States Offer U.S. Banks Deal Over Mortgage Lawsuits: Financial Times

September 6, 2011

  • September 6, 2011 at 2:18 pm
    Longtime Agent says:
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    So these banks can just make a payment to these states and it will go away. Why are these perpetrators not in jail like Bernie Madoff for their schemes? The answer is that the States are strapped for cash and if they can get some from the banks, that is what they will do. Unfortunately, the taxpayers have already bailed these banks out so all this is on our dime.

  • September 6, 2011 at 4:29 pm
    The Other Point of View says:
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    What Bernie Madoff did was illegal, so he went to jail. What these banks did was perfectly legal. It was slimy and morally repugnant, but legal. That’s what happens when you loosen regulations to the point that businesses do whatever they feel like doing.

    In response to the “how could this have happened?” financial crisis of 2008-2009, Congress passed Dodd-Frank which is intended to reign in these financial institutions to prevent what happened before. And what has been the response from the people who create sound bites for the Republican Party? “Obama is killing us with regulations!”

    So, we can either regulate these banks and other financial institutions that cause these problems, making what they did illegal, or, we can let history repat itself and let it happen all over again. Your call.

    • September 7, 2011 at 11:02 am
      Longtime Agent says:
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      In my view, what the banks did was slimy, repugnant and also illegal since there was deception involved. These people had to know this was not a good thing to perpetrate on the buyers. The buyers of these packages of loans were also at fault and were probably greedy as well. It is amazing how stupid people were when this was going on.

  • September 8, 2011 at 12:08 am
    joey says:
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    in 1987 they made loans for the little people in the world for a dream of being home owners called ajustable the rates rose some people would be able to pay an some not these were forclosed on or went to us depart of hud they took over and charge large fees and interest on moneys u fell behign on then after paying thousands in fees an secuitised interest and not a sent going on that 1 payment u fell behign on.and paying the normal morgage payment.hud reallize sometime between 1994 0r 1995 it went to court .hud could not keep track of the loans then hud sold them to services like ocwen and others that tack on more fees forclosed on more home and home own getting stress out to the point of getting themself sick.some even just walked away.mods are to help them get a couple of years of payments charge u thounds more in fees an take your house in the end, do to thousands in fees they tack on to your loan they well forclose and then sell the house to a young couple an do it all again ,they dont have the notes they have to robo .more companys looked at this and got greedy to and made things worse. one more thought there are no jobs in america but customer service u talk to are not in america!!!!!!!!!!!! lol and our goverment knows!! who is protecting us.

  • September 10, 2011 at 1:28 am
    joey says:
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    i got it they should put these bankers all in jail freeze all there money. then goverment can start alot of little companys in u.s.a giving people jobs to go thew the morgages see how much they sold from some home owners and give it back with alittle extra and then with all moneys that are left start a company that protects home owner alot more .not like the ones we have now that say we cant do anything were here to answer the phone and take a complait but thats it we need people who can protect home owers with laws and courts .it seems to me right now that are goverment going to let them pay a little fee after what they have done .and then it can happen all again .put them in jail because the only dream i have any more is seeing the ceo wife in a shelter with her kids trying to find a job.and i man that really works hard. and does not steal from people

  • September 12, 2011 at 10:14 am
    Longtime Agent says:
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    Joey, I generall agree with you, but I don’t want the government to start any companies since they are supremely ignorant of how business works. Last year, they gave $535 million tax payer dollars to the solar panel company in California which just went belly up and laid off 1,000 workers. The only way to create jobs is to give incentives to the small business sector for tax breaks and getting rid of stifling regulations. Free up the oil/gas industry and they will create 250,000 good paying jobs and as a bonus, we can become energy independent.

    • September 12, 2011 at 11:27 pm
      joey says:
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      well for one this is about the bankers and there greed there fees and getting away with robo signing and all the bullshit they do to home as far as solar panels they are new. all new companys have up and downs.the guestion is was there a greedy person that was in charge of this company did they really think most people can pay 10000 or more for solar panels for there homes not.i think it will turn around in time, they should look more into it and when prices came down on solar panels i shore it will far as gas stop!!! gas blows up !!! this will be are next torror attack !!!drilling for oil in the ocean look what just happen it killed millions of birds fish.Think Safety First Not Greed !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

  • September 13, 2011 at 12:59 pm
    Longtime Agent says:
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    Joey, It is all about politics with this administration. The officers of this company were big contributors to the Democratic Party and Obama. They probably made their contributions with our tax payer dollars. This green agenda has not worked anywhere. Spain tried it and they are almost bankrupt. Seattle got $20 million for weatherizing and created 14 jobs. Pretty expensive way to create jobs, don’t you think and they will all be gone when the money runs out. The only way to do it is private sector and to create the energy we need with incentives to develop, not having the Feds do it. They are very lousy at creating good jobs.

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