the Plan:

    You have some money?, well there’s people who don’t and they need yours….never mind you’ve been saving and working all your life and they haven’t. We want and will take your money and benefits. Never mind you kept your family small to afford it and they didn’t.

  • July 11, 2011 at 3:05 pm
    agent says:
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    Sebelius and her cohorts plan to implement this plan one way or another. If the States do it, it will be under supervision of the Feds, if not she will do it for them and we will end up with the single payer option they wanted to start with. Two things could derail this. 1. Supreme Court strikes the law down 2. We change out the Presidency and the new President repeals it. Who knows how it will all turn out, but my money is on the American People who had this rammed down their throat and are going to rise up to get rid of this monstrocity.

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