Ealy In, Young Out as President at Allstate’s Encompass

August 25, 2011

  • August 25, 2011 at 2:17 pm
    Longtime Agent says:
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    Tis the season for change with the good hands people. Encompass sucks at Personal Lines. We made the mistake of having them for several years until they got uncompetitive on about everything. We had to move business to keep it and it gradually melted away until we terminated them. Allstate will also find many of thier captive agents leaving as a result of throwing them under the bus with all their actions.

    • August 25, 2011 at 3:59 pm
      Kevin L says:
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      I’ve been an Encompass agent for almost thirty years in NY and FL. Though they’ve had their share of rough spots, I’m glad to have them as a carrier. In states where they write auto and home, the Universal Security Package Policy is tough to beat in coverage.

    • August 26, 2011 at 9:04 am
      sales count says:
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      Much the same at Farmers the Swiss owned company. They undermined their agents and market share dropped so they decided to grow by acquistions ala Brisol West and 21 Century.

  • November 13, 2011 at 8:39 pm
    elizabeth says:
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    well, if Encompass’ personal lines ‘sucked’ maybe that’s why they have a new president (not to mention some other changes in that area)
    what i’ve heard lately, since Ealy came on board, sounds promising.

    let’s just see what happens.

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