MetLife to Sell Banking Unit to Avoid ‘Too Big To Fail’ Regulation

By and | July 22, 2011

  • July 22, 2011 at 9:16 am
    Tim says:
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    The idea that MetLife, a company that breaks the law everyday, wants a level playing field is amusing.

    If someone wants to look at unfair playing fields, they should look at MetLife’s leased employee scheme, which saves MetLife 30-40 million a year, illegally.

    Or take a look at the illegal employement classification of MetLife’s FSRs, which saves the company 10-20 million a year in unemployement taxes.

    Then take a look at the health care discrimination inside of MetLife’s employee health plan; discrimination, which requires MetLife to pay a billion dollars in excise taxes, which they are not paying.

    A health plan that requires FSRs to sell MetLife products to receive a subsidy from MetLife.

    Some of these FSRs are acting as a fiduciary; the client is unaware that the FSRs health insurance premiums are tied to the sale of MetLife products.

    Metlife also charges their FSRs thousands of dollars a year for a bogus cost of goods and services. Best guess, this is allowing MetLife to receive illegal tax free revenue or tax deductions.

    • July 22, 2011 at 10:33 am
      customer says:
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      As a customer of Metlife, I am not surprised to read your post. I believe that they misprocess claims daily, in the hope that the majority of their less educated customers do not follow up or fight for their rights.

      MetLife, based on my experience, is disgusting- I only hope 60 minutes or 20/20 gets their teeth into what appears to be their flagrant business practices.

  • July 22, 2011 at 1:36 pm
    barb wired says:
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    in the old days, the government passed laws against monopolies, which prevented this too big to fail garbage investors and bank leaders keep preaching, so their stock options don’t ‘fail’. too bad our leaders list to their re-election supports in lieu of the laws on the books.

  • July 22, 2011 at 2:03 pm
    secretagentman says:
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    Insurance Journal grammar fail – “Too big too fail”

  • July 25, 2011 at 8:37 am
    Regulator says:
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    If I am not mistaken, they got into the banking business in a big way so that they could access the Federally backed TARP financial windows. As long as they can use the government to their advantage, that’s fine, now the “oversight” and strengthening of the rules that got these companies into trouble are tightening, and they don’t want to play. Hypocrisy at its best.

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