U.S. Sues Allied Home Mortgage for Lending Fraud

By | November 1, 2011

  • November 1, 2011 at 2:58 pm
    PM says:
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    Well what do you expect? Big Govt. says relax the rules so everyone can own a home, but when that becomes the ship wrech that we all new it would, hold the banks responsible for lending.

    Chris Dodd and Barney Frank should be in jail!

    Remember the liberal government that can give you everything can also take it away.

  • November 2, 2011 at 9:52 am
    Waterbug says:
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    Well put PM. Chris and Barney should be in jail along with Franklin Raines and others who made many millions of dollars in salaries and bonuses at Freddie and Fannie while losing billions of taxpayer dollars with their reckless practices.

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